< Job 30 >

1 “But now men who are younger than I am make fun of me— men whose fathers I greatly despised, with the result that I would not even have allowed them to help my dogs guard my sheep.
“Asi zvino vanondiseka, varume vaduku kwandiri, vane madzibaba andaishora zvokuti handaivaisa pakati pembwa dzinofudza makwai angu.
2 They were men who were old and (weak/worn out); so (what could I gain from them working for me?/I would have gained nothing from them working for me.) [RHQ]
Ko, simba ramaoko avo raizondibatsirei, sezvo simba ravo rakanga rapera?
3 They were very poor and hungry, with the result that they chewed on roots [at night] in dry and desolate places.
Vapererwa nokuda kwokushayiwa uye nenzara, vakadzivaira usiku munyika yakaoma, mumatongo nomunyika yakaparara.
4 They pulled up plants in the desert [and ate them] and warmed themselves by [burning] the roots of broom trees.
Vakaunganidza miriwo inovavira kubva mumakwenzi, uye zvokudya zvavo zvakanga zviri mudzi womuti womurara.
5 Everyone shouted at them as though they were thieves and expelled them [from their areas].
Vakabviswa pakati pavanhu vokwavo, vachitukwa kunge vakanga vari mbavha.
6 They were forced to live in caves in the hills, in holes in the ground, and in the sides of cliffs.
Vakamanikidzwa kuti vagare mukati mehova dzakaoma, pakati pamatombo nomumakomba, muvhu.
7 In the bushes they howled [like animals because they were hungry], and they huddled together under thornbushes.
Vakarira samakwai pakati pamakwenzi, uye vakamanikidzana pasi porukato.
8 They were people without good sense, whose names no one knows; they have been expelled from the land [where they were born].
Vakanga vari vanhu vakazvidzika vasina zita, vakadzingwa kubva munyika.
9 “And now their [children] sing songs to make fun of me. They tell jokes about me.
“Uye zvino vanakomana vavo vanondiseka munziyo; ndava shumo pakati pavo.
10 They are disgusted with me, and they [usually] stay away from me, [but when they see me, ] they are happy to spit in my face.
Vanondisema uye vanomira kure neni; havazezi kundipfira mate kumeso.
11 Because [it is as though] [MET] God has cut my bowstring, [he has caused me to be unable to defend myself, ] and he has humbled me, and my enemies have done to me whatever they wanted.
Sezvo zvino Mwari akatsudunura uta hwangu uye akanditambudza, havazvidzori pamberi pangu.
12 (Gangs/Groups of violent youths) attack me and force me to run away; they prepare to destroy me.
Kurudyi rwangu rudzi runondirwisa; vanoisira makumbo angu misungo, vanovaka michinjiziri yokurwa neni.
13 They prevent me from escaping, and they [do] not [need] anyone to help them (OR, there is no one to help me).
Vanoparadza mugwagwa wangu; vanobudirira pakundiparadza, pasina munhu anovabatsira.
14 [It is as though I am a city wall and] [SIM] they have broken through the wall, and they have come crashing down on me.
Vanofamba zvavo kunge vanopinda napakakoromoka; pakati pamatongo vanongopinda zvavo.
15 I am very terrified; My dignity/honor has been taken away as though [SIM] [it has been] blown away by the wind, and my prosperity has disappeared like [SIM] clouds disappear.
Zvinotyisa zvinondibata; kukudzwa kwangu kwabviswa sokunge nemhepo, kuchengetedzeka kwangu kwapera segore.
16 “And now I [SYN] am about to die [IDM]; I suffer every day.
“Uye zvino upenyu hwangu hwava kuguma; mazuva okutambudzika anondibata.
17 My bones ache during the night, and the pain that torments me never stops.
Usiku hunobaya mapfupa angu; zvinondiruma-ruma zvinorwadza hazvizorori.
18 [It is as though God] seizes my clothes and chokes me with the collar of my coat.
Nesimba rake guru Mwari anova chipfeko kwandiri; anondisunga somutsipa wenguo yangu.
19 He has thrown me into the mud; I am [not worth anything more than] dust and ashes.
Anondikanda mumatope, uye ndava seguruva namadota.
20 “I cry out to God, but he does not answer/help me; I stand up [and pray], but he does not pay any attention.
“Ndinochema kwamuri, imi Mwari, asi hamundipinduri; ndinosimuka, asi munongonditarisa zvenyu.
21 He acts very cruelly toward me; with all of his power [MTY] he causes me to suffer.
Munondishandukira noutsinye; munondirova nesimba roruoko rwenyu.
22 He [allows] the wind to lift me up and blow me away, and he tosses me up and down in a violent storm.
Munondibvuta mondidzingira pamberi pemhepo; munonditenderedza mudutu.
23 I know that he will cause me to die, which is what happens to everyone [MTY] who is alive.
Ndinoziva kuti muchandiburutsa muchindiendesa kurufu, kunzvimbo yakatsaurirwa vapenyu vose.
24 “When people experience disasters, and they sit on a pile of ruins and cry out for help, others surely [RHQ] reach out their hand to help them.
“Zvirokwazvo, hakuna munhu anobata munhu ari kushushikana paanochemera rubatsiro pakutambudzika kwake.
25 [That is what I did previously]. I wept for people who were experiencing troubles, and I felt sorry for poor/needy people.
Ko, handina kuchema nokuda kwevaitambura here? Ko, mweya wangu hauna kuva neshungu pamusoro pavarombo here?
26 But when I expected good things [to happen to me], evil things happened; when I waited for light/happiness, all I experienced was darkness/unhappiness [MET].
Kunyange zvakadaro, pandakanga ndakarindira zvakanaka, zvakaipa zvakasvika; pandakatarisira chiedza, ipapo rima rakasvika.
27 I am very distressed [IDM], all the time; I suffer every day.
Kumonyoroka kwoura hwangu hakumbomiri; mazuva okutambudzika anondivinga.
28 I go about very discouraged; I stand up and plead for people to help me.
Ndinodzungaira ndichisvibiswa, asi kwete nezuva; ndinosimuka pakati peungano ndichichemera rubatsiro.
29 My wailing sounds as sad as [MET] the cries of jackals/foxes and ostriches.
Ndava hama yamakava, neshamwari yamazizi.
30 My skin has become dark/black and is peeling off, and I have a fever [which causes my body to feel like it is] burning.
Ganda rangu riri kusviba uye riri kufunuka; muviri wangu unopisa nefivha.
31 Previously, I played joyful music on my harp and with my flute, but now I play only the sad music of those who mourn.”
Mbira dzangu dzava kungoridza nziyo dzokuchema, uye nyere yangu nziyo dzokuungudza.

< Job 30 >