< Job 20 >

1 Then Zophar replied,
Alors Tsophar Nahamathite prit la parole, et dit:
2 “I am very perturbed about what you have said, so I want to reply very quickly.
C'est à cause de cela que mes pensées diverses me poussent à répondre, et que cette promptitude est en moi.
3 By saying these things you have insulted me, but I know how (OR, because I understand very much) I can reply to you.
J'ai entendu la correction dont tu veux me faire honte, mais [mon] esprit [tirera] de mon intelligence la réponse pour moi.
4 “Do you not know that from long ago, ever since people were first put on the earth,
Ne sais-tu pas que de tout temps, [et] depuis que [Dieu] a mis l'homme sur la terre,
5 wicked people [like you] do not continue to rejoice for a long time, ungodly people are happy only for a (moment/very short time) [HYP]?
Le triomphe des méchants est de peu de durée, et que la joie de l'hypocrite n'est que pour un moment?
6 [Even] though their reputation/pride reaches up to the sky and their fame goes up as high as the clouds,
Quand sa hauteur monterait jusqu'aux cieux, et que sa tête atteindrait jusqu'aux nues,
7 they will disappear forever, like their own dung, and those who knew them will ask, ‘(Where did they go/What happened to them)?’
Il périra pour toujours comme ses ordures; et ceux qui l'auront vu, diront: Où est-il?
8 They will be forgotten like [SIM] a dream is, and they will exist no more. They will vanish, like visions [that people see] during the night.
Il s'en sera envolé comme un songe, et on ne le trouvera plus; et il s'enfuira comme une vision de nuit.
9 Those who saw those people previously will never see them again; even their families [MTY] will not see them any more.
L'œil qui l'aura vu ne le verra plus; et son lieu ne le contemplera plus.
10 Their children will be forced to return the valuable things that those children stole from poor people [DOU].
Ses enfants feront la cour aux pauvres; et ses mains restitueront ce qu'il aura ravi par violence.
11 Previously their bodies were young and strong, but they will die and [their bodies will] be buried in the ground.
Ses os seront pleins de la punition [des péchés] de sa jeunesse, et elle reposera avec lui dans la poudre.
12 “Doing wicked things was like having sweet food in their mouths, and they wanted to continue to taste it.
Si le mal est doux à sa bouche, et s'il le cache sous sa langue;
13 And they did not want to stop doing those things,
S'il l'épargne, et ne le rejette point, mais le retient dans son palais;
14 [but some day] the evil things that they enjoyed doing will become like food [that they swallow] [and which becomes] as bitter as snake venom.
Ce qu'il mangera se changera dans ses entrailles en un fiel d'aspic.
15 Wicked people will not continue to keep the money they have accumulated, like people do not keep the food that they vomit. God takes their wealth from them.
Il a englouti les richesses, mais il les vomira, et le [Dieu] Fort les jettera hors de son ventre.
16 What wicked people do is [like] [MET] swallowing snake venom; it will kill them like [MET] the bite of a poisonous snake kills people.
Il sucera le venin de l'aspic, et la langue de la vipère le tuera.
17 They will not remain alive to see abundant blessings [IDM] [from God], milk and olive oil and honey, that are [so abundant they are] like [MET] a stream that flows by.
Il ne verra point les ruisseaux des fleuves, ni les torrents de miel et de beurre.
18 They will be forced to give back the things that they stole from the poor; they will not be able to continue to enjoy those things. They will not remain happy because of what they got from their businesses,
Il rendra [ce qu'il aura acquis par des] vexations, et il ne l'engloutira point; [il le rendra] selon sa juste valeur, et il ne s'en réjouira point.
19 because they oppressed poor people and refused to help them, and they took other people’s houses [by cheating them].
Parce qu'il aura foulé les pauvres et les aura abandonnés, il aura ruiné sa maison, bien loin de la bâtir.
20 “They were always greedy and never satisfied. They just keep dreaming about owning more and more things.
Certainement il n'en sentira point de contentement en son ventre, et il ne sauvera rien de ce qu'il aura tant convoité.
21 When they finished eating their food, there was never anything left over [because they had greedily eaten it all]; but now their prosperity will end.
Il ne lui restera rien à manger, c'est pourquoi il ne s'attendra plus à son bien.
22 When they are extremely prosperous/wealthy, they will suddenly experience a lot of trouble. (Misery will strike them and crush them [PRS]/They will suffer very greatly).
Après que la mesure de ses biens aura été remplie, il sera dans la misère; toutes les mains de ceux qu'il aura opprimés se jetteront sur lui.
23 When the wicked people are filling their stomachs, God will show that he is very angry with them and punish them; the punishment [that he gives them] will be like [MET] rain falling on them.
S'il a eu de quoi remplir son ventre, [Dieu] lui fera sentir l'ardeur de sa colère, et [la] fera pleuvoir sur lui [et] sur sa viande.
24 They will try to escape from [being killed by] iron weapons, but arrows with bronze points will pierce them.
S'il s'enfuit de devant les armes de fer, l'arc d'airain le transpercera.
25 The arrows will [go completely through their bodies and] stick out of their backs; the shiny points of the arrows will have blood dripping from them, and those wicked people will be terrified.
Le trait décoché contre lui sortira tout au travers de son corps, et le fer étincelant sortira de son fiel; toute sorte de frayeur marchera sur lui.
26 Their valuable possessions will all be destroyed; a fire that is not lit by humans, [but by God, ] will burn them up and also destroy the things that are left in their tents.
Toutes les ténèbres seront renfermées dans ses demeures les plus secrètes; un feu qu'on n'aura point soufflé, le consumera; l'homme qui restera dans sa tente sera malheureux.
27 The [angels in] heaven [MTY] will reveal the sins that those wicked people have committed, and [people on] earth will stand up and testify against them.
Les cieux découvriront son iniquité, et la terre s'élèvera contre lui.
28 When God punishes [MTY] [people], all the possessions in the wicked people’s houses will be carried away by a flood.
Le revenu de sa maison sera transporté; tout s'écoulera au jour de la colère de Dieu [contre lui].
29 That is what will happen to wicked people [like you]; that is what God has decided will happen to them.”
C'est là la portion que Dieu réserve à l'homme méchant, et l'héritage qu'il aura de Dieu pour ses discours.

< Job 20 >