< Jeremiah 7 >

1 Yahweh gave me another message. He said to me,
Iri ndiro shoko rakauya kuna Jeremia richibva kuna Jehovha:
2 “Go to the entrance of my temple, and give this message to the people: You people of Judah who worship here, listen to this message from Yahweh!
“Mira pasuo reimba yaJehovha, uparidzepo shoko iri rokuti: “‘Inzwai shoko raJehovha imi mose vanhu veJudha vanopinda napamasuo aya kuzonamata Jehovha.
3 The Commander of the armies of angels says to you, ['If you] stop doing evil things and start doing what is right, I will allow you to remain living in your land.'
Zvanzi naJehovha Wamasimba Ose, Mwari waIsraeri: Shandurai nzira dzenyu namaitiro enyu, ndigokugarisai munzvimbo ino.
4 [But some people] are repeatedly saying to you, ‘The temple of Yahweh is here, [so we will be safe]; [he will not allow us and the temple to be destroyed].’ But do not pay attention to what they say, because they are deceiving you.
Musavimba namashoko anonyengedza muchiti, “Iyi ndiyo temberi yaJehovha, temberi yaJehovha, temberi yaJehovha!”
5 [I will act mercifully to you only] if you change your behavior and stop doing evil things, and if you [start to] act fairly/justly toward others,
Kana mukashandura chaizvoizvo nzira dzenyu namaitiro enyu mukaitirana zvakarurama,
6 and if you stop oppressing foreigners [who live in your country], and orphans and widows, and if you stop murdering people, and if you stop worshiping (foreign gods/idols). However, if you continue to do those things, you will be destroyed.
kana mukasamanikidza vatorwa, nenherera kana chirikadzi uye mukasateura ropa risina mhosva panzvimbo ino, uye kana mukasatevera vamwe vamwari muchizvipinza munjodzi,
7 If you do what I have told you, I will allow you to stay in this land that I promised to your ancestors that it would belong to them [and their descendants] forever.
ipapo ndichakugarisai munzvimbo ino, munyika yandakapa madzitateguru enyu nokusingaperi-peri.
8 [People are repeatedly] telling you, [‘The temple is here, so we are safe]’, and you are trusting/believing [that what they are saying is true], but it is a lie. [Those people are deceiving you, and what they say is] worthless.
Asi tarirai, munovimba namashoko okunyengera asina maturo.
9 You think that [RHQ] you can steal things, murder people, commit adultery, tell lies in court, and worship Baal and all those other gods that you did not know about previously,
“‘Mungaba mugouraya, mugoita upombwe mugopika nhema, muchipisira zvinonhuhwira kuna Bhaari, mugotevera vamwe vamwari vamusina kumboziva,
10 and then come here and stand in front of this temple, which is my temple, and say ‘Nothing bad will happen to us!’, while you continue to do all those abominable things.
ndokuzouya zvino momira pamberi pangu muimba ino, iyo ine Zita rangu, muchiti, “Takasunungurwa,” makasunungurwa kuti muite izvi zvose zvinonyangadza here?
11 Do you realize that you are causing this temple, which is my temple, to become like [MET] a den where bandits hide [RHQ]? Do you not know that I see [all the evil things that you people do there]?
Ko, imba ino, inodanwa neZita rangu, yava bako ramakororo here? Asika, ndanga ndichizviona, ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.
12 [Long ago] I put my Sacred Tent at Shiloh [city], to be a place where people would worship me [MTY]. Think about how I [destroyed it] because my people, the Israeli people, did [many] wicked things there.
“‘Chiendai zvino kunzvimbo iri muShiro pandakagarisa Zita rangu pakutanga mugoona zvandakuitirai nokuda kwezvakaipa zvavanhu vangu Israeri.
13 And while you were continually doing those wicked things, I told you about it many times, but you refused to listen. I called out to you, but you refused to answer [me].
Pamakanga muchiita zvinhu zvose izvi, ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, ndakataura nemi ndataurazve asi hamuna kuteerera; ndakakudanai asi hamuna kupindura.
14 Therefore, just like I destroyed Shiloh, I will [now] destroy this temple that was built for people to worship me [MTY], this temple that you trust in, that is in this place that I gave to you and your ancestors.
Naizvozvo, zvandakaitira Shiro ndizvo zvandichaita iye zvino kuimba inodanwa neZita rangu, iyo temberi yamunovimba nayo, nzvimbo yandakakupai imi namadzibaba enyu.
15 And I will expel you from this land and send you [to other countries] far away from me, just like I did to your relatives, the people of Israel.”
Ndichakubvisai pamberi pangu sezvandakaita kuhama dzenyu dzose, ivo vanhu vaEfuremu.’
16 [Yahweh said to me, “Jeremiah], do not pray for these people [any longer]. Do not cry for them or plead for [me to help] them, because I will not pay any attention to you.
“Naizvozvo iwe chirega kunyengeterera vanhu ava kana kupa chikumbiro chipi zvacho kana kuvareverera; usavakumbirira kwandiri, nokuti handingakunzwi.
17 Do you see [the wicked things] that they are doing in the streets of Jerusalem and in the [other] towns in Judah?
Hauoni here zvavari kuita mumaguta eJudha nomumigwagwa yeJerusarema?
18 The children gather firewood and their fathers use it to make fires [on the altars to burn sacrifices]. The women knead/make dough to make cakes to offer to [their goddess Astarte who is called] the Queen of Heaven. And [on their altars] they pour out offerings of wine to [their] other idols. All of those things cause me to become extremely angry!
Vana vanounganidza huni, madzibaba ndokubatidza moto, uye madzimai anokanya furawu ndokuitira Mambokadzi woKudenga makeke echingwa. Vanodurura zvipiriso zvokunwa kuna vamwe vamwari kuti vanditsamwise.
19 But I am not [RHQ] the one whom they are hurting; they are really [RHQ] hurting themselves [by doing these things for which they should be] very ashamed!”
Asi ndini here wavanotsamwisa? ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha. Ko, hakuzi kuzvikuvadza pachavo here kuti vanyadziswe?
20 So Yahweh the Lord says this: “Because I am extremely angry with [what happens at] this place, I will punish these people severely [MTY]; my being very angry will be [like] [MET] a fire that will not be extinguished, and I will destroy the people, [their] animals, [their] fruit trees, and [their] crops.”
“‘Naizvozvo Ishe Jehovha anoti: Kutsamwa kwangu nehasha dzangu zvichadururirwa pamusoro penzvimbo iyi, pamusoro pavanhu nezvipfuwo, napamusoro pemiti yesango napamusoro pezvibereko zvevhu, uye zvichatsva zvikasadzimwa.
21 Therefore, this is what the Commander of the armies of angels says: “Take away [IRO] your offerings that you bring to burn completely on your altars and your [other] sacrifices; [don’t give them to me]; eat them [yourselves]!
“‘Zvanzi naJehovha Wamasimba Ose, Mwari weIsraeri: Endererai mberi, wedzerai zvipiriso zvenyu zvinopiswa pamusoro pezvimwe zvibayiro mugodya nyama yacho pachenyu!
22 When I led your ancestors out of Egypt, it was not offerings to be completely burned on the altar or [other] sacrifices that I wanted from them.
Nokuti pandakabudisa madzitateguru enyu kubva muIjipiti ndikataura navo, handina kungovapa mirayiro pamusoro pezvipiriso zvinopiswa nezvibayiro,
23 What I told them was, ‘Obey me; [if you do that], I will be your God and you will be my people. If you do the things that I want you to do, everything will go well for you.’
asi ndakavapa murayiro uyu wokuti nditeererei, uye ndichava Mwari wenyu nemi muchava vanhu vangu. Mufambe munzira dzose dzandakakurayirai, kuti zvigova zvakanaka kwamuri.
24 But your ancestors would not pay any attention [DOU] to me. They continued to do [the evil things] that they wanted to do, everything that in their stubborn inner beings they desired to do. Instead of coming closer to me, they went further away from me.
Asi havana kuteerera kana kurereka nzeve dzavo; asi vakatevera kutsauka kwoukukutu hwemwoyo yavo yakaipa. Vakadzokera shure vakasaenda mberi.
25 From the day that your ancestors left Egypt until now, I have continued to send my prophets to you.
Kubvira panguva yakabuda madzitateguru enyu muIjipiti kusvikira zvino, zuva nezuva, ndakatuma varanda vangu vaprofita ndavatumazve.
26 But you, [my people], have not listened to me or paid attention to what I said; you have been stubborn, and you have done more sinful things than your ancestors did.”
Asi havana kunditeerera kana kuita hanya. Vaiva nemitsipa mikukutu uye vakaita zvakaipa kupfuura madzitateguru avo.’
27 [Then Yahweh said to me], “When you tell all this to my people, they will not listen to you. When you call to them, they will not answer.
“Pauchavataurira zvose izvi, havasi kuzokuteerera; pauchavadana, havasi kuzokupindura.
28 Say to them, ‘You people [of Judah] have not obeyed Yahweh, your God; you have not accepted it when he tried to correct you. No one among you is truthful; you do not say anything that is true; [you speak only lies].’
Naizvozvo iwe uti kwavari, ‘Urwu ndirwo rudzi rusina kuteerera Jehovha Mwari warwo kana kubvuma kurayirwa. Chokwadi chakaparara, hachisisipo pamiromo yavo.
29 [So, tell them to] cut off their hair [to show that they are mourning]; tell them to go up into the hills and sing a sad funeral song, because I have completely rejected [DOU] this generation [of people] who have made me angry.”
Veurai bvudzi renyu mugorirasira kure; chemai muri pazvikomo zvisina miti, nokuti Jehovha akaramba uye akasiya chizvarwa ichi chaakatsamwira.
30 Yahweh says this: “The people of Judah have done many things that I say are evil. They have set up their disgusting idols in my temple, causing it to become an unacceptable [place to worship me].
“‘Vanhu veJudha vakaita zvakaipa pamberi pangu, ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha. Vakamisa zvifananidzo zvavo zvinonyangadza mumba yakapiwa Zita rangu vakaisvibisa.
31 They have built altars at Topheth in Ben-Hinnom Valley [outside Jerusalem], and they sacrifice their sons and daughters on those altars. I never commanded them to do that; I never even thought that anyone would do that.
Vakavaka nzvimbo dzakakwirira dzeTofeti muMupata waBheni Hinomi kuti vapise vanakomana navasikana vavo mumoto, chinhu chandisina kuvarayira, chisina kumbopinda mupfungwa dzangu.
32 So they should beware! There will be a time when that place will no longer be called Topheth or the Hinnom Valley; instead, it will be called the Valley of Slaughter. There will be a huge number of people who will be buried there, with the result that there will be no space to bury more bodies.
Saka chenjerai, mazuva anouya, ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, apo vanhu vasingazopadaidzi kuti Tofeti kana Mupata waBheni Hinomi, asi Mupata woKuurayiwa kwaVanhu, nokuti vachaviga vakafa muTofeti kusvikira pasisina nzvimbo.
33 The corpses of my people that are [not buried and are] left on the ground will be eaten by vultures and wild animals, and there will be no one to shoo/chase them away.
Ipapo mitumbi yavanhu ava ichava zvokudya zveshiri dzedenga nemhuka dzenyika, uye hapazovi nomunhu angazvivhundutsira kuti zvibve.
34 There will be no one singing and laughing any more in the streets of Jerusalem; there will be no more joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides in Judah, because the land will be completely destroyed.”
Ndichaita kuti inzwi rokupembera nomufaro uye namanzwi omwenga nechikomba mumaguta eJudha nomumigwagwa yeJerusarema zvigume nokuti nyika ichava dongo.

< Jeremiah 7 >