< Jeremiah 5 >

1 [Yahweh said to the people of Jerusalem], “Go up and down every street. Search in the marketplaces to find people who do what is fair/right, who try to be faithful to me. [If you find even one person like that], I will forgive [the people of Jerusalem and not destroy] their city.
“Ku yi ta kai da kawowa a titunan Urushalima, ku dudduba ko’ina ku kuma lura, ku bincika cikin dandalinta. Ko za ku sami mutum guda wanda yake aikata adalci wanda yake kuma son bin gaskiya, sai in gafarta wa wannan birni.
2 But when people there say, ‘I solemnly declare that as surely as Yahweh lives, [I will do what he says],’ they are lying.”
Ko da yake suna cewa, ‘Muddin Ubangiji yana raye,’ duk da haka suna rantsuwar ƙarya.”
3 Yahweh, you are certainly [RHQ] searching for [people who tell the] truth. You struck/punished your people, but they did not pay any attention. You crushed them, but they ignored what you were telling them to do. They were extremely stubborn [IDM] and refused to return to you.
Ya Ubangiji, idanunka ba sa ganin gaskiya? Ka buge su, amma ba su ji zafi ba; ka ragargaza su, amma suka ƙi su gyara. Fuskarsu ta ƙeƙashe fiye da dutse suka ƙi su tuba.
4 I thought, “[We cannot expect] these [people to act righteously, because they] are poor; they do not have any sense. They do not know the way Yahweh wants them to conduct their lives; they do not know what God requires them to do.
Na yi tunani, “Waɗannan ne kawai matalauta; su wawaye ne, gama ba su san hanyar Ubangiji ba, ko abubuwan da Allahnsu yake bukata ba.
5 So, I will go and talk to their leaders, because they [surely] know how God wants them to conduct their lives.” But they also have stopped obeying Yahweh [MET], and they will not allow him to lead them.
Saboda haka zan tafi wurin shugabanni in yi musu magana; tabbatacce sun san hanyar Ubangiji, da abubuwan da Allahnsu yake bukata.” Amma da nufi guda su ma suka karye karkiyar suka tsintsinke sarƙoƙin.
6 Because of that, lions will come out of the forests and kill them; wolves from the desert will attack them; leopards that lurk/wait outside their cities will maul anyone who walks outside the cities. [Those things will happen] because the people have sinned very much against God and have turned away from him very frequently.
Saboda haka zaki daga kurmi zai fāɗa musu, kyarkeci kuma daga hamada zai cinye su, damisa za tă yi musu ƙawanya kusa da garuruwansu yă yayyage duk wanda ya kuskura ya fita, gama tawayensu da girma yake jan bayansu kuma yana da yawa.
7 Yahweh says, “I cannot [RHQ] forgive these people; [even] their children have abandoned me. When they solemnly declare something, they ask their gods [to show that what they say is true]. I gave my people everything that they needed, but they often went to [the shrines of their idols] and committed adultery there.
“Me zai sa in gafarta muku?’Ya’yanku sun yashe ni sun yi rantsuwa da allolin da ba alloli ba ne. Na biya musu dukan bukatunsu, duk da haka suka yi zina suka tattaru a gidajen karuwai.
8 [Just like] [MET] well-fed male horses neigh, wanting sex with female horses, each of the men desires to have sex with his neighbor’s wife.
An ciyar da su sosai, kamar ƙosassun ingarmu, masu jaraba, kowanne yana haniniya, yana neman matar maƙwabcinsa.
9 (Should I not punish them for this [RHQ]?/I will certainly get revenge on this nation for this!) I will certainly get revenge [RHQ] on this nation whose people behave like that!
Ba zan hukunta su saboda wannan ba?” In ji Ubangiji. “Bai kamata in yi ramuwa a kan irin al’ummar nan ba?
10 [I will say to your enemies], ‘The people [of Judah and Israel are like a vineyard]. Go along the rows in their vineyards and get rid of [most of] the people, but do not kill all of them. These people do not belong to me, [so get rid of them], [like a gardener] [MET] lops/cuts off branches from a vine.
“Ku ratsa cikin gonakin inabinta ku cinye su, amma kada ku hallaka su gaba ɗaya. Ku kakkaɓe rassanta, gama waɗannan mutane ba na Ubangiji ba ne.
11 The people of Israel and Judah have turned away from me completely.’
Gidan Isra’ila da gidan Yahuda sun zama marasa aminci gaba ɗaya gare ni” in ji Ubangiji.
12 They have lied about me and said, ‘He will not punish us! He will not cause us to experience disasters! We will not experience wars or famines!
Sun yi ƙarya a kan Ubangiji; sun ce, “Ba zai yi kome ba! Ba wata masifar da za tă same mu; ba za mu taɓa ganin takobi ko yunwa ba.
13 What [God’s] prophets say is nothing but hot air! They do not have messages [from God]! We would like [the disasters that they predict] to happen to them!’”
Annabawa holoƙo ne kawai maganar kuwa ba ta cikinsu; saboda haka bari abin da suke faɗi ya koma kansu.”
14 So, this is what Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of angels in heaven, has said to me: “Because my people are saying those things, I will give you a message to tell them [MTY] that will be [like] [MET] a fire, and [these people will be like] [MET] wood that the fire will burn up.
Saboda haka ga abin Ubangiji Allah Maɗaukaki yana cewa, “Domin mutanen sun yi waɗannan maganganu, zan mai da maganata a bakinku wuta waɗannan mutane kuwa su zama itacen da za tă ci.
15 Listen to this, you people of Israel: I will bring [the army of] a distant nation to attack you. It is a very powerful nation that has existed for a long time. They speak a language that you do not know and which you will not be able to understand.
Ya gidan Isra’ila,” in ji Ubangiji, “Ina kawo al’umma daga nesa a kanku al’umma ce ta tun dā mai ƙarfin hali, mutane ne da ba ku san harshensu ba, waɗanda ba za ku fahimci abin da suke faɗa ba.
16 Their soldiers are all very strong, and the arrows from their quivers [MET] will (send many Israeli men to their graves/cause many Israeli people to die).
Kwarinsu kamar buɗaɗɗen kabari ne; dukansu jarumawa ne.
17 They will eat the food that you have harvested from your fields, and eat your bread. They will kill your sons and daughters, and they will kill your flocks [of sheep] and herds [of cattle]. They will eat your grapes and your figs. They will [also] destroy your cities that have high walls around them and kill the people with their swords.
Za su cinye amfanin gonakinku da abincinku, za su cinye’ya’yanku maza da mata; za su cinye garkunan tumakinku da na awakinku, za su cinye’ya’yan inabinku da na ɓaurenku. Da takobi za su hallaka biranenku masu katanga.
18 But even when those things happen, I will not get rid of all of you.
“Amma ko a cikin waɗancan kwanaki,” in ji Ubangiji, “ba zan hallaka ku gaba ɗaya ba.
19 And when the survivors ask, ‘Why is Yahweh our God doing this to us?’ you will tell them, ‘You rejected him and worshiped foreign gods in your [own] land, so [now] you will become slaves of foreigners in a land that is not your land.’”
Sa’ad da kuma mutanen suka yi tambaya, ‘Me ya sa Ubangiji Allahnmu ya yi dukan wannan gare mu?’ Sai ka amsa musu, ‘Yadda kuka yashe ni kuka kuma bauta wa baƙin alloli a ƙasarku, haka yanzu za ku bauta wa baƙi a ƙasar da ba taku ba.’
20 [Yahweh said to me], “Proclaim this to the people of Israel and Judah:
“Ka sanar da wannan ga gidan Yaƙub ka yi shelarsa a Yahuda.
21 Listen to this, you people who are foolish and who do not have any sense: You have eyes, but [it is as though] you cannot see; you have ears, but [it is as though] you cannot hear.
Ku ji wannan, ku wawaye marasa azanci, waɗanda suke da idanu amma ba sa gani, waɗanda suke da kunnuwa amma ba sa ji.
22 Why do you not revere me [RHQ]? You should [RHQ] tremble when you are in my presence! I, Yahweh, am the one who put a barrier along the shores so that the waters of the ocean cannot cross it [and flood the land]. The waves roll and roar, but they cannot go past that barrier.
Bai kamata ku ji tsorona ba?” In ji Ubangiji. “Bai kamata ku yi rawar jiki a gabana ba? Na sa yashi ya zama iyakar teku, madawwamiyar iyakar da ba zai tsallake ba. Raƙuman ruwa za su iya yin hauka, amma ba za su iya haye ta ba; za su iya yin ruri, amma ba za su iya ƙetare ta ba.
23 But you people [are not like the waves that obey me]. You people are very stubborn and rebellious. You have constantly turned away from me.
Amma mutanen nan suna da tauraren zukata, kuma’yan tawaye ne; sun kauce suka kuma rabu da ni.
24 You do not say to yourselves, ‘We should revere Yahweh our God, the one who sends us rain at the times when we need it, the one who causes the grain to become ripe at the harvest season.’
Ba sa faɗa wa kansu, ‘Bari mu ji tsoron Ubangiji Allahnmu, wanda yake ba mu ruwan sama a kan kari na kaka da na bazara, wanda kullum yake tabbatar mana da girbi.’
25 It is because of the wrong things that you have done, that those good things have not happened; it is because of the sins that you have committed that you have been prevented from receiving those blessings.
Laifofinku sun raba ku da waɗannan abubuwa; zunubanku sun hana ku samun alheri.
26 Among my people are wicked people who hide along the roads to ambush/attack people like [SIM] men who hunt birds (put out nets/set traps) to catch them.
“A cikin mutanena an sami mugaye waɗanda suke kwanton ɓauna kamar masu sa tarko wa tsuntsaye kamar waɗanda suke kafa tarko don su kama mutane.
27 Like [a hunter has] a cage full of birds [that he has captured], their homes are full of things that they have gotten by deceiving others. So now they are [very] rich and powerful.
Kamar keji cike da tsuntsaye, gidajensu sun cika da ruɗu; sun yi arziki suka kuma zama masu iko
28 They are big and fat, and there is no limit to the evil things that they have done. They do not try to defend orphans in the courtrooms, and they do not help poor people to get what they have a right to receive.
suka kuma yi ƙiba, suka yi bul-bul. Mugayen ayyukansu ba su da iyaka; ba sa wa marayu shari’ar adalci, ba sa kāre’yancin matalauta.
29 So I will certainly [RHQ] punish them for doing those things. I will certainly [RHQ] (get revenge on their nation/do to their nation what they deserve).
Bai kamata in hukunta su saboda wannan ba?” In ji Ubangiji. “Bai kamata in yi ramuwa a kan irin al’umma kamar wannan ba?
30 Very appalling/horrible and terrible [DOU] things are happening in this country:
“Abin banmamaki da bantsoro ya faru a ƙasar.
31 Prophets speak [only] lies and priests rule by their own authority, and you people like that! But when you [start to] experience disasters, what will you do [RHQ]?”
Annabawa suna annabcin ƙarya, firistoci suna mulki da ikon kansu, mutanena kuma suna son haka. Amma me za ku yi a ƙarshe?

< Jeremiah 5 >