< Jeremiah 5 >

1 [Yahweh said to the people of Jerusalem], “Go up and down every street. Search in the marketplaces to find people who do what is fair/right, who try to be faithful to me. [If you find even one person like that], I will forgive [the people of Jerusalem and not destroy] their city.
Parcourez les rues de Jérusalem, Regardez, informez-vous, cherchez dans les places, S’il s’y trouve un homme, s’il y en a un Qui pratique la justice, qui s’attache à la vérité, Et je pardonne à Jérusalem.
2 But when people there say, ‘I solemnly declare that as surely as Yahweh lives, [I will do what he says],’ they are lying.”
Même quand ils disent: L’Éternel est vivant! C’est faussement qu’ils jurent.
3 Yahweh, you are certainly [RHQ] searching for [people who tell the] truth. You struck/punished your people, but they did not pay any attention. You crushed them, but they ignored what you were telling them to do. They were extremely stubborn [IDM] and refused to return to you.
Éternel, tes yeux n’aperçoivent-ils pas la vérité? Tu les frappes, et ils ne sentent rien; Tu les consumes, et ils ne veulent pas recevoir instruction; Ils prennent un visage plus dur que le roc, Ils refusent de se convertir.
4 I thought, “[We cannot expect] these [people to act righteously, because they] are poor; they do not have any sense. They do not know the way Yahweh wants them to conduct their lives; they do not know what God requires them to do.
Je disais: Ce ne sont que les petits; Ils agissent en insensés, parce qu’ils ne connaissent pas la voie de l’Éternel, La loi de leur Dieu.
5 So, I will go and talk to their leaders, because they [surely] know how God wants them to conduct their lives.” But they also have stopped obeying Yahweh [MET], and they will not allow him to lead them.
J’irai vers les grands, et je leur parlerai; Car eux, ils connaissent la voie de l’Éternel, La loi de leur Dieu; Mais ils ont tous aussi brisé le joug, Rompu les liens.
6 Because of that, lions will come out of the forests and kill them; wolves from the desert will attack them; leopards that lurk/wait outside their cities will maul anyone who walks outside the cities. [Those things will happen] because the people have sinned very much against God and have turned away from him very frequently.
C’est pourquoi le lion de la forêt les tue, Le loup du désert les détruit, La panthère est aux aguets devant leurs villes; Tous ceux qui en sortiront seront déchirés; Car leurs transgressions sont nombreuses, Leurs infidélités se sont multipliées.
7 Yahweh says, “I cannot [RHQ] forgive these people; [even] their children have abandoned me. When they solemnly declare something, they ask their gods [to show that what they say is true]. I gave my people everything that they needed, but they often went to [the shrines of their idols] and committed adultery there.
Pourquoi te pardonnerais-je? Tes enfants m’ont abandonné, Et ils jurent par des dieux qui n’existent pas. J’ai reçu leurs serments, et ils se livrent à l’adultère, Ils sont en foule dans la maison de la prostituée.
8 [Just like] [MET] well-fed male horses neigh, wanting sex with female horses, each of the men desires to have sex with his neighbor’s wife.
Semblables à des chevaux bien nourris, qui courent çà et là, Ils hennissent chacun après la femme de son prochain.
9 (Should I not punish them for this [RHQ]?/I will certainly get revenge on this nation for this!) I will certainly get revenge [RHQ] on this nation whose people behave like that!
Ne châtierais-je pas ces choses-là, dit l’Éternel, Ne me vengerais-je pas d’une pareille nation?
10 [I will say to your enemies], ‘The people [of Judah and Israel are like a vineyard]. Go along the rows in their vineyards and get rid of [most of] the people, but do not kill all of them. These people do not belong to me, [so get rid of them], [like a gardener] [MET] lops/cuts off branches from a vine.
Montez sur ses murailles, et abattez, Mais ne détruisez pas entièrement! Enlevez ses ceps Qui n’appartiennent point à l’Éternel!
11 The people of Israel and Judah have turned away from me completely.’
Car la maison d’Israël et la maison de Juda m’ont été infidèles, Dit l’Éternel.
12 They have lied about me and said, ‘He will not punish us! He will not cause us to experience disasters! We will not experience wars or famines!
Ils renient l’Éternel, ils disent: Il n’existe pas! Et le malheur ne viendra pas sur nous, Nous ne verrons ni l’épée ni la famine.
13 What [God’s] prophets say is nothing but hot air! They do not have messages [from God]! We would like [the disasters that they predict] to happen to them!’”
Les prophètes ne sont que du vent, Et personne ne parle en eux. Qu’il leur soit fait ainsi!
14 So, this is what Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of angels in heaven, has said to me: “Because my people are saying those things, I will give you a message to tell them [MTY] that will be [like] [MET] a fire, and [these people will be like] [MET] wood that the fire will burn up.
C’est pourquoi ainsi parle l’Éternel, le Dieu des armées: Parce que vous avez dit cela, Voici, je veux que ma parole dans ta bouche soit du feu, Et ce peuple du bois, et que ce feu les consume.
15 Listen to this, you people of Israel: I will bring [the army of] a distant nation to attack you. It is a very powerful nation that has existed for a long time. They speak a language that you do not know and which you will not be able to understand.
Voici, je fais venir de loin une nation contre vous, maison d’Israël, Dit l’Éternel; C’est une nation forte, c’est une nation ancienne, Une nation dont tu ne connais pas la langue, Et dont tu ne comprendras point les paroles.
16 Their soldiers are all very strong, and the arrows from their quivers [MET] will (send many Israeli men to their graves/cause many Israeli people to die).
Son carquois est comme un sépulcre ouvert; Ils sont tous des héros.
17 They will eat the food that you have harvested from your fields, and eat your bread. They will kill your sons and daughters, and they will kill your flocks [of sheep] and herds [of cattle]. They will eat your grapes and your figs. They will [also] destroy your cities that have high walls around them and kill the people with their swords.
Elle dévorera ta moisson et ton pain, Elle dévorera tes fils et tes filles, Elle dévorera tes brebis et tes bœufs, Elle dévorera ta vigne et ton figuier; Elle détruira par l’épée tes villes fortes dans lesquelles tu te confies.
18 But even when those things happen, I will not get rid of all of you.
Mais en ces jours, dit l’Éternel, Je ne vous détruirai pas entièrement.
19 And when the survivors ask, ‘Why is Yahweh our God doing this to us?’ you will tell them, ‘You rejected him and worshiped foreign gods in your [own] land, so [now] you will become slaves of foreigners in a land that is not your land.’”
Si vous dites alors: Pourquoi l’Éternel, notre Dieu, nous fait-il tout cela? Tu leur répondras: Comme vous m’avez abandonné, Et que vous avez servi des dieux étrangers dans votre pays, Ainsi vous servirez des étrangers dans un pays qui n’est pas le vôtre.
20 [Yahweh said to me], “Proclaim this to the people of Israel and Judah:
Annoncez ceci à la maison de Jacob, Publiez-le en Juda, et dites:
21 Listen to this, you people who are foolish and who do not have any sense: You have eyes, but [it is as though] you cannot see; you have ears, but [it is as though] you cannot hear.
Écoutez ceci, peuple insensé, et qui n’as point de cœur! Ils ont des yeux et ne voient point, Ils ont des oreilles et n’entendent point.
22 Why do you not revere me [RHQ]? You should [RHQ] tremble when you are in my presence! I, Yahweh, am the one who put a barrier along the shores so that the waters of the ocean cannot cross it [and flood the land]. The waves roll and roar, but they cannot go past that barrier.
Ne me craindrez-vous pas, dit l’Éternel, Ne tremblerez-vous pas devant moi? C’est moi qui ai donné à la mer le sable pour limite, Limite éternelle qu’elle ne doit pas franchir; Ses flots s’agitent, mais ils sont impuissants; Ils mugissent, mais ils ne la franchissent pas.
23 But you people [are not like the waves that obey me]. You people are very stubborn and rebellious. You have constantly turned away from me.
Ce peuple a un cœur indocile et rebelle; Ils se révoltent, et s’en vont.
24 You do not say to yourselves, ‘We should revere Yahweh our God, the one who sends us rain at the times when we need it, the one who causes the grain to become ripe at the harvest season.’
Ils ne disent pas dans leur cœur: Craignons l’Éternel, notre Dieu, Qui donne la pluie en son temps, La pluie de la première et de l’arrière saison, Et qui nous réserve les semaines destinées à la moisson.
25 It is because of the wrong things that you have done, that those good things have not happened; it is because of the sins that you have committed that you have been prevented from receiving those blessings.
C’est à cause de vos iniquités que ces dispensations n’ont pas lieu, Ce sont vos péchés qui vous privent de ces biens.
26 Among my people are wicked people who hide along the roads to ambush/attack people like [SIM] men who hunt birds (put out nets/set traps) to catch them.
Car il se trouve parmi mon peuple des méchants; Ils épient comme l’oiseleur qui dresse des pièges, Ils tendent des filets, et prennent des hommes.
27 Like [a hunter has] a cage full of birds [that he has captured], their homes are full of things that they have gotten by deceiving others. So now they are [very] rich and powerful.
Comme une cage est remplie d’oiseaux, Leurs maisons sont remplies de fraude; C’est ainsi qu’ils deviennent puissants et riches.
28 They are big and fat, and there is no limit to the evil things that they have done. They do not try to defend orphans in the courtrooms, and they do not help poor people to get what they have a right to receive.
Ils s’engraissent, ils sont brillants d’embonpoint; Ils dépassent toute mesure dans le mal, Ils ne défendent pas la cause, la cause de l’orphelin, et ils prospèrent; Ils ne font pas droit aux indigents.
29 So I will certainly [RHQ] punish them for doing those things. I will certainly [RHQ] (get revenge on their nation/do to their nation what they deserve).
Ne châtierais-je pas ces choses-là, dit l’Éternel, Ne me vengerais-je pas d’une pareille nation?
30 Very appalling/horrible and terrible [DOU] things are happening in this country:
Des choses horribles, abominables, Se font dans le pays.
31 Prophets speak [only] lies and priests rule by their own authority, and you people like that! But when you [start to] experience disasters, what will you do [RHQ]?”
Les prophètes prophétisent avec fausseté, Les sacrificateurs dominent sous leur conduite, Et mon peuple prend plaisir à cela. Que ferez-vous à la fin?

< Jeremiah 5 >