< Job 29 >
2 “I wish/desire that I could be like I was previously, during the years when God took care of me.
내가 이전 달과 하나님이 나를 보호하시던 날에 지내던 것 같이 되었으면
3 During those years, [it was as though] God’s lamp [MET] shone on me and gave me light while I walked in the darkness.
그 때는 그의 등불이 내 머리에 비취었고 내가 그 광명을 힘입어 흑암에 행하였었느니라
4 At that time I was young and strong, and because God was my friend, [he protected] [PRS] my tent.
나의 강장하던 날과 같이 지내었으면 그 때는 하나님의 우정이 내 장막 위에 있었으며
5 Almighty [God] was with me during those years when all my children were around me.
그 때는 전능자가 오히려 나와 함께 계셨으며 나의 자녀들이 나를 둘러 있었으며
6 [My herds] provided me with plenty of milk, and streams of oil flowed from the rock where my olives were pressed.
뻐터가 내 발자취를 씻기며 반석이 나를 위하여 기름 시내를 흘러 내었으며
7 “Whenever I went to [the place where the elders gathered at] the city gate, I sat down with them,
그 때는 내가 나가서 성문에 이르기도 하며 내 자리를 거리에 베풀기도 하였었느니라
8 and when the young men saw me, they stepped aside [respectfully], and the old men [also] stood [respectfully].
나를 보고 소년들은 숨으며 노인들은 일어나서 서며
9 The leaders of the people stopped talking [DOU],
방백들은 말을 참고 손으로 입을 가리우며
10 and even the most important men became quiet and ceased talking [MTY] [in order to hear me speak to them].
귀인들은 소리를 금하니 그 혀가 입 천장에 붙었었느니라
11 When they [SYN] all heard [what I told them], they said good things about me. When they [SYN] saw me (OR, what I had done), they commended me,
귀가 들은즉 나를 위하여 축복하고 눈이 본즉 나를 위하여 증거하였었나니
12 because I had helped the poor people when they cried out for help and I aided/helped orphans who had no one else to help them.
이는 내가 부르짖는 빈민과 도와줄 자 없는 고아를 건졌음이라
13 Those who were suffering and about to die praised [PRS] me, and I caused widows [SYN] to sing joyfully, [because of my helping them].
망하게 된 자도 나를 위하여 복을 빌었으며 과부의 마음이 나로 인하여 기뻐 노래하였었느니라
14 I always acted justly; my continually doing that was like [MET] a robe that I wore and a turban [that was wrapped around my head].
내가 의로 옷을 삼아 입었으며 나의 공의는 도포와 면류관 같았었느니라
15 [It was as though] [MET] I was eyes for blind people and feet for people who were lame.
나는 소경의 눈도 되고 절뚝발이의 발도 되고
16 I was [like] [MET] a father to poor people, and in courts I defended those who were strangers.
빈궁한 자의 아비도 되며 생소한 자의 일을 사실하여 주었으며
17 My causing wicked people [to be unable to continue oppressing others was like] [MET] breaking the fangs [of fierce wild animals] and forcing them to drop from their teeth/mouths the animals that they had caught/seized.
불의한 자의 어금니를 꺽고 그 잇사이에서 겁탈한 물건을 빼어 내었었느니라
18 “At that time I thought, ‘Surely I will live securely, until I am very old [SIM], and I will die at home [with my family].’
내가 스스로 말하기를 나는 내 보금자리에서 선종하리라 나의 날은 모래 같이 많을 것이라
19 I was [like a tree] [MET] whose roots reach down into the water and whose branches become wet with dew each night.
내 뿌리는 물로 뻗어나가고 내 가지는 밤이 맞도록 이슬에 젖으며
20 People always honored me, and I was always [strong like] [MET] a new bow.
내 영광은 내게 새로워지고 내 활은 내 손에서 날로 강하여지느니라 하였었노라
21 “When I spoke, people waited to hear [what I would say] and remained silent until I advised them [what they should do].
무리는 내 말을 들으며 나의 가르치기를 잠잠히 기다리다가
22 After I finished speaking, they did not say any more; [it was as though] [MET] my words fell on their ears [like refreshing drops of rain].
내가 말한 후에 그들이 말을 내지 못하였었나니 나의 말이 그들에게 이슬 같이 됨이니라
23 They waited for me [to speak] like they wait for rain; they [appreciated what I said] like [MET] [farmers appreciate] the final rain in the spring [before the dry season].
그들이 나 바라기를 비 같이 하였으며 입을 벌리기를 늦은 비 기다리듯 하였으므로
24 When they were discouraged, I smiled at them [to encourage them]; they became encouraged when they saw that I approved of them.
그들이 의지 없을 때에 내가 함소하여 동정하면 그들이 나의 얼굴 빛을 무색하게 아니하였었느니라
25 I was their leader, and I decided what things [would be good for them to do]; I was among them like [SIM] a king who is among his troops; I was like someone who comforts [others] who are mourning.”
내가 그들의 길을 택하고 으뜸으로 앉았었나니 왕이 군중에 거함도 같았고 애곡하는 자를 위로하는 사람도 같았었느니라