< Job 17 >
1 “My (life/time to live) is almost ended; I have no strength left; my grave is waiting for me.
Je péris emporté par une tempête; j'aspire à la tombe et je n'y puis arriver.
2 Those who are around me are making fun of me; I [SYN] watch them while they (taunt/make fun of) me.”
Je péris dans mon affliction; et vous, Seigneur, qu'avez-vous fait?
3 “God, [it is as though I am in prison; ] please pay the money in order that I may be released, because there is certainly no one else who will help me.
Des étrangers m'ont enlevé mes richesses: Quel est cet homme? qu'il soit enchaîné par ma main.
4 You have prevented my friends from understanding [what is true about me]; do not allow them to triumph over me, [saying that I have done things that are wrong].
Vous avez rendu leur cœur inaccessible à la raison; gardez-vous de les glorifier.
5 [Our ancestors often said, ‘It often happens that] when someone betrays his friends in order to get some of their property, it is that person’s children who will be punished for it;’ [so I desire/hope that will be true of these friends of mine who are lying about me].
Cet homme n'a rien à dire à ses amis que des méchancetés; et ses yeux ont fondu en larmes à cause de ses fils.
6 “But now people use that saying of our ancestors when they talk about me; they spit in my face [to insult me].
O mon Dieu, vous avez fait de moi la fable des nations; je suis devenu pour elles un objet de risée.
7 (My sight has become dim/I cannot see well) because I am extremely sad, and my arms and legs are [very thin, with the result that they almost do not cast] [MET] a shadow.
La colère alors a séché mes pleurs, et j'ai été vivement assiégé de toutes parts.
8 Those who [say that they] are good/righteous are shocked [when they see what has happened to me], and people who [say that they] (are innocent/have not done anything that is wrong) say that I am wicked/godless and should be punished.
Les gens sincères à cause de moi sont saisis de surprise, ils s'écrient: Puisse le juste s'élever au-dessus du méchant!
9 Those who [claim that they] are righteous will continue to do what [they think] is right, and those [who say] they have not sinned will continue to become stronger.
Que le fidèle persévère dans sa voie, que l'homme dont les mains sont pures prenne courage.
10 “But even if all of those people came [and stood in front of me], I would not find anyone among them who is wise.
Et vous tous approchez, écoutez-moi, je ne trouve point la vérité en vous.
11 My (life/time to live) is almost ended; I have not been able to do the things that I confidently expected to do; [I have not been able to accomplish] anything that I [SYN] desired.
J'ai passé mes jours à murmurer, et toutes les parties de mon cœur ont été déchirées.
12 My friends do not know when it is night and when it is day; when it is night, they claim that it is daylight; when it is becoming dark, they claim it is becoming light.
J'ai confondu la nuit avec le jour; la lumière avec l'obscurité.
13 If my home will be the place where dead people are, where will I sleep in the darkness? (Sheol )
Tout ce que j'ai à attendre, c'est la terre pour demeure; ma couche est déjà étendue dans les ténèbres. (Sheol )
14 I may say to the grave, ‘You will be [like] a father to me,’ and say to the maggots [that will eat my body], ‘You will be [like] a mother or younger sisters to me [because you will be where I will always be].’
J'ai surnommé la mort mon père; ma mère et ma sœur, c'est la pourriture.
15 But if I say those things, (will there be anything good that I can confidently expect to happen to me?/there will be nothing good that I can confidently expect to happen to me.) [RHQ] (Is there anyone who knows anything good that I can expect when I am in the grave?/No one knows anything good that I can expect when I am in the grave.) [RHQ]
Où est donc mon espoir? quels sont les biens que je verrai?
16 After I descend to the place where the dead are, (will I be able to confidently expect anything good there?/I certainly will not be able to confidently expect anything good there.) [RHQ] [It will be as though] [RHQ] I and the things I hope for will descend with me into the dust [where the dead are].” (Sheol )
Est-ce que mon espoir et mes biens descendront avec moi sous la terre? Est-ce que nous serons placés ensemble dans le sépulcre? (Sheol )