< Job 14 >

1 “We humans are very frail. We live only a short time, and we experience a lot of trouble.
“El hombre, nacido de mujer, vive corto tiempo, y se harta de miserias.
2 We disappear quickly, like flowers that grow from the ground quickly and then wither and die [SIM]. We are like shadows that disappear [when the sun stops shining].
Brota como una flor, y se marchita, huye como la sombra, y no tiene permanencia.
3 [Yahweh, ] why do you keep watching me [to see if I am doing something that is wrong] [RHQ]? Are you wanting to take me to court to judge me?
¿Sobre un tal abres Tú los ojos, y me citas a juicio contigo?
4 People are sinners from the time when they are born; who can cause them to be sinless? No one [RHQ]!
¡Oh, si se pudiera sacar cosa limpia de lo inmundo! Nadie lo puede.
5 You have decided how long our lives will be. You have decided how many months we will live, and we cannot live more months than the (limit/number of months) that you have decided.
Ya que Tú has determinado los días (del hombre) y fijado el número de sus meses; le señalaste un término que no puede traspasar;
6 So please stop examining us, and allow us to be alone, until/while we finish our time [here on earth], like a man finishes his work [at the end of the day].
aparta de él tu mirada para que repose, hasta que, como el jornalero cumpla sus días.
7 If someone cuts a tree down, we hope that it will sprout again and grow new branches.
El árbol tiene esperanza; siendo cortado, no deja de retoñar, y no cesan sus renuevos.
8 Its roots in the ground may be very old, and its stump may decay,
Aun cuando envejeciere su raíz en la tierra, y haya muerto en el polvo su tronco,
9 but if some water falls on it, it may bud/sprout and send up shoots like a young plant.
sintiendo el agua retoña, y echa ramas como planta (nueva).
10 But when we people lose all our strength and die, we stop breathing and then we are gone [forever].
EI hombre si muere, queda postrado; si expira, ¿dónde va a parar?
11 Just like water evaporates from the ocean, or like a riverbed dries up,
Como las aguas del lago se están evaporando y el río se agota y se seca,
12 people [lie down and die and] do not get up again. Until the heavens disappear, people who die [EUP] do not wake up, and no one can wake them up.
así el hombre cuando se acuesta no se levanta más. No despertará, hasta que se hayan consumido los cielos; ni se levantará de su sueño.
13 [“Yahweh, ] I wish that you would put me safely in the place of the dead and forget about me until you are no longer angry with me. I wish that you would decide how much time I would spend there, and then remember [that] I [am there]. (Sheol h7585)
¡Ojalá me escondieras en el scheol, para ocultarme hasta que pase tu ira; y me fijases un plazo para acordarte de mí! (Sheol h7585)
14 When we humans die, we will certainly not live again [RHQ]. If [I knew that] we would live again, I would wait patiently, and I would wait for you to release me [from my sufferings].
Muerto el hombre ¿podrá volver a vivir? entonces todos los días de mi milicia esperaría la hora de mi relevo.
15 You would call me, and I would answer. You would be eager to see me, one of the creatures that you had made.
Entonces respondería a tu llamado, y Tú amarías la obra de tus manos.
16 You would take care of [MET] me, instead of watching me to see if I would sin.
Pero ahora cuentas mis pasos, tienes el ojo abierto sobre mi pecado.
17 [It is as though the record of] my sins would be sealed in a small bag, and you would cover them up.
Sellada está en una bolsa mi delito, y tienes encerrada mi iniquidad.
18 “But, just like mountains crumble and rocks fall down from a cliff,
Como un monte se deshace cayendo, y la peña se traslada de su lugar;
19 and just like water slowly wears away the stones, and just like floods wash away soil, [you eventually destroy us]; you do not allow us to continue to (hope/confidently expect) [that we will keep on living].
y como el agua cava las piedras, y sus inundaciones se llevan el polvo de la tierra, desbaratas Tú la esperanza del hombre.
20 You always defeat us, and then we die [EUP]. You cause our faces to look ugly after we die, and you send us away.
Prevaleces contra él por siempre, y así desaparece; desfiguras su rostro, y lo eliminas.
21 [When we die] we do not know if our sons will grow up and [do things that will cause them to] be honored. And if they become disgraced, we do not see that, [either].
Sean honrados sus hijos, él no lo sabe; o sean abatidos, él no se da cuenta de ello.
22 We will feel our own pains; we will not feel anything else; we will be sorry for ourselves, not for anyone else.”
Solo siente los propios dolores, solo por sí misma se aflige su alma.”

< Job 14 >