< Jeremiah 49 >

1 [This message is] about the Ammon people-group. This is what Yahweh says: “There are [RHQ] plenty of Israeli people left to occupy [the land of the tribe of] Gad. So, why are [RHQ] [the people who worship the god] Molech living in those towns?
Aux fils d’Ammon. Ainsi parle l’Eternel: "Israël n’a-t-il point d’enfants? Est-il sans aucun héritier? Pourquoi Malcom a-t-il pris possession de Gad, et son peuple en a-t-il occupé les villes?
2 There will be a time when I will sound the battle-cry [for their enemies] to attack [their capital city], Rabbah. [Then] it will become a heap of ruins, and [all] the nearby towns will be burned. Then [the people of] Israel will again possess the land that the Ammon people-group took away from them.
Assurément des jours vont venir, dit le Seigneur, où je ferai entendre à Rabba, capitale des fils d’Ammon, la sonnerie du combat: elle sera réduite à l’état de ruine lamentable, ses bourgades deviendront la proie des flammes, et Israël dépossédera ceux qui l’ont dépossédé, dit l’Eternel.
3 You people of Heshbon [city] [MTY], wail, because Ai [town nearby] will be destroyed. You people of Rabbah [city], weep; put on (rough clothing/sackcloth) [to show you are mourning]; run back and forth [in confusion] inside the city walls, because [your god] Milcom, along with its priests and officials, will be taken away (in exile/to other countries).
Lamente-toi, ô Hesbon! car Aï a été dévastée; poussez des cris, filles de Rabba! Ceignez-vous de cilices, organisez un deuil et répandez-vous dans les parcs à troupeaux, car Malcom s’en va en exil, lui, ses prêtres et ses dignitaires tous ensemble.
4 You are [RHQ] very proud of your very fertile valleys, [but they will soon be ruined]. You rebellious people, you trusted in your wealth, and you said, ‘Certainly no [RHQ] army will be able to attack us!’
Qu’as-tu à faire parade de tes vallées, de ta campagne qui déborde d’abondance, ô fille présomptueuse qui, pleine de confiance dans tes trésors, dis: "Qui osera m’attaquer?"
5 But listen to this: 'I, the Commander of the armies of angels, will cause you to become terrified. You will all be forced to flee [to other countries], and no one will be able to bring you together [again].'
Eh bien! moi, dit l’Eternel, Dieu-Cebaot; je susciterai de toutes parts la terreur contre toi, et vous serez chassés, chacun droit devant lui, sans que personne rallie les fuyards.
6 But some day I will enable the Ammon people-group to return to their land. [That will surely happen, because I, ] Yahweh, have said it.”
Mais plus tard, je ramènerai les captifs des enfants d’Ammon, dit le Seigneur.
7 [This message is] about the Edom people-group. This is what the Commander of the armies of angels says: “It seems that [RHQ] there are no wise people in Teman [district in Edom]! There are no people left who can give others [good] advice. The people who were wise [PRS] have disappeared.
A Edom. Ainsi parle l’Eternel-Cebaot: "N’Y a-t-il plus de sagesse à Têmân? l’entendement a-t-il péri chez les gens avisés? leur esprit s’est-il évanoui?
8 You people of Dedan [city in the south of Edom], turn and flee and hide in deep [caves], because when I cause the Edom people-group to experience disaster, I will punish you, too.
Fuyez, cédez la place, enfermez-vous dans des retraites profondes, ô habitants de Dedân; car je fais fondre sur Esaü la catastrophe qui le menace, c’est le temps où je lui demande des comptes.
9 Those who harvest grapes always [RHQ] leave some on the vines. When thieves come at night, they surely [RHQ] steal only as much as they want.
Si ce sont des vendangeurs qui viennent contre toi, ils ne laisseront pas de quoi grappiller; si ce sont des voleurs pendant la nuit, ils détruiront tout ce qu’ils pourront.
10 But I will cause everything in Edom to be destroyed, and there will be nothing left, and there will be no place for people to hide. [Many of] [HYP] the children, their relatives and their neighbors, will die, and Edom will not exist any more.
Mais c’est moi qui mets à nu Esaü, je découvre ses mystérieuses retraites, il ne peut plus se cacher: ruinés sont ses enfants, ses frères, ses voisins, c’en est fait de lui.
11 But I will protect the orphans, and the widows [also] will [be able to] depend on me [to help them].”
Laisse là tes orphelins, moi je pourvoirai à leur subsistance; que tes veuves se confient à moi!"
12 And this is [also] what Yahweh says: “If those who do not deserve to suffer [MET] must suffer, you people of Edom must [RHQ] suffer much more [DOU]! You will not escape being punished.
Oui, ainsi parle le Seigneur: "Voici, ceux qui ne devaient point boire la coupe, ils ont été forcés de la boire, et justement toi, tu en serais dispensé! Non, tu n’en seras pas dispensé, tu seras forcé de boire.
13 I, Yahweh, have solemnly promised, using my own name, that [your chief city] Bozrah will become a place that people will be horrified about. It will be a heap of ruins. People will make fun of it and use its name when they curse people. All the nearby towns and villages will be a ruins forever.”
Car, j’en jure par moi-même, dit l’Eternel, oui, Boçra deviendra une solitude, un opprobre, un désert et un objet d’exécration, et toutes ses bourgades seront des ruines éternelles.
14 I heard this message from Yahweh: “I have sent an ambassador to [many] nations, [to tell them to] gather together to attack Edom. They must prepare for battle!”
J’Ai entendu une annonce de la part de l’Eternel, un messager a été envoyé parmi les nations: "Rassemblez-vous et marchez contre elle, levez-vous pour le combat!"
15 [And Yahweh says to the people of Edom, ] “I will cause your nation to become very unimportant among the [other] nations. They will all despise your country.
Car voici, je te fais petit parmi les peuples, méprisable parmi les hommes.
16 You have caused [people of other nations] to be terrified, and you [MTY] have been very proud, but you have deceived yourselves. You live in caves in the rock cliffs; [you think that you are safe there because] you live high up there. But even if you make your homes as high up as the eagles’ nests, I will cause you to come [crashing] down.
Ta présomption, l’infatuation de ton coeur t’a égaré, toi qui habites les pentes des rochers, qui occupes la cime des collines. Quand même tu fixerais ton aire aussi haut que l’aigle, je t’en ferais descendre, dit le Seigneur.
17 Edom will become a place about which people are horrified; people who pass by will be horrified and will (gasp/be shocked) when they see the destruction.
Edom deviendra une ruine désolée; quiconque passera près de lui sera frappé de stupeur et ricanera à la vue de toutes ses plaies.
18 Edom will be destroyed as [completely as] Sodom and Gomorrah and the nearby towns were destroyed [long ago]. [As a result, ] no one will live there [any more] [DOU].
Tel le bouleversement de Sodome, de Gomorrhe et de leurs environs, dit le Seigneur; personne n’y habitera, nul homme n’y séjournera.
19 I will come to Edom [suddenly] like [SIM] a lion comes out of the jungle and [leaps on the sheep that are] eating in the good pastureland. I will quickly chase the people of Edom from their land. And [then] I will appoint for them a leader whom I will choose; [I can do that] because there is no one [RHQ] like me who can object to what I do. No ruler can oppose me.
Voici, tel un lion monte des rives escarpées du Jourdain contre les solides bergeries, en un clin d’oeil je délogerai Edom de là, et j’y établirai comme maître celui que j’aurai choisi; car qui est mon égal? qui m’appellera en justice? quel est le pasteur qui tiendra ferme devant moi?
20 Listen to what I have planned to do to the people of Teman [town] and [the rest of] Edom: Even the little children will be dragged away, and I will completely get rid of the people [MET] who live there.
Ecoutez donc le dessein que l’Eternel a formé contre Edom et les projets qu’il a médités contre les habitants de Têmân: Certes les plus humbles gardiens de troupeaux les entraîneront de force; certes on fera s’écrouler sur eux leurs bergeries.
21 When Edom is destroyed, the noise [will be extremely great], with the result that the earth will shake, and the wailing of the people will be heard [as far away as] the Red Sea.
Au bruit de leur chute, la terre frémira; il y aura des cris de douleur, dont l’écho sera perçu sur les bords de la Mer Rouge.
22 Look! The enemy troops will swoop/rush down over Bozrah like an eagle spreads its wings when it swoops down [to seize an animal]. On that day, [even the strongest] warriors of Edom will [be afraid] like [SIM] a woman who is about to give birth.”
Voici, tel qu’un aigle il prend son vol, l’ennemi, il plane dans les airs, et déploie ses ailes contre Boçra; en ce jour le coeur des plus braves dans Edom sera comme le coeur d’une femme en mal d’enfant."
23 [This message is] about Damascus. [This is what Yahweh says]: “[The people in the nearby cities of] Hamath and Arpad are confused, because they have heard bad news [about Damascus]. They are very anxious and restless, like [SIM] a sea in a big storm.
A Damas. "Hamath et Arpad sont dans la confusion, car elles ont appris une fâcheuse nouvelle et en sont consternées; leur trouble est celui d’une mer agitée, qui ne peut demeurer en repos.
24 The people of Damascus have become very weak, and [they all] have (panicked/fled [because] they are very afraid). The people are anguished and in pain like [SIM] a woman [experiences] who is about to give birth.
Damas a perdu courage, elle s’apprête à prendre la fuite et un tremblement s’empare d’elle; une angoisse et des douleurs l’empoignent comme une femme en travail.
25 That famous city, that I was [previously] pleased with, will be abandoned.
Ah! pourquoi n’a-t-elle pas été épargnée, la ville glorieuse, la cité de mes délices?
26 Its young men will fall in the streets. Its soldiers will all be killed in one day.
Certes, ses jeunes gens succombent sur ses places publiques, et tous les guerriers sont anéantis en ce jour, dit l’Eternel-Cebaot.
27 And I, the Commander of the armies of angels, will start a fire to burn the walls that surround Damascus, and the palaces of [King] Ben-Hadad will be burned down.”
Je mettrai le feu aux remparts de Damas, et il dévorera les palais de Ben-Hadad."
28 [This is a message] about the Kedar [people-group] and the kingdom of Hazor which [the army of] Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon attacked. This is what Yahweh says: “[I will cause an army to] advance to attack Kedar and destroy those people who live east [of Judah].
A Kêdar et aux royaumes de Haçor, que défit Nabuchodonosor, roi de Babylone. Ainsi parle le Seigneur: "Levez-vous, montez contre Kédar et portez la dévastation chez ces enfants du Levant.
29 Their tents and their flocks [of sheep] will be captured. The curtains [in their tents] and their camels and their other possessions will be taken away. [Everywhere] men will shout, ‘We are terrified [because terrible things are happening] all around us!’
Qu’on enlève leurs tentes et leurs troupeaux, qu’on emporte leurs tapis, tous leurs meubles et leurs chameaux! Qu’on proclame contre eux: "Epouvante tout autour!"
30 So [I, ] Yahweh, say, ‘Run away [quickly]! You people who live in Hazor, go and hide in deep [caves], because King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon wants to attack you [with his army]; he is planning to destroy you!’
Fuyez, éloignez-vous rapidement, enfermez-vous dans des retraites profondes, habitants de Haçor, dit le Seigneur, car Nabuchodonosor, roi de Babylone, a conçu contre vous des projets et arrêté des résolutions.
31 But I say [to Nebuchadnezzar], ‘Go up and attack that nation whose people feel secure; they do not have allies [who will help them] and do not have [walls with] gates that have bars in them.
Debout! Marchez contre un peuple paisible, qui demeure en pleine sécurité, dit le Seigneur; il n’a ni portes ni verrous et vit dans l’isolement.
32 Your troops will seize their camels and [other] livestock. I will scatter in every direction [IDM] those people who live in remote places (OR, who cut their hair short). I will cause them to experience disasters from every direction.
Leurs chameaux deviendront une proie et la multitude de leurs troupeaux un butin; je les disperserai à tous les vents, ces gens qui se taillent la barbe, et de tous les côtés je ferai fondre la ruine sur eux.
33 Hazor will become a place where jackals/wolves live, and it will be deserted forever. No one will live there again; no one will settle there [DOU].’”
Ainsi Haçor deviendra un repaire de chacals, dit le Seigneur, une éternelle solitude, où personne n’habitera, où nul homme ne séjournera."
34 I received this message from Yahweh when King Zedekiah was starting to rule Judah.
Voici quelle fut la parole de l’Eternel adressée à Jérémie, le prophète, au sujet d’Elam, au début du règne de Sédécias, roi de Juda; il dit:
35 This is what the Commander of the armies of angels says: “The men of Elam are famous (archers/men who shoot arrows well); that is how they have made their country very powerful. But I will get rid of them [MET].
"Ainsi parle l’Eternel-Cebaot: Voici, je vais briser l’arc des Elamites, le meilleur de leur force.
36 I will bring their enemies from all directions [IDM, DOU], and they will scatter the people of Elam in all directions. The people of Elam will be exiled to every nation on the earth [LIT, HYP].
Je susciterai contre Elam quatre vents des quatre extrémités du ciel, et je les disperserai au gré de ces vents; il n’y a aucune nation qui ne verra arriver chez elle des fugitifs d’Elam.
37 Because I am very angry with the people of Elam, I will enable their enemies to smash Elam; I will cause the people of Elam to experience great disasters. I will enable their enemies, who want to kill them, to pursue them [and kill them] with swords until I completely get rid of all of them.
J’Abattrai les Elamites devant leurs ennemis, devant ceux qui en veulent à leur existence; je ferai fondre sur eux le malheur, le feu de ma colère, dit le Seigneur, et je lâcherai le glaive contre eux, de façon à les anéantir.
38 I, Yahweh, will judge them there [MTY], and [then] I will get rid of their king and [his] officials.
Puis j’établirai mon trône à Elam, et j’en extirperai rois et princes, dit le Seigneur.
39 But some day, I will enable the people of Elam to return to their land. [That will surely happen because I, ] Yahweh, have said it.”
Mais il arrivera que dans la suite des temps je ramènerai les captifs d’Elam." dit le Seigneur.

< Jeremiah 49 >