< Jeremiah 6 >

1 “You people in Jerusalem who are from [the tribe of] Benjamin, flee from this city! Blow the trumpets in Tekoa [city south of Jerusalem]! Send up a [smoke] signal in Beth-Haccherem [town] [to warn the people of the coming danger]! A powerful [army] will come from the north, and they will cause great destruction.
Бегите, дети Вениаминовы, из среды Иерусалима, и в Фекое трубите трубою и дайте знать огнем в Бефкареме, ибо от севера появляется беда и великая гибель.
2 Jerusalem is [like] a beautiful pasture [full of sheep], but it will soon be destroyed.
Разорю Я дочь Сиона, красивую и изнеженную.
3 [Enemy kings, not] shepherds [MET], will come [with their armies] and set up their tents around the city, and each [king will choose a part of the city for his soldiers to destroy like] [MET] shepherds divide their pastures for their flocks of sheep.
Пастухи со своими стадами придут к ней, раскинут палатки вокруг нее; каждый будет пасти свой участок.
4 [The kings will tell their troops], “Get ready for the battle. We should attack them before noontime. But [if we arrive there late in the afternoon] when the shadows are becoming long,
Приготовляйте против нее войну; вставайте и пойдем в полдень. Горе нам! день уже склоняется, распростираются вечерние тени.
5 we will attack them at night and tear down their fortresses.”
Вставайте, пойдем и ночью, и разорим чертоги ее!
6 Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of angels in heaven, says this: “[I will command those soldiers to] cut down the trees [outside Jerusalem] and to build dirt ramps up to the top of the city walls [in order that they can enter the city]. This city must be punished because everyone there continually oppresses others.
Ибо так говорит Господь Саваоф: рубите дерева и делайте насыпь против Иерусалима: этот город должен быть наказан; в нем всякое угнетение.
7 [It is as though] the wicked things that the people do pour out of the city like [SIM] water flows out of a spring. [The noise from people doing] violent and destructive actions is heard everywhere. I continually see [people who are] suffering and wounded.
Как источник извергает из себя воду, так он источает из себя зло: в нем слышно насилие и грабительство, пред лицем Моим всегда обиды и раны.
8 Listen to what I am warning you, [you people of] [APO] Jerusalem, because if you do not listen, I will reject you and cause your land to become desolate, a land where no one lives.”
Вразумись, Иерусалим, чтобы душа Моя не удалилась от тебя, чтоб Я не сделал тебя пустынею, землею необитаемою.
9 Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of angels in heaven, also says this: “[I will tell your enemies] to cause your country to become as desolate [SIM] as a vineyard from which all the grapes have been completely stripped from the vines. [Their soldiers will seize the possessions of] those who remain in Israel [after the others have been exiled] like [SIM] farmers go to the vines again to pick any grapes [that were (left/not picked)].”
Так говорит Господь Саваоф: до конца доберут остаток Израиля, как виноград; работай рукою твоею, как обиратель винограда, наполняя корзины.
10 [Then I said, “If I speak to the Israeli people] to warn them, (who will listen to me?/No one will listen to me.) [RHQ] [It is as though] their ears are closed, [and as a result] they cannot hear [what I say]. They scorn Yahweh’s messages; they do not want to listen to them at all.
К кому мне говорить и кого увещевать, чтобы слушали? Вот, ухо у них необрезанное, и они не могут слушать; вот, слово Господне у них в посмеянии; оно неприятно им.
11 So [now] I am extremely angry, like Yahweh is angry, and I cannot restrain it any longer.” [So] Yahweh said [to me], “Tell everyone that you are very angry with them. Tell the children in the streets and the young men who gather together. Tell the men and their wives; tell the very old people [DOU], also.
Поэтому я преисполнен яростью Господнею, не могу держать ее в себе; изолью ее на детей на улице и на собрание юношей; взяты будут муж с женою, пожилой с отжившим лета.
12 [Tell the men that] I will give their houses to [their enemies], and I will give their property/fields and their wives to them, also, when I punish [IDM] the people who live in this land.
И домы их перейдут к другим, равно поля и жены; потому что Я простру руку Мою на обитателей сей земли, говорит Господь.
13 Everyone is trying to get money by tricking others, from the most [important people] to the least [important people]; even the prophets and the priests are trying to deceive [people to get money].
Ибо от малого до большого, каждый из них предан корысти, и от пророка до священника - все действуют лживо;
14 [They act as though the sins of my people are like] [MET] small wounds that they do not need to put bandages on. They continually [greet people by] saying ‘I hope things are going well with you,’ when things are not going well.
врачуют раны народа Моего легкомысленно, говоря: “мир! мир!”, а мира нет.
15 They should be [RHQ] ashamed about the disgusting things that they do, but they are not ashamed at all. They do not [even] know how to (blush/show on their faces that they are ashamed). So, they also will be among those who will be killed. They will be destroyed when I punish them.”
Стыдятся ли они, делая мерзости? нет, нисколько не стыдятся и не краснеют. За то падут между падшими, и во время посещения Моего будут повержены, говорит Господь.
16 This is [also] what Yahweh said [to the Israeli people]: “Stand at the crossroads and look [at the people who pass by]. Ask them what was the good behavior [that their ancestors had] long ago. [And when they tell you], behave that way. If you do that, you will find rest for your souls.” But you replied, ‘We do not want to do that!’
Так говорит Господь: остановитесь на путях ваших и рассмотрите, и расспросите о путях древних, где путь добрый, и идите по нему, и найдете покой душам вашим. Но они сказали: “не пойдем”.
17 I sent [my prophets who were like] [MET] watchmen. They said, ‘Listen carefully when we blow the trumpets [to warn you that your enemies are approaching],’ but you said, ‘[No], we do not want to listen.’
И поставил Я стражей над вами, сказав: “слушайте звука трубы”. Но они сказали: “не будем слушать”.
18 Therefore, you people in the other nations, listen to this: Pay attention to what is going to happen to the [Israeli people].
Итак слушайте, народы, и знай, собрание, что с ними будет.
19 Listen, all of you! I am going to cause the [Israeli] people to experience disasters. That is what will happen to them because they have refused to listen to what I told them. They have refused to obey my laws.
Слушай, земля: вот, Я приведу на народ сей пагубу, плод помыслов их; ибо они слов Моих не слушали и закон Мой отвергли.
20 [You Israeli people], when you burn frankincense that came from [far away in] Sheba, and [when you offer to me] sweet-smelling anointing oil that came from far away, I will not [RHQ] be pleased with your sacrifices. I will not accept the sacrifices that are completely burned on the altar; I am not pleased with [any of] your sacrifices.
Для чего Мне ладан, который идет из Савы, и благовонный тростник из дальней страны? Всесожжения ваши неугодны, и жертвы ваши неприятны Мне.
21 Therefore, I will put obstacles on the roads on which my people will travel. Men and their sons and people’s neighbors and friends will stumble over those obstacles and fall down; everyone will die.”
Посему так говорит Господь: вот, Я полагаю пред народом сим преткновения, и преткнутся о них отцы и дети вместе, сосед и друг его, и погибнут.
22 Yahweh [also] says this: “You will see a [huge] army marching [towards you] from the north. [An army of] a great nation very far away is preparing [to attack you].
Так говорит Господь: вот, идет народ от страны северной, и народ великий поднимается от краев земли;
23 They have bows [and arrows] and spears; they are [very] cruel, and do not act mercifully [to anyone]. As they ride along on their horses, the horses’ feet sound like the roaring of the ocean [waves]; they are riding in battle formation to attack you people of Jerusalem.”
держат в руках лук и копье; они жестоки и немилосерды, голос их шумит, как море, и несутся на конях, выстроены, как один человек, чтобы сразиться с тобою, дочь Сиона.
24 [The people of Jerusalem say], “We have heard reports about the enemy; [so] we are very frightened, with the result that we feel weak. We are very afraid, and worried, like [SIM] women who are about to give birth to babies.
Мы услышали весть о них, и руки у нас опустились, скорбь объяла нас, муки, как женщину в родах.
25 [So one person says to another], ‘Do not go out into the fields! Do not go on the roads, because the enemy [soldiers] have swords [and they are everywhere]; they are coming from all directions, and we are extremely afraid.’”
Не выходите в поле и не ходите по дороге, ибо меч неприятелей, ужас со всех сторон.
26 [So I say], “My dear people, put on (sackcloth/rough clothes) and sit in ashes [to show that you are sorry for your sins]. Mourn and cry very much, like [SIM] [a woman would cry] if her only son had died, because your enemies are very near, and they are going to destroy [everything].”
Дочь народа моего! опояшь себя вретищем и посыпь себя пеплом; сокрушайся, как бы о смерти единственного сына, горько плачь; ибо внезапно придет на нас губитель.
27 [Then Yahweh said to me], “[Jeremiah], I have caused you to become [like] [MET] someone who heats metal very hot [to completely burn the impurities]. You will examine my people’s behavior.
Башнею поставил Я тебя среди народа Моего, столпом, чтобы ты знал и следил путь их.
28 You will find out that they are very stubborn rebels, they are always slandering others. [Their inner beings] are as hard as bronze or iron; they all [continually] deceive others.
Все они - упорные отступники, живут клеветою; это медь и железо, - все они развратители.
29 [A metalworker causes] the bellows to blow very hard to [make the fire very hot to] completely burn up the impurities [MET]. [But just as] a fire does not cause all the waste material to run off, it is impossible to separate [the righteous people from the wicked people, and punish only] the wicked people.
Раздувальный мех обгорел, свинец истлел от огня: плавильщик плавил напрасно, ибо злые не отделились;
30 [I], Yahweh, have rejected them; I say that they are [like] [MET] worthless silver.”
отверженным серебром назовут их, ибо Господь отверг их.

< Jeremiah 6 >