< Job 3 >

1 Finally, Job spoke, and he cursed the day that he was born.
Après cela, Job ouvrit la bouche et maudit le jour de sa naissance.
2 He said,
Job prit la parole et dit:
3 “I wish that the day when I was born could be eradicated, and also the night when I was conceived.
Périsse le jour où je suis né, la nuit qui a dit: "Un homme a été conçu!"
4 I wish that the day when I was born would have been covered in darkness. I wish that God who is in heaven [MTY] would have forgotten about that day, and that the sun would not have shone on it.
Que ce jour-là ne soit que ténèbres! Que Dieu ne daigne s’y intéresser du haut de sa demeure, et qu’aucune lueur ne l’éclaire!
5 I wish that thick/intense darkness would have filled that day, and that a black cloud would have come over it and blotted out all light and caused people to be terrified.
Que l’obscurité et l’ombre de la mort le revendiquent comme leur, qu’une épaisse nuée pèse sur lui, et que des éclipses de soleil en fassent un objet d’épouvante!
6 I wish that the night when I was conceived would be erased from the calendar, with the result that it would never again appear as one night in any month, and that it would not be included in any calendar.
Cette nuit-là, que de profondes ténèbres s’en saisissent, qu’elle ne prenne pas rang parmi les jours de l’année et n’entre pas dans le compte des mois!
7 I wish that no child would again be conceived on that night of the month [MET], and that no one would again be happy on that night.
Oui, que cette nuit-là soit condamnée à la solitude, et que nul chant ne s’y élève!
8 I want those people who (curse/put evil spells on) days—those who know how to arouse/awaken the great sea monster—to curse that day.
Puisse-t-elle être exécrée par ceux qui maudissent le jour et possèdent le secret d’éveiller le Léviathan!
9 I wish that the stars that shone early in the morning on that day [after I was conceived] will not shine again. I want those stars to have wished in vain for light to shine; and that they would not have shone on that day.
Que les étoiles de son aube matinale demeurent obscures, qu’elle attende vainement la lumière et ne voie point s’ouvrir les paupières de l’aurore,
10 [That was an evil day] because my mother was able to conceive; instead, I was born, and I have now experienced all these terrible things.
pour n’avoir pas tenu closes les portes du sein qui m’avait conçu et caché la misère à mes regards!
11 “I wish that I had died [RHQ] when I was born— at the time I emerged from my mother’s womb.
Que ne suis-je mort dès le sein de ma mère? Que n’ai-je rendu le dernier soupir en me détachant de ses flancs?
12 I wish that my mother had not [RHQ] allowed me to live. I wish that she had not nursed me.
Pourquoi deux genoux m’ont-ils recueilli? A quoi bon des mamelles pour m’allaiter?
13 If I had died at the time when I was born, I would be asleep, resting peacefully [in the place where the dead people are].
A présent je serais couché dans une paix profonde, je dormirais et jouirais du repos,
14 I would be resting with kings whose [beautiful palaces] that they built are now in ruins (OR, who rebuilt [palaces] that had previously been destroyed), and I would be resting with their officials [who have also died].
en compagnie des rois et des arbitres de la terre, qui se bâtissent des monuments destinés à la ruine,
15 I would be resting with princes who were wealthy, whose palaces were filled with gold and silver.
ou bien des grands qui ont possédé de l’or et rempli d’argent leurs maisons.
16 I wish that I had been buried like a child who died in its mother’s womb and never lived to see the light.
Ou encore, que n’ai-je été comme l’avorton qu’on, enfouit, comme ces petits enfants qui n’ont pas aperçu la lumière?
17 After wicked people die, they do not cause any more troubles; those who are very tired now will rest.
Là, les méchants mettent un terme à leur violence, là; se reposent ceux dont les forces sont à bout.
18 Those who were in prison rest peacefully [after they die]; they no longer have slave-drivers who curse them.
Là aussi, les captifs sont en paix, sans plus entendre la voix d’un maître despotique.
19 Rich people and poor people are alike after they die, and those who were slaves are no longer controlled by their masters.
Petits et grands y sont confondus, et l’esclave est libéré de son maître.
20 (“Why does God allow those who are suffering greatly [like me] to continue to remain alive?/I do not understand why God allows those who are suffering greatly [like me] to continue to remain alive.) [RHQ] Why does he allow those who are very miserable/distressed to keep living [RHQ]?
Pourquoi octroie-t-on la lumière au misérable, et la vie à ceux dont l’âme est pleine d’amertume,
21 They long/want to die, but they do not die. They desire to die more than people desire to find a hidden treasure.
qui appellent de leurs vœux la mort, qui les fuit, et la cherchent plus avidement que des trésors,
22 When they finally die and are buried, they are very happy.
qui ressentent des transports de joie et sont dans l’allégresse, dès qu’ils obtiennent une tombe;
23 Those who do not know where they are [eventually] going when they die [RHQ], people whom God has forced [MET] to continue to live in misery, (it is not right that they continue to live./why do they continue to live?) [RHQ]
à l’homme enfin dont la destinée est voilée et que Dieu a confiné comme dans un enclos?
24 I continually cry very much; as a result, I cannot eat; and I can never stop groaning.
Aussi bien, je ne mange pas un morceau de pain que mes sanglots n’éclatent, et que mes plaintes ne se répandent comme l’eau.
25 Things that I always worried might happen to me, have happened to me; things that I always dreaded have happened to me.
C’Est que tout malheur dont j’avais peur fond sur moi; ce que je redoutais vient m’assaillir.
26 Now I have no peace [in my inner being], I have no peace; I cannot rest; instead, I have only troubles.”
Je ne connais plus ni paix, ni sécurité, ni repos: les tourments m’ont envahi.

< Job 3 >