< Job 31 >
1 “I solemnly promised myself that I would not look at a young woman with a desire [to have sex with her].
“Ndakaita sungano nameso angu kuti ndirege kutarisa musikana noruchiva.
2 [If I did not do what I promised, ] what would God who is in heaven [MTY] do to me [RHQ]? Almighty [God] would certainly not [RHQ] give me any reward!
Nokuti mugove womunhu unobva kumusoro kuna Mwari ndoweiko, iyo nhaka yake inobva kuna Wamasimba Ose?
3 [Previously I thought that] surely [RHQ] it was unrighteous people who would experience calamities, and that it was those who do what is wrong who would experience disasters.
Ko, hakuzi kuparadzwa kwavakaipa, nenjodzi kuna avo vanoita zvakaipa here?
4 God certainly sees [RHQ] everything that I do, [so why is he causing me to suffer?] [It is as though] he counts every step that I take.
Ko, iye haaoni nzira dzangu uye haaverengi nhambwe dzangu dzose here?
5 [“I solemnly declare that] I have never acted wickedly and have never tried to deceive people.
“Kana ndakafamba nenzira yenhema kana kuti tsoka dzangu dzakamhanyira kunyengera,
6 I request only that God judge me fairly [MET], and if he does that, he will know that I (am innocent/have not done what is wrong).
Mwari ngaandiyere pachiyero chakatendeka uye achaziva kuti handina mhosva,
7 If [it were true that] I have stopped living righteously, or [that] I [SYN] have desired the things that I look at [MTY], or [that] I am guilty of any other sin,
kana tsoka dzangu dzakatsauka kubva pagwara, kana kuti mwoyo wangu wakatevera meso angu, kana kuti maoko angu akasvibiswa,
8 then I hope/wish that when I plant [seeds], someone else will [harvest the crops and] eat [them] and that others will uproot the [fruit trees] that I planted.
ipapo vamwe ngavadye zvandakadyara, uye mbesa dzangu ngadzidzurwe.
9 “If [it were true that] I [SYN] have been attracted by some other man’s wife, or [that] I have hidden myself and waited outside [the] door [to] her [house],
“Kana mwoyo wangu wakanyengerwa nomukadzi, kana kuti ndakavandira pamusuo wemuvakidzani wangu,
10 I hope/desire that my wife will become the servant/slave of another man and have sex [EUP] with him.
ipapo mukadzi wangu ngaakuye zviyo zvomumwe murume, uye vamwe varume ngavavate naye.
11 [For me to do] that would be a terrible sin, and the judges would decide that I should be punished.
Nokuti chingadai chiri chinhu chinonyadzisa, chivi chinofanira kutongwa.
12 My [committing adultery] would [produce in me a fire like] [MET] the fire that burns people in hell, and it would burn up everything that I own. ()
Ndiwo moto unopfuta kusvikira pakuparadzwa; ungadai wakadzura mukohwo wangu.
13 “And, if [it were true that] I have ever refused to listen to one of my male or female servants when they complained to me about something,
“Kana ndichinge ndaramba kururamisira varanda vangu, pavane mhaka neni,
14 God would arise [and declare that he would punish me]; and when he would do that, what would I do? If he would ask me [about what I have done], (what would I answer?/I would not be able to answer.) [RHQ]
ndichaita sei pandichasangana naMwari? Ndichatiiko ndikanzi ndizvidavirire?
15 God, who created me, certainly also created my servants [RHQ]; surely he is the one who formed them and me in our mothers’ wombs [RHQ]; [so we all should behave toward each other equally].
Ko, iye akandiisa muchizvaro haazi iye akavaita here? Ko, haazi iye mumwe chete akatiumba tose muna vanamai vedu here?
16 “I have guided orphans from the time that they were born; I have taken care of them since they were young. So, if [it were true that] I ate all my food myself and did not share some of it with orphans, or [that] I refused to give poor people the things that they wanted, or [that] I caused widows to live (in despair/without hope [that they would receive any help from anyone]),
“Kana ndakaramba zvido zvevarombo kana kurega meso echirikadzi achineta,
kana ndakazvidyira chingwa changu, ndisingachigoverani nenherera,
asi kubva paujaya hwangu ndakamurera sezvinoitwa nababa, uye kubva pakuberekwa kwangu ndakatungamirira chirikadzi,
19 or [that] I had seen people die [from cold] because they had no clothes, or [that] I had seen poor people who did not have clothes [to keep them warm],
kana ndakaona mumwe achiparara nokuda kwokushaya zvokupfeka, kana munhu anoshayiwa asina nguo,
20 and they were not able to become warm [from clothes made] from the wool of my sheep with the result that they thanked me for [giving them clothes, ]
uye mwoyo wake ukasandiropafadza nokuti adziyirwa namakushe amakwai angu,
21 or if [it were true that] I threatened to strike any orphan because I knew that the elders at the city gates would (decide in my favor);
kana ndakasimudzira nherera ruoko rwangu ndichiziva kuti ndinozivikanwa padare redzimhosva,
22 [if those things were true about me], I hope/desire that my shoulder blade would be torn out and my arm be torn from my shoulder.
ipapo ruoko rwangu ngaruwe papfudzi rangu, ruwire pasi napafundo.
23 I always feared that God would cause me to experience a great disaster [if I did any of those evil things], and I would not have been able to endure the powerful [things that he would do to punish me].
Nokuti ndaitya kuparadza kunobva kuna Mwari, uye handina kuita zvinhu zvakadaro nokuti ndaitya kubwinya kwake.
24 “If [it were true that] I trusted in my gold/money [DOU],
“Kana ndakaisa chivimbo changu pagoridhe, kana kuti kugoridhe rakaisvonaka ndikati, ‘Ndiwe chivimbo changu,’
25 or that I rejoiced because I had acquired many things and had become very rich,
kana ndakafadzwa nepfuma yangu huru, mukomborero wakabva mumaoko angu,
26 or that I looked at the sun when it was shining or looked at the beautiful moon
kana ndakava nehanya nezuva pakubwinya kwaro, kana mwedzi uchifamba mukubwinya,
27 and I [SYN] had been tempted [to worship them] by kissing my hand to revere them,
zvokuti mwoyo wangu wakanyengereka pakavanda, uye ruoko rwangu rukazviremekedza nokuzvisveta,
28 those things also would be sins for which the judges would say that I must be punished, because I would have been rejecting God [by doing those things].
zvino izvozviwo zvingangova zvivi zvinofanira kutongwa, nokuti ndainge ndisina kutendeka kuna Mwari wokumusoro.
29 “[It is not true that] I [SYN] sinned by requesting God to curse people who hated me with the result that God would cause them to die. It is also not true that I was glad when they were ruined or that I rejoiced when they experienced disasters [DOU].
“Kana ndakafadzwa nokurasikirwa kwomuvengi wangu, kana kufara zvikuru pamusoro penhamo yakamuwira,
handina kutendera muromo wangu kutadza, nokudana chituko pamusoro poupenyu hwake,
31 [It is also not true that] I never welcomed travelers to stay in my tent or that I did not open my doors to them, but [forced them to] sleep in the streets. [All] the men who work for me certainly know that [RHQ]!
kana vanhu veimba yangu vasina kumboti, ‘Ndianiko asina kumbogutswa nenyama yaJobho?’
Hapana mutorwa akavata usiku hwose munzira dzomumusha, nokuti musuo wangu wakaramba wakazarurirwa vashanyi.
33 Some people try to hide their sins, but I have never done that;
Kana ndakavanza chivi changu saAdhamu, nokuviga mhosva yangu mumwoyo mangu,
34 and I never remained silent and refused to go outside of my home because I was very (afraid of/worried about) what people would say [about me], and that they would hate/scorn me.
nokuda kwokuti ndaitya kwazvo vanhu vazhinji, uye ndakatya kwazvo kuzvidza kwevemhuri, zvokuti ndakaramba ndinyerere ndikasabuda kunze,
35 “I wish/desire that there was someone who would hear what I am saying! I solemnly declare [that all that I have said is true]. I wish that those who oppose me would write down [on a scroll] the evil things that they say that I did.
“Haiwa, dai ndaiva nomumwe angandinzwa! Ndinonyora runyoro rwangu ndichizvidzivirira iye zvino, Wamasimba Ose ngaandipindure; mupomeri wangu ngaanyore rugwaro rwezvaanondipomera.
36 [If they did that, ] I would wear that scroll on my shoulder, or wear it on top of my head, [in order that everyone could see it].
Zvirokwazvo ndairutakura pamapfudzi angu, ndairupfeka sekorona.
37 I would tell [God] everything that I have done, and I would approach him [confidently], like a ruler would.
Ndaimupa kuzvidavirira kwangu kwenhambwe imwe neimwe; ndaiswedera kwaari somuchinda.
38 If [it were true that] I have stolen land, with the result that [it was as though] its furrows cried out to accuse me of stealing;
“Kana munda wangu ukadanidzira kwandiri uchindipa mhosva, uye miforo yose ikanyorova nemisodzi,
39 or [if it were true that] I have eaten the crops that grew in someone else’s fields without paying [for those crops], with the result that those farmers who grew those crops died [from hunger];
kana ndakadya zvibereko zvawo ndisingaripi, kana ndakaparadza upenyu hwavanourima,
40 then I wish/desire that thorns would grow [in my fields] instead of wheat. May bad weeds grow instead of barley!” That is the end of what Job said [to his three friends].
ipapo rukato ngarumere pachinzvimbo chegorosi, nesora pachinzvimbo chebhari.” Mashoko aJobho apera.