< Job 12 >
1 Then Job said [to his three friends],
Porém Jó respondeu, dizendo:
2 “You (talk as though/You think) [SAR] that you are the people [whom everyone should listen to], and that when you die, there will be no more wise people.
Verdadeiramente vós sois o povo; e convosco morrerá a sabedoria.
3 But I have as much good sense as you do; I am (not less wise than/certainly as wise as [LIT]) you. Certainly everyone knows [RHQ] all that you have said.
Também eu tenho entendimento como vós; e não sou inferior a vós; e quem há que não saiba coisas como essas?
4 My friends all laugh at me now. Previously I habitually requested God to help me, and he answered/helped me. I am righteous, a very godly man [DOU], but everyone laughs at me.
Eu sou o motivo de riso de meus amigos, eu que invocava a Deus, e ele me respondia; o justo e íntegro serve de riso.
5 Those [like you] who have no troubles make fun of me; they cause those [like me] who are already suffering to have more troubles.
Na opinião de quem está descansado, a desgraça é desprezada, [como se] estivesse preparada aos que cujos pés escorregam.
6 Bandits live peacefully, and no one threatens those who cause God to become angry; their own strength is the god [that they worship].
As tendas dos ladrões têm descanso, e os que irritam a Deus estão seguros; os que trazem [seu] deus em suas mãos.
7 “But ask the wild animals [what they know about God], and [if they could speak] they would teach you. [If you could] ask the birds, they would tell you.
Verdadeiramente pergunta agora aos animais, que eles te ensinarão; e às aves dos céus, que elas te explicarão;
8 [If you could] ask the creatures [that crawl] on the ground, or the fish in the sea, they would tell you [about God].
Ou fala com a terra, que ela te ensinará; até os peixes do mar te contarão.
9 All of them certainly know [RHQ] that it is Yahweh who has made them with his hands.
Quem entre todas estas coisas não entende que a mão do SENHOR faz isto?
10 He directs the lives of all living creatures; he gives breath to all [us] humans [to enable us to remain alive].
Em sua mão está a alma de tudo quanto vive, e o espírito de toda carne humana.
11 And when we [SYN] hear what other people [like you] say, we [RHQ] think carefully about what they say [to determine what is good and what is bad], like we [SYN] taste food [to determine what is good and what is bad].
Por acaso o ouvido não distingue as palavras, e o paladar prova as comidas?
12 Old people are [often] very wise, and because of having lived many years, they understand much,
Nos velhos está o conhecimento, e na longa idade o entendimento.
13 but God is wise and very powerful; he has good sense and understands [everything].
Com [Deus] está a sabedoria e a força; o conselho e o entendimento lhe pertencem.
14 If he tears [something] down, no one can rebuild it; if he puts someone in prison, no one can open [the prison doors to allow that person to escape].
Eis que o que ele derruba não pode ser reconstruído; e ninguém pode libertar o homem a quem ele aprisiona.
15 When he prevents rain from falling, everything dries up. When he causes a lot of rain to fall, [the result is that] there are floods.
Eis que, [quando] ele detém as águas, elas se secam; [quando] ele as deixa sair, elas transtornam a terra.
16 He is the one who is truly strong and wise; he rules over those who deceive others and those whom they deceive.
Com ele está a força e a sabedoria; Seu é o que erra, e o que faz errar.
17 He [sometimes] causes [the king’s] officials to no longer be wise, and he causes judges to become foolish.
Ele leva os conselheiros despojados, e faz os juízes enlouquecerem.
18 He takes from kings the robes that they wear and puts loincloths around their waists, [causing them to become slaves].
Ele solta a atadura dos reis, e ata um cinto a seus lombos.
19 He takes from priests the sacred clothes that they wear, [with the result that they no longer can do their work], and takes power from those who rule others.
Ele leva os sacerdotes despojados, e transtorna os poderosos.
20 He [sometimes] causes those whom others trust to be unable to speak, and he causes old men to no longer have good sense.
Ele tira a fala daqueles a quem os outros confiam, e tira o juízo dos anciãos.
21 He causes those who have authority to be despised, and he causes those who are powerful to no longer have any power/strength.
Ele derrama menosprezo sobre os príncipes, e afrouxa o cinto dos fortes.
22 He causes things that are hidden in the darkness to be revealed.
Ele revela as profundezas das trevas, e traz a sombra de morte à luz.
23 He causes some nations to become very great, and [later] he destroys them; he causes the territory of some nations to become much larger, and [later] he causes them to be defeated and their people to be scattered.
Ele multiplica as nações, e ele as destrói; ele dispersa as nações, e as reúne.
24 He causes [some] rulers to become foolish/stupid, and then he causes them to wander around, lost, in an barren desert.
Ele tira o entendimento dos líderes do povo da terra, e os faz vaguear pelos desertos, sem caminho.
25 They grope around in the darkness, without any light, and he causes them to stagger like [SIM] people who are drunk.”
Nas trevas andam apalpando, sem terem luz; e os faz cambalear como a bêbados.