< Job 25 >

1 Then Bildad [also] replied,
А Вилдад Сушанин одговори и рече:
2 “God is very powerful; everyone should have an awesome respect for him; he causes everything to be peaceful high up in heaven.
Власт је и страх у Њега, чини мир на висинама својим.
3 (Can anyone count the angels who are in his army [in heaven]?/No one can count the angels who are in his army [in heaven].) [RHQ] (Is there any place where his light does not shine?/There is no place where his light does not shine.) [RHQ]
Војскама Његовим има ли броја? И кога не обасјава видело Његово?
4 So, (how can God consider anyone to be righteous?/God certainly cannot consider anyone to be righteous.) [RHQ] (How can any human being be truly pure?/No human being can be truly pure.) [RHQ]
И како ће човек бити праведан пред Богом? И како ће чист бити рођени од жене?
5 Consider this: God does not even consider the full moon to be bright, and he does not consider the stars to be spotless.
Гле, ни месец не би сјао, ни звезде не би биле чисте пред Њим,
6 So, (what about humans?/he does not consider humans [to be important].) [RHQ] They are [as insignificant as] [MET] maggots. [God does not think more highly of] people [than he thinks of] worms.”
А камоли човек, црв, и син човечји, мољац.

< Job 25 >