< Job 24 >

1 “(Why does Almighty [God] not set a time when he will judge [evil people]?/I do not understand why Almighty [God does] not set a time when he will judge [evil people].) [RHQ] Those who know him never [RHQ] see him do that!
“Domin me Maɗaukaki ba zai sa ranar shari’a ba? Don me waɗanda suka san shi suke faman samun irin ranakun nan?
2 [Some evil people] remove the markers of boundaries of [other people’s] land, [in order to steal their land]; they seize/steal [other people’s] sheep and put them in their own pastures.
Mugaye suna satar fili ta wurin matsar da duwatsun da aka yi iyaka da su; suna satar dabbobi su kuma yi kiwon su.
3 [Some] (take away/steal) the donkeys that belong to orphans, and they take widow’s oxen to guarantee that the widows will pay back the money that they loaned to those widows.
Suna ƙwace wa marayu jakunansu suna kuma ƙwace wa gwauruwa sa don suna binta bashi.
4 [Some] shove poor people off the road (OR, prevent poor people from (obtaining their rights/being treated justly)), and they force poor people to find places to hide from them.
Suna ture matalauta daga hanya suna kuma sa dole matalautan ƙasar su ɓoye.
5 The result is that poor people have to search for food in the desert like wild donkeys do.
Kamar jakunan jeji a hamada, matalauta suna aikin neman abinci gonaki marasa amfani suna tanada abinci wa’ya’yansu.
6 The poor people harvest left-over grain in other people’s fields, and gather grapes from vineyards that belong to wicked men.
Suna girbi a gonakin da ba nasu ba, suna yin kala a gonar inabi ta mugaye.
7 During the night they have nothing to cover their bodies, nothing to keep them warm.
Don ba su da tufafi, sukan kwana tsirara; ba su da wani abin da zai rufe su cikin sanyi.
8 When it rains on the mountains, the poor people become very wet, so they huddle under the rock ledges to be protected [from the rain].
Sun jiƙe sharkaf da ruwan da yake kwararowa daga duwatsu, sun rungume duwatsu don rashin wurin fakewa.
9 [Some evil men] snatch infants away from their widowed mothers [SYN], and they say ‘I will return your babies to you when you repay the money that I lent to you.’
Ana ƙwace jinjiri mai shan mama; ana ƙwace ɗan yaron matalauci don biyan bashi.
10 But the poor people walk around with no clothes on; they are hungry while they are working to carry [other people’s] bundles of grain [to the places where their grain will be threshed].
Don ba su da tufafi suna yawo tsirara; suna dakon dammunan hatsi amma duk da haka suna cikin shan yunwa.
11 Poor people press olives to make [olive] oil; they tread on grapes [to make juice for wine], but [they are not allowed to drink any of it when] they become thirsty.
Suna matse zaitun a cikin kunyoyi suna kuma matse ruwan inabi daga’ya’yan inabi, duk da haka suna fama da ƙishi.
12 In the cities, people who are wounded and dying cry out [to God for help], but God does not heed their prayers.
Ana jin nishin masu mutuwa daga birni, kuma rayukan waɗanda aka ji musu rauni suna kuka suna kira don taimako. Amma bai ba wani laifi ba.
13 Some wicked people avoid the light [because they do evil things in the dark]; they do not walk on roads that are lighted.
“Akwai waɗanda suke yi wa haske tawaye, waɗanda ba su san hanyoyinsa ba ko kuma ba su taɓa bin hanyoyinsa ba.
14 Murderers steal things during the night, and then they arise before dawn in order that they may [go out again and] kill needy [DOU] people.
Sa’ad da hasken yini ya tafi, mai kisankai yakan tashi; yă je yă kashe matalauta da masu bukata; a cikin dare yake shigowa kamar ɓarawo.
15 Those who want to commit adultery wait for twilight/evening; they say ‘I do not want anyone to see me,’ so they keep their faces covered.
Idanun mazinaci suna jiran yamma ta yi sosai; yana tunani cewa, ‘Ba wanda zai gan ni,’ sai kuma yă ɓoye fuskarsa.
16 It is during the night that robbers break into houses [to steal things], but during the day they hide because they want to avoid [being seen in] the light.
Cikin duhu mutane suna fasa gidaje, amma da rana sukan kulle kansu; ba sa so wani abu yă haɗa su da haske.
17 All of those [people] want to do their evil things at night, not in the morning [when it is light], because they are not afraid of [the things that happen during the] night that terrify others.”
Gama dukansu, duhu mai yawa shi ne safiyarsu; suna abokantaka da razanar duhu.
18 “[But it is wicked people] who are swept/carried away by floods, and God curses the land that they own, and no one goes to work in their vineyards.
“Duk da haka kamar abu marar nauyi suke a kan ruwa; gefen ƙasar da suke, an la’anta ta, yadda ba wanda yake zuwa gonar inabinsu.
19 Just like the snow melts away when it is hot and there is no rain, those who have sinned disappear into the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
Kamar yadda zafi da fări suke shanye ƙanƙarar da ta narke, haka kabari zai ƙwace waɗanda suka yi zunubi. (Sheol h7585)
20 Not even their mothers remember them now; wicked people are destroyed like trees that are cut down, and maggots eat their corpses.
Waɗanda suka haife su za su manta da su, tsutsotsi za su cinye su; ba za a sāke tunawa da mugaye ba amma an sare su kamar itace.
21 They mistreat women who have been unable to give birth to children and women who no longer have children [to take care of them], and they never do good things for widows.
Suna cutar macen da ba ta da ɗa, suna nuna wa gwauruwa rashin alheri.
22 But God, by his power, gets rid of mighty/influential people. God acts and causes the wicked people to die.
Amma Allah cikin ikonsa yakan kawar da masu ƙarfi, ko da yake sun yi ƙarfi, ba su da tabbacin rayuwa.
23 God allows them to think that they are secure and safe, but he is watching [MTY] them all the time.
Mai yiwuwa zai bar su su zauna cikin kwanciyar hankali, amma idanunsa suna kansu.
24 They prosper for a little while, and then [suddenly] they are gone; they disappear like weeds wither and die; they are like [SIM] stalks of grain that have been cut off.
Sukan samu cin nasara na ɗan lokaci, amma kuma za su ɓace; za su fāɗi a tattara su kamar sauran; za a datse su kamar kan hatsi.
25 If this is not true, is there [RHQ] anyone who will show that I am a liar and prove that what I have said is not true?”
“In wannan ba haka ba ne, wane ne zai shaida ƙarya nake yi har yă ƙi yarda da maganata?”

< Job 24 >