< Job 19 >

1 Then Job replied:
욥이 대답하여 가로되
2 “How long will you [three] torment me and crush my spirit by saying to me [that I am wicked]?
너희가 내 마음을 번뇌케 하며 말로 꺾기를 어느 때까지 하겠느냐
3 You have already insulted me many [HYP] times; (are you not ashamed for saying these things to me?/you should be ashamed for saying these things to me.) [RHQ]
너희가 열 번이나 나를 꾸짖고 나를 학대하고도 부끄러워 아니하는구나
4 Even if it were true that I have done things that are wrong, I have not injured you!
내가 과연 허물이 있었다 할지라도 그 허물이 내게만 있는 것이니
5 If you truly think that you are better than I am, and you think that my being miserable now proves that I (am guilty/have committed many sins),
너희가 참으로 나를 향하여 자긍하며 내게 수치될 행위가 있다고 증명하려면 하려니와
6 you need to realize that it is God who has caused me to suffer. [It is as though] he has trapped me with his net.
하나님이 나를 굴하게 하시고 자기 그물로 나를 에워싸신 줄은 알아야 할지니라
7 “I cry out, ‘Help me!’, but no one answers me. I call out loudly, but there is no one, [not even God, ] who acts fairly toward me.
내가 포학을 당한다고 부르짖으나 응답이 없고 간구할지라도 신원함이 없구나
8 [It is as though] [MET] God has blocked my way, with the result that I cannot go where I want to; [it is as though] he has forced me to try to find my way in the darkness.
그가 내 길을 막아 지나지 못하게 하시고 내 첩경에 흑암을 두셨으며
9 He has (taken away my good reputation/caused people not to honor me any more); [it is as though] he removed [MET] a crown from my head.
나의 영광을 벗기시며 나의 면류관을 머리에서 취하시고
10 He batters me from every side, and I will soon die. He has caused me to no longer confidently expect [him to do good things for me].
사면으로 나를 헐으시니 나는 죽었구나 내 소망을 나무 뽑듯 뽑으시고
11 He attacks me because he is extremely angry with me [MET], and he considers that I am his enemy.
나를 향하여 진노하시고 원수 같이 보시는구나
12 [It is as though] he sends his army to attack me; they surround my tent, preparing to attack me.
그 군대가 일제히 나아와서 길을 수축하고 나를 치며 내 장막을 둘러 진 쳤구나
13 “God has caused my brothers to abandon me, and all those who know me act like strangers to me.
나의 형제들로 나를 멀리 떠나게 하시니 나를 아는 모든 사람이 내게 외인이 되었구나
14 All my relatives and good friends have left me.
내 친척은 나를 버리며 가까운 친구는 나를 잊었구나
15 The people who were guests in my house have forgotten me, and my female servants consider that I am a stranger or that I am a foreigner.
내 집에 우거한 자와 내 계집종들은 나를 외인으로 여기니 내가 그들 앞에서 타국 사람이 되었구나
16 When I summon my servants, they do not answer; I plead with them to come [to help me, but they do not come].
내가 내 종을 불러도 대답지 아니하니 내 입으로 그에게 청하여야 하겠구나
17 My wife does not want to come close to me because my breath [smells very bad], and even my brothers detest me.
내 숨을 내 아내가 싫어하며 내 동포들도 혐의하는구나
18 Even young children despise me; when I stand up [to talk to them], they laugh at me.
어린 아이들이라도 나를 업신여기고 내가 일어나면 나를 조롱하는구나
19 My dearest friends detest me, and those whom I love [very much] have turned against me.
나의 가까운 친구들이 나를 미워하며 나의 사랑하는 사람들이 돌이켜 나의 대적이 되었구나
20 My body is [only] skin and bones; I am barely alive [IDM].
내 피부와 살이 뼈에 붙었고 남은 것은 겨우 잇꺼풀뿐이로구나
21 [“I plead with] you, my [three] friends, pity me, because God has (struck [EUP] me with his hand/caused me to suffer greatly).
나의 친구야 너희는 나를 불쌍히 여기라 나를 불쌍히 여기라 하나님의 손이 나를 치셨구나
22 Why do you cause me to suffer like God does? Why do you continue to slander [MET] me?
너희가 어찌하여 하나님처럼 나를 핍박하느냐 내 살을 먹고도 부족하냐
23 “I wish/desire that someone would take these words of mine and write them permanently in a book [in order that people can read them].
나의 말이 곧 기록되었으면, 책에 씌어졌으면,
24 Or else, I wish that he would carve them on a rock with (a chisel/an iron tool) in order that they would last forever.
철필과 연으로 영영히 돌에 새겨졌으면 좋겠노라
25 But I know that the one who vindicates/defends me in court is alive, and that some day he will stand [here] on the earth [and make the final decision about whether I deserve to be punished].
내가 알기에는 나의 구속자가 살아 계시니 후일에 그가 땅 위에 서실 것이라
26 And even after diseases have eaten away my skin, while I still have my body, I will see God.
나의 이 가죽, 이것이 썩은 후에 내가 육체 밖에서 하나님을 보리라
27 I will see him myself; I will see him with my own eyes! I am overwhelmed [as I think about that]!
내가 친히 그를 보리니 내 눈으로 그를 보기를 외인처럼 하지 않을 것이라 내 마음이 초급하구나
28 “If you three men say, ‘What more can we do to cause Job to suffer?’ and if you say, ‘He has caused his own [troubles],’
너희가 만일 이르기를 우리가 그를 어떻게 칠꼬 하며 또 이르기를 일의 뿌리가 그에게 있다 할진대
29 you should be afraid that God will punish [MTY] you; he punishes those [like you] with whom he is angry; and when that happens, you will know that there is [someone who] judges [people].”
너희는 칼을 두려워할지니라 분노는 칼의 형벌을 부르나니 너희가 심판이 있는 줄을 알게 되리라

< Job 19 >