< Job 27 >

1 Job replied again [to his three friends],
Job, prenant encore de nouveau sa parabole, dit:
2 “Almighty God has refused to treat me justly/fairly. He has caused me to feel bitter/resentful. But [just as surely] as he lives,
Vive Dieu, qui a écarté mon jugement, et le Tout-Puissant, qui a plongé mon âme dans l’amertume!
3 as long as God’s Spirit enables me to breathe,
Tant qu’il y aura haleine en moi, et un souffle de Dieu dans mes narines,
4 I will not lie; I [SYN] will not say anything to deceive anyone.
Mes lèvres ne prononceront pas d’iniquité, et ma langue ne murmurera pas de mensonge.
5 I will never admit that what you [three] have said is true; until the day that I die, I will insist that I have not done things that are wrong.
Loin de moi que je juge que vous êtes justes; jusqu’à ce que je défaille, je ne me désisterai pas de mon innocence.
6 I will say that I am innocent, and never (say anything different/change what I say); my conscience will never reproach me as long as I live.
Je n’abandonnerai pas ma justification que j’ai commencé à faire; car mon cœur ne me reproche rien dans toute ma vie.
7 “I want my enemies to be [punished] like all wicked [people are punished]; I want [God to punish] those who oppose me like [he punishes all] unrighteous [people].
Que mon ennemi soit comme un impie, et mon adversaire comme un injuste.
8 When [it is time for] God [to] get rid of godless/wicked people and [to] cause them to die, there is absolutely nothing good [RHQ] that they can confidently expect [to happen to them].
Car quel est l’espoir d’un hypocrite, s’il ravit par avarice, et que Dieu ne délivre point son âme?
9 When they experience troubles, (will God hear them call [out to him for help]?/God certainly will not hear them call out [to him for help].) [RHQ]
Est-ce que Dieu entendra son cri, lorsque viendra sur lui l’angoisse?
10 (Will they be happy about what Almighty [God] does?/They certainly will not be happy about what Almighty [God] does.) [RHQ] (Will they [begin to] pray to him frequently?/They certainly will not [begin to] pray to him frequently.) [RHQ] [Certainly not!]
Ou bien pourra-t-il mettre ses délices dans le Tout-Puissant, et invoquer Dieu en tout temps?
11 “I will teach you [three] something about the power [MTY] of Almighty God [MTY]; I will reveal what he is thinking.
Je vous enseignerai avec le secours de Dieu, ce que fait le Tout-Puissant, et je ne le cacherai pas.
12 But you [three] have seen for yourselves [what God has done]; so (why are you saying such nonsense?/you should not be saying such nonsense.) [RHQ]
Mais vous tous, vous le savez; et pourquoi dites-vous sans raison des choses vaines?
13 “[I will tell you] what Almighty God does to wicked people, the things that he does to people who oppress others.
Voici la part d’un homme impie devant Dieu, et l’héritage que les violents recevront du Tout-Puissant.
14 [Even] if they have many children, [many of] those children will die in wars [MTY], and their [other] children will [die because they do] not have enough food to eat.
Si ses enfants se multiplient, ils appartiendront au glaive; et ses descendants ne se rassasieront pas de pain.
15 Their children who are still alive will die from diseases, and their widows will not [even] mourn for them.
Ceux qui resteront de lui, seront ensevelis dans leur ruine, et ses veuves ne pleureront pas.
16 Sometimes [wicked people] accumulate a huge amount [SIM] of silver and pile up clothes like [SIM] those clothes were a pile of clay,
S’il accumule l’argent comme de la poussière, et s’il amasse des vêtements comme il ferait de la boue,
17 but [those wicked people will die, and then] righteous people will wear those clothes, and honest/innocent people will get their silver and divide it [among themselves].
Il les préparera, il est vrai, mais un juste s’en revêtira; et son argent, un innocent le partagera.
18 The houses that they build are [as frail/fragile] as [SIM] spider webs, or they are like flimsy huts that watchmen live in [while they guard people’s fields].
Il a bâti, comme les vers, sa maison, et, comme le gardien, il s’est fait un abri.
19 Wicked people are rich when they lie down [at night], but when they wake up [in the morning, they find out that] their money has disappeared.
Un riche, lorsqu’il s’endormira, n’emportera rien avec lui; il ouvrira ses yeux, et il ne trouvera rien.
20 “Things that terrify them [PRS] strike them like a flood [SIM]; during the night a whirlwind carries them away.
L’indigence le surprendra comme l’eau, qui déborde; pendant la nuit, une tempête l’accablera.
21 [It is as though] the wind from the east picks them up and carries them away from their homes, and they disappear.
Un vent brûlant le saisira et l’emportera; et comme un tourbillon l’enlèvera de sa place.
22 That wind strikes them without pitying them while they are running away, trying to escape from its force/power [MTY].
Et Dieu enverra sur lui l’infortune, et ne l’épargnera pas; lui fera tous ses efforts pour s’enfuir de sa main.
23 That wind [is like someone] clapping his hands [MET] at them [to ridicule them], howling at them wherever they run to.”
Celui qui regardera son lieu frappera sur lui des mains, et sifflera sur lui.

< Job 27 >