< Jeremiah 9 >

1 I wish that my head was [like] [MET] a spring of water, and that my eyes were [like] a fountain of tears. Then I would cry night and day for all of my people who have been killed [by our enemies].
Bal muu madaxaygu biyo noqdo, oo bal may indhahayguna il biyood oo ilmo daadisa noqdaan, si aan habeen iyo maalinba ugu ooyo kuwa laga laayay dadkayga!
2 I wish that I could leave my people and forget them, and go and live in a shack/shelter in the desert, because they have not remained faithful [MET] [to Yahweh]; they are a mob of people who deceive others.
Bal maan cidlada ku lahaado hoy ay socotooyinku ku dhaxaan, si aan dadkayga uga tago, oo aan iyaga uga fogaado! Waayo, iyagu dhammaantood waxay noqdeen dhillayo, iyo urur khaa'inno ah.
3 [Yahweh replied to me], “They use their tongues [to tell] [MET] lies like people shoot [arrows] with bows. It is because they tell lies that they have become more powerful in this land, and they do not know me.
Carrabkooda ayay been ugu xoodaan sida qaanso oo kale, oo dhulkay ku xoogaysteen, runtase uma aha, waayo, sharba shar bay uga sii gudbaan, oo ima ay yaqaaniin, ayaa Rabbigu leeyahay.
4 Do not trust your neighbors and [even] your brothers! They all are as deceitful [as Jacob was]. They slander [each other] and tell lies [about each other].
Midkiin kastaaba deriskiisa ha iska jiro oo walaalna ha isku hallaynina, waayo, walaal kastaaba waa khaa'in, oo deris kastaaba xan buu la wareegaa.
5 They deceive their friends and never tell the truth. They lie continually and, because of that, they have become skilled liars; they do one oppressive thing after another, and are unable to stop doing it.
Midkood kastaaba wuxuu khiyaaneeyaa deriskiisa, oo runtana kuma ay hadlaan. Waxay carrabkooda bareen inuu been ku hadlo, oo waxay isku daaliyaan inay xumaan sameeyaan.
6 They habitually lie and deceive [each other], and no one will admit/say that I am God.
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Rugtaadu waxay ku dhex jirtaa khiyaano, oo khiyaano aawadeed ayay u diidaan inay i aqoonsadaan.
7 Therefore [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, say this: Listen carefully to what I say: I will [cause my people to experience great afflictions, ] [like a metalworker puts metal in a hot fire] [MET] to completely burn out the impure bits. Because of all [the evil things] that my people have done, there is absolutely nothing else [RHQ] that I can do.
Sidaas daraaddeed Rabbiga ciidammadu wuxuu leeyahay, Bal ogaada, iyagaan dhalaalin doonaa, waanan tijaabin doonaa, waayo, bal maxaa kaloo aan sameeyaa, dadkayga dartiis?
8 What they say [MTY] [injures people like] [MET] poisoned arrows do. They say to their neighbors, ‘I hope things will go well for you,’ while they are planning to kill them.
Carrabkoodu waa sida fallaadh wax dilaysa oo kale. Khiyaanuu ku hadlaa. Mid waluba deriskiisa nabad buu afka uga sheegaa, laakiinse uurka wuu uga gabbadaa.
9 Should I not punish them for doing that [RHQ]? Yes, I should certainly (get revenge on/give what they deserve to) [the people of] a nation that does things like that!”
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Miyaanan iyaga waxyaalahan u ciqaabayn? Miyaanse naftaydu ka aarsanayn quruun tanoo kale ah?
10 So, I will weep and wail for [the people who live in] the mountains and in the (pastures/places where the livestock eat the grass), because those areas will be desolate, and no one will live there. There will be no cattle there to call to each other, and all the birds and wild animals will have fled [to other places].
Waxaan oohin iyo baroor kor ugu qaadi doonaa buuraha aawadood, oo daaqsimaha cidladana waan u barooran doonaa, maxaa yeelay, way gubteen si aan ciduna u dhex marin. Oo ninna codkii lo'da kama maqli karo, haaddii samada iyo dugaaggiiba way carareen oo way tageen.
11 [Yahweh also says], “I will cause Jerusalem to become a heap of ruins, and [only] jackals/wolves will live there. I will destroy the towns of Judah, with the result that they will be completely deserted; no one will live there.”
Oo waxaan Yeruusaalem ka dhigi doonaa tuulmooyin burbur ah, iyo meel ay dawacooyinku ku hoydaan. Oo magaalooyinka dalka Yahuudahna waxaan ka dhigi doonaa cidla aan ciduna degganayn.
12 [I said], “Only people who are very wise [RHQ] can understand these things. Only those who have been taught by Yahweh can [RHQ] explain these things to others. The wise people are [RHQ] the only ones who can explain why the land will be completely ruined with the result that everyone [RHQ] will be afraid to travel through it.”
Waa kuma ninka xigmadda leh oo waxan garan karaa? Oo kan Rabbiga afkiisu la hadlay inuu waxyaalahan sheegi karaa waa kuma? Bal maxaa dalku u halligmay, oo uu sidii cidlo oo kale ugu gubtay, si aan ciduna u dhex marin?
13 Yahweh replied, “[These things will happen] because my people have rejected my laws which I gave to them; they have not obeyed me or my instructions.
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Iyagu sharcigaygii aan hortooda dhigay way ka tageen, oo codkaygiina ma ay addeecin, kumana ay dhex socon,
14 Instead, they have stubbornly done the things that they wanted to do. They have worshiped the idols that represent the god Baal, which is what their ancestors did.
laakiinse waxay iska daba galeen caasinimadii qalbigooda, iyo Bacaliim oo ay awowayaashood iyaga bareen,
15 So now listen to what [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, the God of the Israelis, say: [What I will do will be like] [MET] giving these people bitter things to eat and poison to drink:
oo sidaas daraaddeed Rabbiga ciidammada oo ah Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil wuxuu leeyahay, Dadkan waxaan ku quudin doonaa dacar, oo waxaan cabsiin doonaa biyo xammeetiyeed.
16 I will scatter them to many nations which neither they nor their ancestors have known [anything about]; I will [enable their enemies to] strike them with swords until I have destroyed them.”
Oo iyaga waxaan ku kala dhex firdhin doonaa quruumaha iyaga iyo awowayaashood toona ayan aqoonin, oo waxaan iyaga ka daba diri doonaa seef jeeraan baabbi'iyo.
17 This is also what the Commander of the armies of angels says: “Think [about what is happening], [then] summon those women who mourn [when someone has died].
Rabbiga ciidammadu wuxuu leeyahay, Aad u fiirsada, oo u yeedha naagaha baroorta ha yimaadeene, waxaad u cid dirtaan naagaha aad baroorta u yaqaan ha yimaadeene.
18 Tell them to come quickly and start to wail, with the result that tears will stream down from your(pl) eyes.
Oo iyagu ha soo dhaqsadeen, oo aad ha noogu baroorteen, si ay indhahayaga ilmo uga soo daadato oo ay biyona uga soo butaacaan.
19 Listen to [the people of] Jerusalem crying/lamenting, saying, ‘We have been ruined/destroyed! We have experienced a terrible disaster! Now we are very ashamed, because our houses have been destroyed [by our enemies], and we [are being forced to] leave our land.’”
Waayo, waxaa Siyoon ka yeedhaya cod baroor ah oo leh, Sidee baannu u baabba'nay! Aad iyo aad baannu u ceebownay, maxaa yeelay, dalkii waannu ka tagnay, oo hoyaashayadiina waa nalaga dumiyey.
20 You women, listen to what Yahweh says [MTY]. Pay attention to his words [DOU]. Teach your daughters to wail. Teach each other how to sing funeral songs,
Dumarow, bal erayga Rabbiga maqla, oo dhegihiinnuna erayga afkiisa ha aqbaleen, oo gabdhihiinnana baroorashada bara, oo middiin kastaaba teeda kale ha barto.
21 because people will be dying [PRS] in your houses and in palaces. There will be no more children playing in the streets, there will be no more young men [gathering] in the city squares/marketplaces.
Waayo, geeri baa daaqadahayaga nooga soo dustay, oo waxay soo gashay daarahayaga inay carruurta dibadda ka baabbi'iso, oo ay barbaarradana jidadka ka baabbi'iso.
22 There will be corpses scattered across the fields like dung; their dead bodies will lie there like [SIM] grain that has been cut by reapers/farmers, and there will be no one [still alive] to bury them.
Waxaad tidhaahdaa, Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Dadka meydkiisu wuxuu u soo daadan doonaa sida digo berrin bannaan taal oo kale iyo sida gacan muggeed oo ka hadhay nin beer soo goostay, oo ciduna sooma ururin doonto.
23 Yahweh says this: “Wise men should not boast about their being wise, strong men should not boast about their being strong; and rich people should not boast about their being rich.
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Kii xigmad lahu yuusan xigmaddiisa ku faanin, oo kii xoog badanuna yuusan xooggiisa ku faanin, oo kii taajir ahuna yuusan maalkiisa ku faanin,
24 Instead, those who want to boast should boast about their knowing me and about understanding that I am Yahweh, that I am kind and just and righteous, that I faithfully love [people], and that I am delighted with [people who act] that way.
laakiinse kii faanaa ha ku faano inuu i garanayo oo uu i yaqaan inaan anigu ahay Rabbiga dhulka ku sameeya raxmadda, iyo caddaaladda, iyo xaqnimada, waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Waxyaalahaasaan ku farxaa.
25 There will be a time when I will punish all those people of Egypt and of the Moab people-group and of the Edom [people-group] and of the Ammon [people-group], all those people who live close to desert areas (OR, who cut their hair short [to please their gods]) far from Judah, all those people who have [changed their bodies by] circumcising them [MET] but who have not [changed] their inner beings. I will punish the people of Judah also, because they have not changed their inner beings, [either].”
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Bal ogaada, waxaa iman doona wakhtigii aan ciqaabi doono kuwa gudan oo uurka ka buuryaqabka ah oo dhan,
kuwaasoo ah reer Masar, iyo dadka Yahuudah, iyo reer Edom, iyo reer Cammoon, iyo reer Moo'aab, iyo kuwa timaha madaxa dhinac ka jara oo cidlada jooga oo dhan, waayo, quruumahaas oo dhammu waa wada buuryaqab, oo dadka Israa'iil oo dhammu xagga qalbigay buuryaqab ka yihiin.

< Jeremiah 9 >