< Jeremiah 50 >

1 Yahweh gave to [me, ] Jeremiah the prophet, a message about Babylon [city] and the country of Babylonia.
Iri ndiro shoko rakataurwa naJehovha kubudikidza nomuprofita Jeremia pamusoro peBhabhironi nenyika yavaBhabhironi:
2 [This is what Yahweh says]: “Proclaim [DOU] [a message] among the nations; do not withhold any of it; raise up a signal flag to announce that Babylon will be captured. [Its chief god] Marduk, [whose other name is] Bel, will be completely disgraced, and all the [other] statues and idols will be shattered.
“Zivisai, uye paridzai pakati pendudzi, simudzai mureza uye paridzai; musasiya kana chinhu, asi muti, ‘Bhabhironi richakundwa; Bheri richanyadziswa, Merodhaki richazara nokutya. Zvifananidzo zvaro zvichanyadziswa uye zvifananidzo zvaro zvichazara nokutya.’
3 [The army of] a nation will come from the north to attack Babylon and destroy the city very thoroughly, [with the result that] no one will live there [again]. Both people and animals will run away.”
Rudzi runobva kumusoro rucharirwisa, uye ruchaparadza nyika yaro. Hakuna munhu achagaramo; zvose vanhu nezvipfuwo zvichatizira kure.
4 “But [I, ] Yahweh, say that in the future, when that is about to happen, the people of Israel and the people of Judah will join together. They will be weeping and wanting [to worship] me, their God.
“Mumazuva iwayo, nenguva iyoyo,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, “vanhu veIsraeri navanhu veJudha pamwe chete vachaenda kundotsvaka Jehovha Mwari wavo vachichema.
5 They will inquire about the road to Jerusalem, [and then] they will start traveling [IDM] toward it. They will say [to each other], ‘We must return to Yahweh [again]!’ They will make an everlasting agreement with me that they will never forget.
Vachabvunza nzira inoenda kuZioni, vagotendeutsira zviso zvavo kwairi. Vachauya vagozvisunga kuna Jehovha, nesungano isingaperi isingakanganwiki.
6 My people have been [like] [MET] lost sheep. Their [leaders/rulers] have caused them [to abandon me] like [MET] shepherds who have allowed their sheep to wander in the hills and mountains. [My people are like] [MET] sheep that do not know the path to return to the sheepfold.
“Vanhu vangu vanga vari makwai akarasika; vafudzi vavo vakavatsausa, uye vakavaita kuti vadzungaire pamusoro pamakomo. Vakadzungaira pamusoro pamakomo nezvikomo, ndokukanganwa nzvimbo yavo yokuzorora.
7 All their enemies who found them attacked them. They said, ‘We did not sin [by attacking them], because they sinned against Yahweh; he is the one who provides what they need; he is the one to whom they should have remained faithful; he is the one whom their ancestors confidently expected [to help them].’
Ani naani akavawana akavadya; vavengi vavo vakati, ‘Isu hatina mhosva, nokuti vakatadzira Jehovha, iye mafuro avo echokwadi, iye Jehovha, tariro yamadzibaba avo.’
8 [But now, I say to the leaders of my people], ‘Flee from Babylon! Leave the land of Babylonia! Be like [SIM] male goats [that go] in front of [the rest of] the flock; [lead my people back to their own land].
“Tizai mubude muBhabhironi; siyai nyika yavaBhabhironi, mugoita sembudzi inotungamirira makwai.
9 [Do that] because I am going to gather an army of great nations to the north [of Babylon]. They will join together to attack Babylon and will capture it. Their arrows will be like [SIM] skilled warriors that always hit what they aim at.
Nokuti ndichamutsa Bhabhironi uye ndichaisa pamusoro paro ndudzi huru dzakabatana dzinobva kumusoro. Vachazvigadzirira kurwa naro, uye richakundwa kubva nechokumusoro. Miseve yavo ichava semhare pakurwa, dzisingadzoki dzisina chadzakabata.
10 Babylonia will be conquered, and those who conquer it will take away everything they want. [That will surely happen because I, ] Yahweh, have said it.’”
Naizvozvo Bhabhironi richapambwa; vose vanoripamba vachawana mugove wavo,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.
11 “You people [of Babylon] who (plundered/stole everything valuable from) my chosen people, now you are very happy [DOU]. You run around joyfully like [SIM] a calf in a meadow, and are happy like [SIM] male horses are happy when they are neighing.
“Nokuda kwokuti munofara nokufarisisa, iyemi munopamba nhaka yangu, nokuti munokwakuka setsiru rinopura zviyo, muchirira samabhiza,
12 But [soon] your people will be very disgraced [DOU] [as a result of being conquered]. Your country will be the most insignificant nation; it will be a desert, a dry and deserted land.
mai venyu vachanyadziswa kwazvo; ivo vakakuberekai vachanyadziswa. Vachava mudiki pandudzi, renje, nenyika yakaoma, uye gwenga.
13 Because [I, ] Yahweh, am angry [with you people of Babylon], I will cause your city to become completely deserted. All who pass by will be horrified and will (gasp/be shocked) because of the destruction there.
Nokuda kwokutsamwa kwaJehovha hamungagarwi, asi richava dongo chose. Vose vanopfuura pedyo neBhabhironi vachatyiswa, uye vacharidza muridzo nokuda kwamavanga ake ose.
14 [All you nations that surround Babylon, ] prepare to attack it! Tell your archers to shoot at their enemies; shoot all of your arrows at them [LIT], because [the people/leaders of Babylon have sinned against me, ] Yahweh.
“Mirai panzvimbo dzenyu makakomba Bhabhironi, imi mose munowembura uta. Ripfurei! Musasiye kana museve nokuti rakatadzira Jehovha.
15 Shout [war-cries] against Babylon from all sides [of the city]. [The soldiers of] Babylon will surrender; the towers and walls will be torn down. It is [I, ] Yahweh, who will be getting revenge [on the people of Babylon], [so help me to] get revenge. Do to [the people of] Babylon what they have done to others!
Pururudzai pamusoro pake kumativi ose! Rakanda mapfumo pasi, shongwe dzaro dzawa, masvingo aro akoromoka. Sezvo kuri kutsiva kwaJehovha, tsivai pariri; riitirei sezvarakaitira vamwe.
16 Take away from Babylon those who plant [crops] and those who reap the harvests! Because of the swords carried by those who will attack [Babylon], [those people in Babylon who have come from other countries] should all run away, back to their own countries [DOU]!”
Bvisai mudyari muBhabhironi, nomucheki nejeko rake pakukohwa. Nokuda kwomunondo womumanikidzi mumwe nomumwe ngaadzokere kuvanhu vake, mumwe nomumwe ngaatizire kunyika yake.
17 “The Israeli [people] are [like] [MET] sheep that have been scattered by lions. First [the army of] the King of Assyria defeated them. Then [the army of] King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon smashed them.
“Israeri makwai akapararira akadzingirwa kure neshumba. Akatanga kumudya akanga ari mambo weAsiria; akapedzisira kupwanya mapfupa ake ndiNebhukadhinezari mambo weBhabhironi.”
18 So this is what I, the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom the Israeli people [worship], say: ‘Now I will punish the King of Babylon and the people of his land, like I punished the King of Assyria.
Naizvozvo zvanzi naJehovha Wamasimba Ose, Mwari waIsraeri: “Ndicharanga mambo weBhabhironi nenyika yake, sokuranga kwandakaita mambo weAsiria.
19 And I will bring the people of Israel back to their own land where they will eat [the food that grows] in the fields of the Carmel and Bashan [regions], and [the people in] the hilly areas of Ephraim and Gilead will have all they want to eat.
Asi ndichadzosera Israeri kumafuro ake, uye achafura paKarimeri nepaBhashani; achadya akaguta pazvikomo zveEfuremu neGireadhi.
20 At that time, there will not be people in Israel and in Judah who [are still guilty for having] sinned [DOU], because I will forgive the small group of people whom I enable to still be alive.’”
Mumazuva iwayo, panguva iyoyo,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, “mhaka yaIsraeri ichatsvakwa, asi pachange pasina mhosva, uye zvivi zveJudha zvichatsvakwa, asi hapana chichawanikwa, nokuti ndichakanganwira vakasara vandakasiya.
21 “[So, I, Yahweh, say to the enemies of Babylonia, ]‘Attack [the people who live in] the Merathaim [region] and the people in the Pekod [region of Babylonia]. Pursue them, kill them, and completely get rid of them, as I have commanded you to do.
“Rwisai nyika yeMarataimi neavo vagere muPekodhi. Dzingirirai, urayai uye muvaparadze zvachose,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha. “Muite zvose zvandakurayirai.
22 Shout your battle cries throughout the land; shout [when you are causing] great destruction.
Mheremhere yehondo iri munyika, mheremhere yokuparadza kukuru!
23 [The army of Babylon is like] [MET] the most powerful hammer on the earth, but it will be completely shattered. Babylon will be deserted among the [other] nations.’
Yavhunika nokupwanyika seiko nyundo yenyika yose! Bhabhironi rava dongo seiko pakati pendudzi!
24 You [people of] Babylon, [listen, ] [because] I have set a trap for you; you will be caught [in that trap], because you fought against me.
Ndakakuisira musungo, iwe Bhabhironi, uye wakabatwa usati wazviziva; wakawanikwa ukapambwa nokuti wakapikisana naJehovha,
25 [It is as though] I have opened the place where I store my weapons, and I have brought out [all] the weapons [to use against the people with whom] I am angry. [I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, have [a lot of] work to do [to punish] the people of Babylonia.
Jehovha akazarura dura rezvombo ndokubudisa zvombo zvehasha dzake, nokuti Ishe Jehovha Wamasimba Ose ane basa rokuita munyika yavaBhabhironi.
26 [So, you enemies of Babylonia, ] come from distant lands and attack it. Break open the places where they store the grain. Crush the walls of the city and the houses and pile up [the rubble like] [SIM] heaps of grain. Destroy everything; do not leave anything that is not destroyed.
Uyai murwe naro muchibva kure. Zarurai matura aro; muriunganidze semirwi yezviyo. Riparadzei zvachose, parege kuva navanosara.
27 Destroy all the [young men who are as strong as] [MET] bulls; take them to where you will slaughter them. It will be terrible for them, because it will be time for them to be punished.
Muuraye hondo diki dzaro dzose; ngadziendeswe kundobayiwa! Vane nhamo! Nokuti zuva ravo rasvika, nguva yokurangwa kwavo.
28 Listen to the people who have fled and escaped from Babylon while they tell in Jerusalem how [I, ] Yahweh, have gotten revenge against those who destroyed my temple [in Jerusalem].
Inzwai vanotiza navapoteri vanobva kuBhabhironi, vanoparidza muZioni kuti Jehovha Mwari wedu akatsiva sei, kutsivira temberi yake.
29 Summon archers [DOU] to come to attack Babylon; surround the city in order that no one will escape. Do to [the people of] Babylon what they have done to others [DOU], because they have defied [me, ] the Holy One of the Israeli [people].
“Kokerai vapfuri vemiseve varwe neBhabhironi, vose vanowembura uta. Rikombei rose; ngakurege kuva nounopukunyuka. Riripirei nokuda kwamabasa avo; riitireiwo sezvarakaita. Nokuti vakamhura Jehovha, Iye Mutsvene weIsraeri.
30 The young men of Babylon will fall in the streets; all their soldiers will be killed in one day.
Naizvozvo majaya aro achawira mumigwagwa; varwi varo vose vachanyarara kuti mwiro pazuva iro,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.
31 [I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, say this: ‘You arrogant/proud people, it is now the time; it is the time [DOU] when I will punish you.
“Tarira, ndinorwa newe, iwe wokuzvikudza,” ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha Wamasimba Ose, “nokuti zuva rako rasvika, nguva yokurangwa kwako.
32 [Your land is full of] proud people, but you will stumble and fall, and no one will lift you up [again]. I will light a fire in the cities in Babylonia that will burn up everything that is nearby.’
Anozvikudza achagumburwa agowa, uye hapana achamusimudza; ndichatungidza moto mumaguta ake uchapisa vose vakamupoteredza.”
33 [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, also say this: ‘The people of Israel and Judah were (oppressed/treated cruelly); those who captured them guarded them carefully and would not allow them to leave [Babylon].
Zvanzi naJehovha Wamasimba Ose: “Vanhu veIsraeri vakamanikidzwa, navanhu veJudha vakamanikidzwawo, vapambi vavo vose vakavabata, zvakasimba, vanoramba kuvaregedza kuti vaende.
34 But I am strong, and I will free them. I am the Commander of the armies of angels; I will defend my people and enable them [to return to] their land where they will have peace, but the people of Babylonia will not have peace.
Asi mudzikinuri wavo ane simba; Jehovha Wamasimba Ose ndiro zita rake. Achavareverera nhaka yavo nesimba kuti azorodze nyika yavo, asi achashayisa zororo kuna avo vanogara muBhabhironi.
35 [I will send enemy soldiers carrying] swords [PRS] to strike the people of Babylonia; they will strike the officials and wise men and all the [other] people who live in Babylon.
“Munondo pamusoro pavaBhabhironi!” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, “pamusoro peavo vagere muBhabhironi, napamusoro pamachinda aro navakachenjera varo!
36 They will strike their false prophets with swords and they will become foolish. They will strike the [strongest] warriors of Babylonia, and they will all be terrified.
Munondo pamusoro pavaprofita varo venhema! Vachava mapenzi. Munondo pamusoro pemhare dzaro! Vachazadzwa nokutya.
37 They will strike their horses and chariots and the foreigners who are in the army of Babylonia, and they will [all] become [as weak] as [MET] women. They will seize [MTY] all the valuable things there in Babylon and take them away.
Munondo pamusoro pamabhiza nengoro dzaro, napamusoro pavatorwa vose vari pazvigaro zvaro! Vachava vakadzi. Munondo pamusoro pepfuma yaro! Ichapambwa.
38 [I] cause the streams to become dry. [I will do all those things] because the [entire] land [of Babylonia] is filled with idols, and those [horrible] idols have caused the people [who worship them] to become crazy.
Mvura yaro zhinji ngaipwe! Ichaoma. Nokuti inyika yezvifananidzo, zvifananidzo zvichapenga nokutya.
39 [Soon only] hyenas and [other] wild creatures will live there; and it will be a place where owls live. People will never live there again; it will be uninhabited forever [DOU].
“Saka mhuka dzomugwenga namapere zvichagarako, uye zizi richagara imomo. Haichazogarwizve, uye hapana achagaramo kusvikira kumarudzi namarudzi.
40 [I will destroy Babylon] like I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and the nearby towns; no one will [ever] live there [again] [DOU].
Sokukoromorwa kwakaitwa Sodhomu neGomora naMwari pamwe chete namaguta akavakidzana nawo,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, “saizvozvo hakuna achagarako; hakuna munhu achagara mairi.
41 Look! A [great] army will come from the north. A great nation far away with many kings is preparing [to attack you people of Babylon].
“Tarirai! Hondo inobva nechokumusoro; rudzi rukuru namadzimambo mazhinji ari kumutswa kubva kumagumo enyika.
42 Their [army] has bows [and arrows] and spears; they are [very] cruel, and do not act mercifully [to anyone]. [As] they ride along on [their] horses, the sound of the horses’ hooves is like [SIM] the roaring of the ocean [waves]; they are riding in battle formation to attack you, you people of Babylon.
Vakapakata uta namapfumo; vano utsinye uye havana tsitsi. Vanotinhira segungwa vakatasva mabhiza avo; vanouya vakaita savarume vakagadzirira kurwa, kuti vakurwise, iwe Mwanasikana weBhabhironi.
43 The King of Babylon says, “[I] have heard reports about the enemy [approaching]; [so I am very frightened, with the result that] I am weak. I am [very fearful, and] anguished/worried, like [SIM] a woman who is about to give birth to a baby.”
Mambo weBhabhironi akanzwa guhu pamusoro pavo, maoko ake akapera simba. Kutya kwakamubata, kurwadziwa sekwomukadzi wosununguka.
44 I, [Yahweh], will come to Babylon [suddenly] like a lion comes out of the jungle and [leaps on the sheep that are eating] the good pastureland. I will quickly chase the people of Babylonia from their land. And [then] I will appoint for them [a leader] whom I will choose; [I will do that] because there is no one [RHQ] like me who can say that what I have done is not right. No ruler can [RHQ] oppose me.
Seshumba inouya ichibva mudondo reJorodhani ichienda kumafuro akapfuma, ndichadzinga Bhabhironi kubva munyika yayo pakarepo. Ndianiko akatsaurwa wandichagadza pane izvi? Ndiani akaita seni uye ndiani achamisidzana neni? Uye ndoupi mufudzi angandidzivisa?”
45 Listen to what I have planned to do to the people of Babylon [city] and the rest of Babylonia: [even] the little children will be dragged away, and I will completely destroy the people [MET] who live there.
Naizvozvo, inzwai zvakarongwa naJehovha pamusoro peBhabhironi, zvaakaronga pamusoro penyika yavaBhabhironi: Makwayana emapoka avo achakwekweredzerwa kure; achaparadza mafuro awo zvachose nokuda kwavo.
46 When Babylon is destroyed, the noise will be extremely loud, with the result that the earth will shake, and the wailing of the people will be heard by the [people of other] nations.’”
Pachanzwikwa kutinhira kwokukundwa kweBhabhironi, nyika ichadedera; kuchema kwayo kuchanzwikwa pakati pamarudzi.

< Jeremiah 50 >