< Job 16 >

1 Job replied [to Eliphaz and the others: ]
Tetapi Ayub menjawab, "Seringkali kudengar pendapat demikian; penghiburanmu hanyalah siksaan.
2 “I have heard things like that before; all of you, [instead of helping me, ] are only causing me to feel more miserable.
3 Will your speeches, which are only hot air, never end [RHQ]? Eliphaz, what bothers/irritates you so much that you continue replying to me?
Kapankah omong kosong itu kamu hentikan? Apa yang merangsang kamu untuk memberi jawaban?
4 If it were you [three and not I] who were suffering, I could say the things that you are saying; I could make great speeches [to criticize/condemn you], and I could shake my head at you [to ridicule you].
Seandainya kamu ini aku, dan aku kamu, aku pun dapat bicara sama seperti itu. Kubanjiri kamu dengan penuturan; kepalaku akan kugeleng-gelengkan.
5 But, [unlike all of you, ] with what I said [MTY] I would encourage you and try to cause your pain to be less.
Hatimu akan kukuatkan dengan berbagai anjuran; kata-kataku akan memberi penghiburan.
6 “But now, if I talk, my pain does not decrease, and if I am silent, my pain still certainly does not [RHQ] go away.
Kalau aku bicara, deritaku tidak reda; jika aku berdiam diri, apa pula gunanya?
7 God has now taken away all my strength, and he has destroyed my family.
Allah, membuat aku kepayahan; seluruh keluargaku telah dibinasakan.
8 He has shriveled me up, and people think that shows that I [am a sinner]. And people see that I am only skin and bones, and they think that proves that I [am guilty].
Dia menentang dan menangkap aku. Sekarang kurus keringlah tubuhku, dan bagi banyak orang itulah buktinya bahwa aku telah berdosa.
9 Because God is very angry with me and hates me, [it is as though he is a wild animal that] [MET] has gnashed his teeth at me because he is my enemy.
Dengan geram Allah merobek-robek tubuhku; dengan sangat benci Ia memandang aku.
10 People gape/stare at me with their mouths open [to sneer at me]; they have struck me on the face/cheek to ridicule me, and they crowd around me to threaten me.
Orang-orang mengejek aku dengan mulut terbuka lebar; aku dikeroyok dan pipiku ditampar.
11 [It is as though] God has handed me over to ungodly people and turned me over to the wicked [DOU].
Allah menyerahkan aku kepada orang durhaka; aku dijatuhkan-Nya ke tangan orang durjana.
12 Previously, I was living peacefully, but he crushed me; [it is as though] he grabbed my neck and smashed me to pieces. [It is as though] [MET] he set me up like a target;
Tadinya hidupku aman dan sentosa, tapi Allah menyerang aku dengan tiba-tiba. Tengkukku dicengkeram-Nya dan aku dicampakkan; dijadikan-Nya aku sasaran untuk latihan.
13 people are surrounding me [and shooting arrows at me]. His arrows pierce my kidneys and cause the bile [from my liver] to spill onto the ground, and God does not pity me at all.
Tanpa rasa iba Ia terus memanah aku, sehingga terburailah isi perutku.
14 [It is as though] [MET] I am a wall that he is breaking through; he rushes at me like [SIM] a soldier [attacking his enemies].
Ia menyerbu seperti seorang pejuang, dan melukai aku dengan berulang-ulang.
15 [“Because I am mourning, ] I wear pieces of rough cloth that I have sewed together, and I sit [here] in the dirt, very depressed/discouraged.
Aku memakai karung tanda kesedihan, dan duduk dalam debu karena dikalahkan.
16 My face is red because I have cried very much, and there are dark circles around my eyes.
Wajahku merah karena tangisku; kelopak mataku bengkak dan biru.
17 [All this has happened to me] even though I have not acted violently [toward anyone], and I [always] pray sincerely/honestly [to God].
Tapi aku tidak melakukan kekerasan; nyata tuluslah doaku kepada TUHAN.
18 [When I die, ] I want the ground [APO] to [act as though I had been murdered and] cry out against those who killed me, and I do not want anyone to stop me while I am demanding [that God act justly toward] me.
Hai bumi, kejahatan terhadapku jangan sembunyikan; jangan diamkan teriakku minta keadilan.
19 But even now, [I know that] there is someone in heaven who will testify for me, and he will say that what I have done is right.
Aku tahu bahwa Pembelaku ada di surga; Ia memberi kesaksian bahwa aku tak berdosa.
20 My [three] friends scorn/ridicule me, but my eyes are full of tears [while I cry out] to God.
Aku diejek teman-temanku dan ditertawakan; sambil menangis aku menghadap Allah minta bantuan.
21 I pray that [the] one [who knows what I have done] would come to plead with God for me like people plead for their friends.
Ah, kiranya Allah sendiri membela aku di hadapan-Nya, seperti seorang yang rela membela sahabatnya.
22 [I say this because] within a few years [I will die]; I will walk along the [to the grave] from which I will never return.”
Tahun-tahunku yang sisa tak banyak lagi; sebentar lagi aku pergi dan tak akan kembali.

< Job 16 >