< Job 27 >

1 Job replied again [to his three friends],
Un Ījabs teica vēl tālāk savus teikumus un sacīja:
2 “Almighty God has refused to treat me justly/fairly. He has caused me to feel bitter/resentful. But [just as surely] as he lives,
Tik tiešām kā Dievs dzīvs, kas man taisnību neizspriež, un tas Visuvarenais, kas manu dvēseli apbēdinājis -
3 as long as God’s Spirit enables me to breathe,
Kamēr mana dvēsele vēl ir iekš manis un Tas Gars no Dieva manās nāsīs -
4 I will not lie; I [SYN] will not say anything to deceive anyone.
Manas lūpas nerunās netaisnību, un mana mēle neteiks melus.
5 I will never admit that what you [three] have said is true; until the day that I die, I will insist that I have not done things that are wrong.
Es nebūt nevaru teikt, ka jums taisnība; kamēr man dvaša zūd, es aizstāvēšu savu nenoziedzību.
6 I will say that I am innocent, and never (say anything different/change what I say); my conscience will never reproach me as long as I live.
Es turēšos stipri pie savas taisnības un no tās neatlaidīšos; mana sirds mani nekož manu dienu pēc.
7 “I want my enemies to be [punished] like all wicked [people are punished]; I want [God to punish] those who oppose me like [he punishes all] unrighteous [people].
Manam ienaidniekam būs palikt par blēdi, un manam pretiniekam par netaisnu.
8 When [it is time for] God [to] get rid of godless/wicked people and [to] cause them to die, there is absolutely nothing good [RHQ] that they can confidently expect [to happen to them].
Jo kāda ir blēdnieka cerība, kad Dievs atņem un aizrauj viņa dvēseli?
9 When they experience troubles, (will God hear them call [out to him for help]?/God certainly will not hear them call out [to him for help].) [RHQ]
Vai Dievs klausīs viņa saukšanu, kad viņam uznāk bēdas?
10 (Will they be happy about what Almighty [God] does?/They certainly will not be happy about what Almighty [God] does.) [RHQ] (Will they [begin to] pray to him frequently?/They certainly will not [begin to] pray to him frequently.) [RHQ] [Certainly not!]
Jeb vai viņš var prieku dabūt pie tā Visuvarenā, vai viņš Dievu var piesaukt ikkatrā laikā?
11 “I will teach you [three] something about the power [MTY] of Almighty God [MTY]; I will reveal what he is thinking.
Es jums mācīšu, kāda ir Dieva roka; kāds tā Visuvarenā padoms, to negribu slēpt.
12 But you [three] have seen for yourselves [what God has done]; so (why are you saying such nonsense?/you should not be saying such nonsense.) [RHQ]
Redzi, jūs visi to redzat, kāpēc tad jūs domājiet tukšas domas?
13 “[I will tell you] what Almighty God does to wicked people, the things that he does to people who oppress others.
Šī ir bezdievīga cilvēka alga pie Dieva un varas darītāju daļa, ko tie no tā Visuvarenā dabūs.
14 [Even] if they have many children, [many of] those children will die in wars [MTY], and their [other] children will [die because they do] not have enough food to eat.
Ja tam daudz bērnu, tad zobens nāk pār tiem, un viņa pēcnākamie nepaēdīs maizes.
15 Their children who are still alive will die from diseases, and their widows will not [even] mourn for them.
Viņa atlikušos mēris liek kapā, un viņa atraitnes nedabū raudāt.
16 Sometimes [wicked people] accumulate a huge amount [SIM] of silver and pile up clothes like [SIM] those clothes were a pile of clay,
Kad viņš naudu sakrāj kā pīšļus un drēbes sagādā kā mēslus,
17 but [those wicked people will die, and then] righteous people will wear those clothes, and honest/innocent people will get their silver and divide it [among themselves].
Tad viņš gan sagādā, bet taisnie tās apvilks, un nenoziedzīgie dalīs to naudu.
18 The houses that they build are [as frail/fragile] as [SIM] spider webs, or they are like flimsy huts that watchmen live in [while they guard people’s fields].
Viņš uztaisījis savu namu kā kode un kā gans uztaisa būdu.
19 Wicked people are rich when they lie down [at night], but when they wake up [in the morning, they find out that] their money has disappeared.
Bagāts tas apgūlās, un tad nekad vairs; viņš atdara savas acis, un nav vairs nekas.
20 “Things that terrify them [PRS] strike them like a flood [SIM]; during the night a whirlwind carries them away.
Bailība tam uzbrūk kā ūdens, naktī viņu aizrauj viesulis.
21 [It is as though] the wind from the east picks them up and carries them away from their homes, and they disappear.
Austriņa vējš viņu aizrauj, ka tas aiziet, un aizpūš viņu no savas vietas.
22 That wind strikes them without pitying them while they are running away, trying to escape from its force/power [MTY].
(Dievs) šauj uz viņu un netaupa, no Viņa rokas tas bēg šurpu turpu.
23 That wind [is like someone] clapping his hands [MET] at them [to ridicule them], howling at them wherever they run to.”
Par to sasit plaukstas un to aizsvilpo no viņa vietas.

< Job 27 >