< Job 23 >
1 Then Job replied again,
Et Job prit la parole, et dit:
2 “Today I am again complaining bitterly/strongly [to God]; I [continue] groaning, but he [SYN] [continues to] (punish me/cause me to suffer).
Maintenant encore ma plainte est une révolte, et pourtant ma main comprime mes soupirs.
3 I (wish that I knew/want to know) where I could meet/talk with him, so that I could go to the place where he lives.
Oh! si je savais où le trouver, j'irais jusqu'à son trône,
4 If I could do that, I would tell him why [I know that] I am innocent; I would tell [MTY] to him all my (arguments/evidence [to show that I have not done what is evil]).
J'exposerais ma cause devant lui, et je remplirais ma bouche de preuves;
5 Then I would find out what he would reply to me [DOU].
Je saurais ce qu'il me répondrait, et je comprendrais ce qu'il me dirait.
6 Would he use his great power to argue with me? No, he would listen to me carefully.
Contesterait-il avec moi dans la grandeur de sa force? Non, seulement il ferait attention à moi.
7 I am (an honest/a righteous) man; so I would be able to discuss things with him [fairly], and then he would declare that I am innocent, [and that decision would endure] forever.
Ce serait alors un juste qui raisonnerait avec lui, et je serais absous pour toujours par mon juge.
8 “But, I have gone to the east, and he is not there; I have gone to the west, but I have not found him there.
Voici, si je vais à l'Orient, il n'y est pas; si je vais à l'Occident, je ne le découvre pas.
9 I have gone north and I have gone south, but I have not seen him anywhere.
Est-il occupé au Nord, je ne le vois pas. Se cache-t-il au Midi, je ne l'aperçois pas.
10 But he knows how I have conducted my life; and when he has finished testing me, [he] will [see that] I [am] as pure as [SIM] gold [whose impurities have all been burned out].
Il sait la voie que j'ai suivie; qu'il m'éprouve, j'en sortirai comme l'or.
11 I [SYN] have faithfully walked on the path that he showed me; I have not stopped [obeying] him.
Mon pied s'est attaché à ses pas, j'ai gardé sa voie, et je ne m'en suis pas détourné.
12 I have always obeyed what he [SYN] commanded; I have treasured the words that he has spoken.
Je ne me suis point écarté du commandement de ses lèvres, j'ai tenu aux paroles de sa bouche plus qu'à ma provision ordinaire.
13 “He never changes. There is no one who can [RHQ] stop him [from doing what he desires]. Whatever he wants to do, he does.
Mais il n'a qu'une pensée; qui l'en fera revenir? Ce que son âme désire, il le fait.
14 And he will finish doing for me the things that he has planned for me; [and I am sure that] he has thought about doing many things for me.
Il achèvera ce qu'il a décidé de moi, et il a dans l'esprit bien d'autres choses pareilles à celle-ci.
15 So I am terrified in his presence; when I think [about what he can do], I am very afraid [DOU].
C'est pourquoi sa présence m'épouvante; quand j'y pense, j'ai peur de lui.
16 Almighty God has caused me [SYN] to feel terrified [DOU].
Dieu a amolli mon cœur, et le Tout-Puissant m'a épouvanté.
17 [It is as though] there is only thick darkness in front of me, but it is God that I am afraid of, not the darkness.”
Car je n'ai pas été retranché avant l'arrivée des ténèbres, et il n'a pas éloigné de ma face l'obscurité.