< Job 21 >

1 Then Job replied,
Entonces Job respondió y dijo:
2 “Listen to what I say, all [three] of you; that is the only thing that you can do that will comfort me.
Presta atención con cuidado a mis palabras; y deja que este sea tu consuelo.
3 Be patient with me, and allow me to speak. Then, after I am finished speaking, you can continue to make fun of me.
Déjame decir lo que tengo en mente, y después de eso, siguan burlándose de mí.
4 “It is certainly not [RHQ] people against whom I am complaining, [but God] And it is certainly [RHQ] right for me to be impatient!
En cuanto a mí, ¿mi queja es contra el hombre? entonces para que preguntarse si mi espíritu está angustiado?
5 Look at me! Does what you see not cause you to be appalled and to put your hands over your mouths [and say no more]?
Toma nota de mí y llénate de maravilla, ponte la mano en la boca.
6 When I think about [what has happened to me], I am frightened and my entire body shakes.
Al pensarlo, mi carne tiembla de miedo.
7 “[But let me ask this: ] ‘Why do wicked people continue to live, and become prosperous, and not die until they are very old?’
¿Por qué se da la vida a los malvados? ¿Por qué se vuelven viejos y fuertes en el poder?
8 They have their children around them, and they watch them while they [grow up and] start to live in their own houses, and they enjoy their grandchildren.
Su simiente están establecidos delante de ellos, y su descendencia delante de sus ojos.
9 Wicked people live in their own houses without being afraid, and God does not punish [MTY] them.
Sus casas están libres de temor, y la vara de Dios no viene sobre ellos.
10 Their bulls always mate with the cows successfully, and the cows give birth to calves and never miscarry.
Su buey engendra sin fallar; Su vaca da a luz, sin abortar.
11 Wicked people send their young children outside [to play], and the children play [happily] like [SIM] lambs [in a pasture].
Envían a sus pequeños como un rebaño, y sus hijos disfrutan bailando.
12 Some children dance and sing, while others shake tambourines and play lyres, and they are happy when they hear people playing flutes.
Hacen canciones a los instrumentos de música, y se alegran del sonido de las flautas.
13 Wicked people enjoy having good things all the time that they are alive, and they die quietly/peacefully and go down to the place of the dead. (Sheol h7585)
Sus días terminan sin problemas, y de repente bajan al sepulcro. (Sheol h7585)
14 While they are alive, they say to God, ‘Do not bother us; we do not want to know how you want us to conduct our lives!
Aunque dijeron a Dios: Aléjate de nosotros, porque no deseamos el conocimiento de tus caminos.
15 Why do you, Almighty God, think that we should serve you? (What advantage do we get if we pray to you?/It is useless for us to pray to you.) [RHQ]’
¿Quién es él Todopoderoso, para que podamos adorarlo? ¿Y de qué nos sirve hacer oración a él?
16 Think about it: Wicked people think that it is because of what they have done that they have become prosperous, but I do not understand why they think like that.
En verdad, ¿no está su bienestar en su poder? El consejo de los malhechores está lejos de mí.
17 (“How often does it happen that wicked people die [MET] before they are old?/Very seldom do wicked people die [MET] before they are old.) [RHQ] (Do they ever experience disasters?/They seldom experience disasters.) [RHQ] (Does God ever punish them because of being very angry with them?/God never punishes them because of being very angry with them.) [RHQ]
¿Con qué frecuencia se apaga la luz de los malhechores, o les vienen problemas? ¿Con qué frecuencia su ira les causa dolor?
18 [He does not blow] them away like wind blows away straw; they are never carried off by a whirlwind.
¿Con qué frecuencia son dispersados como paja ante el viento, o como la hierba arrebatada por el viento de tormenta?
19 You say, ‘When people have committed sins, God waits and punishes their children because of those sins;’ but [I say that] God should punish those who sin, [not their children, ] in order that the sinners will know [that it is because of their own sins that they are being punished].
Tú dices: Dios mantiene el castigo acumulado para sus hijos. ¡Que pague, para que sepa.
20 I hope/wish that wicked people will experience themselves being destroyed, that they will experience being punished by an angry Almighty God.
¡Que sus ojos vean su ruina, y que beba de la ira del Todopoderoso!
21 After wicked people are dead, they are not at all concerned [RHQ] about what happens to their families [MTY].
¿Qué interés tiene él en su casa después de que muere, cuando se termina el número de sus meses?
22 “Since God judges [everyone, ] even those that are in heaven, (who can teach God anything?/certainly no one can teach God anything.) [RHQ]
¿Alguien puede enseñar sabiduría a Dios? siendo él, el juez de los que están en lo alto.
23 Some people die while they are very healthy, while they are peaceful, when they are not afraid of anything.
Uno llega a su fin en completo bienestar, lleno de paz y tranquilidad:
24 Their bodies are fat; their bones are strong.
Sus cubetas están llenos de leche, y no hay pérdida de fuerza en sus huesos.
25 Other people die being very miserable; they have never experienced good things happening to them.
Y otro llega a su fin con un alma amargada, sin haber probado el buen sabor.
26 But both rich and poor people die and are buried, and maggots eat their bodies. [Everyone dies, so it is clear that dying is not always the punishment for being wicked].
Juntos bajan al polvo, y son cubiertos por el gusano.
27 “Listen, I know what you [three] are thinking. I know the evil things that you plan to do to me.
Mira, soy consciente de tus pensamientos y de tus propósitos violentos contra mí;
28 You say, ‘What happened to the tents in which wicked people were living? The houses of evil rulers have been destroyed!’
Porque dices: ¿Dónde está la casa del príncipe, y dónde está la tienda del que hace el mal?
29 But have you never inquired of people who travel much? Do you not believe their reports about what they have seen,
¿No has hecho la pregunta a los viajeros y no tomas nota de su experiencia?
30 that wicked people usually do not suffer at the time when there are great disasters; that wicked people are the ones who are rescued when God is angry [and punishes people] [MTY]?
¿Cómo el hombre malo sale libre en el día de angustia, y tiene la salvación en el día de ira?
31 There is no one [RHQ] who accuses wicked people, and there is no one who (pays them back/gives them the punishment that they deserve) for all the evil things that they have done.
¿Quién se dirigirá a su cara? y si ha hecho algo, ¿quién lo castiga?
32 The corpses of wicked people are carried to their graves, and people are put there to guard those graves.
Lo llevan a su último lugar de descanso y lo vigila.
33 A huge number [HYP] of people go to the grave site. Some go in front of the procession and some come behind. And the clods of dirt thrown on the graves of those wicked people who have died are like a nice blanket.
La tierra del valle que cubre sus huesos es dulce para él, y todos los hombres vienen después de él, y antes de él han ido innumerables.
34 “So how can you console me by talking nonsense? Every reply that you make is full of lies!”
¿Por qué, entonces, me das consuelo con palabras en las que no hay ganancia, cuando ves que no hay nada en tus respuestas sino engaño?

< Job 21 >