< Job 24 >

1 “(Why does Almighty [God] not set a time when he will judge [evil people]?/I do not understand why Almighty [God does] not set a time when he will judge [evil people].) [RHQ] Those who know him never [RHQ] see him do that!
Pourquoi n’y a-t-il pas de temps réservés par le Tout-Puissant, et ceux qui le servent ne voient-ils pas son jour?
2 [Some evil people] remove the markers of boundaries of [other people’s] land, [in order to steal their land]; they seize/steal [other people’s] sheep and put them in their own pastures.
On voit des hommes qui déplacent les bornes, qui font paître le troupeau qu’ils ont volé.
3 [Some] (take away/steal) the donkeys that belong to orphans, and they take widow’s oxen to guarantee that the widows will pay back the money that they loaned to those widows.
Ils poussent devant eux l’âne de l’orphelin, et retiennent en gage le bœuf de la veuve.
4 [Some] shove poor people off the road (OR, prevent poor people from (obtaining their rights/being treated justly)), and they force poor people to find places to hide from them.
Ils forcent les pauvres à se détourner du chemin; tous les humbles du pays sont réduits à se cacher.
5 The result is that poor people have to search for food in the desert like wild donkeys do.
Comme l’onagre dans la solitude, ils sortent pour leur travail, dès le matin, cherchant leur nourriture. Le désert leur fournit la subsistance de leurs enfants;
6 The poor people harvest left-over grain in other people’s fields, and gather grapes from vineyards that belong to wicked men.
ils coupent les épis dans les champs, ils maraudent dans la vigne de leur oppresseur.
7 During the night they have nothing to cover their bodies, nothing to keep them warm.
Nus, ils passent la nuit, faute de vêtements, sans couverture contre le froid.
8 When it rains on the mountains, the poor people become very wet, so they huddle under the rock ledges to be protected [from the rain].
La pluie des montagnes les pénètre; à défaut d’abri, ils se blottissent contre le rocher.
9 [Some evil men] snatch infants away from their widowed mothers [SYN], and they say ‘I will return your babies to you when you repay the money that I lent to you.’
Ils arrachent l’orphelin à la mamelle, ils prennent des gages sur les pauvres.
10 But the poor people walk around with no clothes on; they are hungry while they are working to carry [other people’s] bundles of grain [to the places where their grain will be threshed].
Ceux-ci, tout nus, sans vêtements, portent, affamés, les gerbes du maître;
11 Poor people press olives to make [olive] oil; they tread on grapes [to make juice for wine], but [they are not allowed to drink any of it when] they become thirsty.
Ils expriment l’huile dans ses celliers; ils foulent la vendange, et ils ont soif.
12 In the cities, people who are wounded and dying cry out [to God for help], but God does not heed their prayers.
Du sein des villes s’élèvent les gémissements des hommes, et l’âme des blessés crie; et Dieu ne prend pas garde à ces forfaits!
13 Some wicked people avoid the light [because they do evil things in the dark]; they do not walk on roads that are lighted.
D’autres sont parmi les ennemis de la lumière, ils n’en connaissent pas les voies, ils ne se tiennent pas dans ses sentiers.
14 Murderers steal things during the night, and then they arise before dawn in order that they may [go out again and] kill needy [DOU] people.
L’assassin se lève au point du jour; il tue le pauvre et l’indigent, il rôde la nuit comme un voleur.
15 Those who want to commit adultery wait for twilight/evening; they say ‘I do not want anyone to see me,’ so they keep their faces covered.
L’œil de l’adultère épie le crépuscule; « Personne ne me voit, » dit-il, et il jette un voile sur son visage.
16 It is during the night that robbers break into houses [to steal things], but during the day they hide because they want to avoid [being seen in] the light.
La nuit, d’autres forcent les maisons, le jour, ils se tiennent cachés: ils ne connaissent pas la lumière.
17 All of those [people] want to do their evil things at night, not in the morning [when it is light], because they are not afraid of [the things that happen during the] night that terrify others.”
Pour eux, le matin est comme l’ombre de la mort, car les horreurs de la nuit leur sont familières.
18 “[But it is wicked people] who are swept/carried away by floods, and God curses the land that they own, and no one goes to work in their vineyards.
Ah! l’impie glisse comme un corps léger sur la face des eaux, il n’a sur la terre qu’une part maudite, il ne se dirige pas sur le chemin des vignes!
19 Just like the snow melts away when it is hot and there is no rain, those who have sinned disappear into the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
Comme la sécheresse et la chaleur absorbent l’eau des neiges, ainsi le schéol engloutit les pécheurs! (Sheol h7585)
20 Not even their mothers remember them now; wicked people are destroyed like trees that are cut down, and maggots eat their corpses.
Ah! Le sein maternel l’oublie, les vers en font leurs délices; on ne se souvient plus de lui, et l’iniquité est brisée comme un arbre.
21 They mistreat women who have been unable to give birth to children and women who no longer have children [to take care of them], and they never do good things for widows.
Il dévorait la femme stérile et sans enfants, il ne faisait pas de bien à la veuve!...
22 But God, by his power, gets rid of mighty/influential people. God acts and causes the wicked people to die.
Mais Dieu par sa force ébranle les puissants, il se lève, et ils ne comptent plus sur la vie;
23 God allows them to think that they are secure and safe, but he is watching [MTY] them all the time.
il leur donne la sécurité et la confiance, et ses yeux veillent sur leurs voies.
24 They prosper for a little while, and then [suddenly] they are gone; they disappear like weeds wither and die; they are like [SIM] stalks of grain that have been cut off.
Ils se sont élevés, et en un instant ils ne sont plus; ils tombent, ils sont moissonnés comme tous les hommes; ils sont coupés comme la tête des épis.
25 If this is not true, is there [RHQ] anyone who will show that I am a liar and prove that what I have said is not true?”
S’il n’en est pas ainsi, qui me convaincra de mensonge? Qui réduira mes paroles à néant?

< Job 24 >