< Job 17 >

1 “My (life/time to live) is almost ended; I have no strength left; my grave is waiting for me.
Meu espírito está arruinado, meus dias vão se extinguindo, e a sepultura já etá pronta para mim.
2 Those who are around me are making fun of me; I [SYN] watch them while they (taunt/make fun of) me.”
Comigo há ninguém além de zombadores, e meus olhos são obrigados a ficar diante de suas provocações.
3 “God, [it is as though I am in prison; ] please pay the money in order that I may be released, because there is certainly no one else who will help me.
Concede-me, por favor, uma garantia para comigo; quem [outro] há que me dê a mão?
4 You have prevented my friends from understanding [what is true about me]; do not allow them to triumph over me, [saying that I have done things that are wrong].
Pois aos corações deles tu encobriste do entendimento; portanto não os exaltarás.
5 [Our ancestors often said, ‘It often happens that] when someone betrays his friends in order to get some of their property, it is that person’s children who will be punished for it;’ [so I desire/hope that will be true of these friends of mine who are lying about me].
Aquele que denuncia a seus amigos em proveito próprio, também os olhos de seus filhos desfalecerão.
6 “But now people use that saying of our ancestors when they talk about me; they spit in my face [to insult me].
Ele tem me posto por ditado de povos, e em meu rosto é onde eles cospem.
7 (My sight has become dim/I cannot see well) because I am extremely sad, and my arms and legs are [very thin, with the result that they almost do not cast] [MET] a shadow.
Por isso meus olhos se escureceram de mágoa, e todos os membros de meu corpo são como a sombra.
8 Those who [say that they] are good/righteous are shocked [when they see what has happened to me], and people who [say that they] (are innocent/have not done anything that is wrong) say that I am wicked/godless and should be punished.
Os íntegros pasmarão sobre isto, e o inocente se levantará contra o hipócrita.
9 Those who [claim that they] are righteous will continue to do what [they think] is right, and those [who say] they have not sinned will continue to become stronger.
E o justo prosseguirá seu caminho, e o puro de mãos crescerá em força.
10 “But even if all of those people came [and stood in front of me], I would not find anyone among them who is wise.
Mas, na verdade, voltai-vos todos vós, e vinde agora, pois sábio nenhum acharei entre vós.
11 My (life/time to live) is almost ended; I have not been able to do the things that I confidently expected to do; [I have not been able to accomplish] anything that I [SYN] desired.
Meus dias se passaram, meus pensamentos foram arrancados, os desejos do meu coração.
12 My friends do not know when it is night and when it is day; when it is night, they claim that it is daylight; when it is becoming dark, they claim it is becoming light.
Tornaram a noite em dia; a luz se encurta por causa das trevas.
13 If my home will be the place where dead people are, where will I sleep in the darkness? (Sheol h7585)
Se eu esperar, o Xeol será minha casa; nas trevas estenderei minha cama. (Sheol h7585)
14 I may say to the grave, ‘You will be [like] a father to me,’ and say to the maggots [that will eat my body], ‘You will be [like] a mother or younger sisters to me [because you will be where I will always be].’
À cova chamo: Tu és meu pai; e aos vermes: [Sois] minha mãe e minha irmã.
15 But if I say those things, (will there be anything good that I can confidently expect to happen to me?/there will be nothing good that I can confidently expect to happen to me.) [RHQ] (Is there anyone who knows anything good that I can expect when I am in the grave?/No one knows anything good that I can expect when I am in the grave.) [RHQ]
Onde, pois, estaria agora minha esperança? Quanto à minha esperança, quem a poderá ver?
16 After I descend to the place where the dead are, (will I be able to confidently expect anything good there?/I certainly will not be able to confidently expect anything good there.) [RHQ] [It will be as though] [RHQ] I and the things I hope for will descend with me into the dust [where the dead are].” (Sheol h7585)
Será que ela descerá aos ferrolhos do Xeol? Descansaremos juntos no pó da terra? (Sheol h7585)

< Job 17 >