< Jeremiah 48 >

1 This is a message about Moab. The Commander of the armies of angels said: “Terrible things will happen to Nebo [town]; it will [soon] be ruined. Kiriathaim [city] will be captured and [all its people will be] humiliated; the high wall around their city will be ruined, and [its people] will become ashamed.
ad Moab haec dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israhel vae super Nabo quoniam vastata est et confusa capta est Cariathaim confusa est fortis et tremuit
2 No one will boast about Moab again; the [enemies of Moab] will plan to destroy [the capital city, ] Heshbon. [They will say, ] ‘Come, let’s cause Moab to no longer be a nation.’ You people in Madmen [town], you also will be silenced; enemy armies [MTY] will pursue you.
non est ultra exultatio in Moab contra Esebon cogitaverunt malum venite et disperdamus eam de gente ergo silens conticesces sequeturque te gladius
3 Listen to the people of Horonaim [town] screaming; [they will be wailing because their town will have been] devastated and destroyed [DOU].
vox clamoris de Oronaim vastitas et contritio magna
4 [All of] Moab will be ruined; [even] the little children will cry [loudly].
contrita est Moab adnuntiate clamorem parvulis eius
5 They will cry bitterly as they climb up Luhith [Hill]. [Others will wail] on the road down to Horonaim, being very sad because of [their town being] destroyed.
per ascensum enim Luaith plorans ascendet in fletu quoniam in descensu Oronaim hostes ululatum contritionis audierunt
6 [Someone will say to them], ‘Flee! Hide in the desert!’
fugite salvate animas vestras et eritis quasi myrice in deserto
7 But you trusted that because you were rich and powerful, [you would be safe]; so you will be captured. [The statue of your god] Chemosh and all his priests and officials will be taken away to distant lands.
pro eo enim quod habuisti fiduciam in munitionibus tuis et in thesauris tuis tu quoque capieris et ibit Chamos in transmigrationem sacerdotes eius et principes eius simul
8 All the towns [in Moab] will be destroyed; none of them will escape. [Towns in] the valleys and on the plateau will [all] be destroyed, because [I, ] Yahweh, have said that is what will happen.
et veniet praedo ad omnem urbem et urbs nulla salvabitur et peribit vallis et dissipabuntur campestria quoniam dixit Dominus
9 Spread salt on the ground in order that it will become a wasteland with [nothing growing there any more], and no one will be living in it!”
date florem Moab quia floriens egredietur et civitates eius desertae erunt et inhabitabiles
10 Yahweh will curse anyone who will not eagerly do what he desires, anyone who refrains from using his sword to kill [MTY] others [in Moab].
maledictus qui facit opus Domini fraudulenter et maledictus qui prohibet gladium suum a sanguine
11 [The people of] Moab have always felt secure; they have never been (exiled/forced [by their enemies] to go to other countries). They are like [MET] wine that has been left undisturbed [in a container for many days to give it good flavor], so now it smells good, and it tastes good.
fertilis fuit Moab ab adulescentia sua et requievit in fecibus suis nec transfusus est de vase in vas et in transmigrationem non abiit idcirco permansit gustus eius in eo et odor eius non est inmutatus
12 But Yahweh says that there will be a time when he will send [enemies to attack them]; they will get rid of the people of Moab like people pour out wine [on the ground] and then smash the wine jar.
propterea ecce dies veniunt dicit Dominus et mittam ei ordinatores et stratores laguncularum et sternent eum et vasa eius exhaurient et lagoenas eorum conlident
13 Then [the people of] Moab will be ashamed of [their god/idol] Chemosh [because it did not help them], like the Israeli people were ashamed because their gold statue of a calf [was smashed] at Bethel.
et confundetur Moab a Chamos sicut confusa est domus Israhel a Bethel in qua habebat fiduciam
14 [The soldiers of Moab previously] said, “We are warriors; we have fought bravely in battles!”
quomodo dicitis fortes sumus et viri robusti ad proeliandum
15 But now our King, who is Yahweh, who is called ‘the Commander of the armies of angels’, says that [the country of] Moab and all the towns in it will be destroyed. Their fine young men will [all] be slaughtered.
vastata est Moab et civitates illius ascenderunt et electi iuvenes eius descenderunt in occisionem ait Rex Dominus exercituum nomen ei
16 Moab will very soon be destroyed. It will soon experience disaster.
prope est interitus Moab ut veniat et malum eius velociter adcurret nimis
17 You [people who live in nations] near Moab, who know that it is very famous, should mourn for Moab, and say, “Its glorious power [MTY, DOU] is [completely] ended/broken.”
consolamini eum omnes qui estis in circuitu eius et universi qui scitis nomen eius dicite quomodo confracta est virga fortis baculus gloriosus
18 You people of Dibon [city], stop being proud because of being honored, and sit in the dust/dirt, because those who will destroy other places in Moab will attack your [city] and destroy your high walls.
descende de gloria et sede in siti habitatio filiae Dibon quoniam vastator Moab ascendet ad te dissipabit munitiones tuas
19 You people of Aroer [town], stand along the road and watch. Shout to the men and women who will be fleeing [from Moab], “What has happened [there]?”
in via sta et prospice habitatio Aroer interroga fugientem et eum qui evasit dic quid accidit
20 [They will reply], “Moab is ruined and [we are] disgraced!” [So] weep and wail [DOU]. Proclaim at the Aroer [River] that Moab has been destroyed.
confusus est Moab quoniam victus est ululate et clamate adnuntiate in Arnon quoniam vastata est Moab
21 [Yahweh] will have punished [the towns in Moab that are on] the (plateau/high level): Holon and Jahaz and Mephaath,
et iudicium venit ad terram campestrem super Helon et super Iaesa et super Mefath
22 Dibon and Nebo and Beth-Diblathaim,
et super Dibon et super Nabo et super domum Deblathaim
23 Kiriathaim and Beth-Gamul and Beth-Meon,
et super Cariathaim et super Bethgamul et super Bethmaon
24 Kerioth and Bozrah, cities that are near [each other] and towns that are far away [from each other].
et super Carioth et super Bosra et super omnes civitates terrae Moab quae longe et quae prope sunt
25 Yahweh says, “The power [MTY] of Moab will be ended; [it is as though] [MET] Moab will have a broken arm.
abscisum est cornu Moab et brachium eius contritum est ait Dominus
26 [You people of] Moab have rebelled against [me, ] Yahweh; so [now] I will cause you all to [stagger like] [SIM] drunken people. [You people of] will wallow in your own vomit and be ridiculed.
inebriate eum quoniam contra Dominum erectus est et adlidet manum Moab in vomitu suo et erit in derisum etiam ipse
27 You [people of Moab] ridiculed [the people of] Israel [RHQ]. You treated them as though they were thieves [RHQ]. You shook your head at them scornfully and despised them [RHQ].
fuit enim in derisum tibi Israhel quasi inter fures repperisses eum propter verba ergo tua quae adversum illum locutus es captivus duceris
28 You people who live in Moab, you should abandon your towns and go and live in caves. Be like [SIM] doves that make their nests in the entrances of caves.”
relinquite civitates et habitate in petra habitatores Moab et estote quasi columba nidificans in summo ore foraminis
29 We have [all] heard that [the people of] are very proud; they are extremely proud and conceited/arrogant. [IDM, DOU]
audivimus superbiam Moab superbus est valde sublimitatem eius et arrogantiam et superbiam et altitudinem cordis illius
30 But Yahweh says, “I know about that, but it is useless for them to boast [because] it will accomplish nothing.
ego scio ait Dominus iactantiam eius et quod non sit iuxta eam virtus eius nec iuxta quod poterat conata sit facere
31 So [now] I will wail for Moab; I will cry about all its people. I will moan for the men of Kir-Hareseth [city], [the old capital of Moab].
ideo super Moab heiulabo et ad Moab universam clamabo ad viros muri fictilis lamentantes
32 You people of Sibmah [city], you have many vineyards. [It is as though] the branches of your vines extend across the [Dead] Sea to Jazer [city].
de planctu Iazer plorabo tibi vinea Sobema propagines tuae transierunt mare usque ad mare Iazer pervenerunt super messem tuam et vindemiam tuam praedo inruit
33 But no one will be joyful or happy in Moab now; your fruit and grapes that ripen in the (summer/hot season) will soon be destroyed. There will be no grape juice coming from the winepresses, [so] there will be no wine. People will not shout joyfully as they tread on the grapes; people will shout, but they will not be shouting joyfully.
ablata est laetitia et exultatio de Carmelo et de terra Moab et vinum de torcularibus sustuli nequaquam calcator uvae solitum celeuma cantabit
34 Instead, the sound of their wailing will rise from Heshbon [city] to Elealeh [town] and Jahaz [village], from Zoar [city] as far as Horonaim [town] and Eglath-Shelishiyah [village]. Even the water in Nimrim [Stream] will be dried up.
de clamore Esebon usque Eleale et Iaesa dederunt vocem suam a Segor usque ad Oronaim vitula conternante aquae quoque Namrim pessimae erunt
35 [I, ] Yahweh, say that I will get rid of the people who offer sacrifices on the hilltops, and burn incense to their gods.
et auferam de Moab ait Dominus offerentem in excelsis et sacrificantem diis eius
36 I [SYN] moan for the people of Moab and Kir-Hareseth like [SIM] [someone playing a funeral song on] a flute, because [all] their wealth will disappear.
propterea cor meum ad Moab quasi tibiae resonabit et cor meum ad viros muri fictilis dabit sonitum tibiarum quia plus fecit quam potuit idcirco perierunt
37 The men will shave their heads and their beards [to show that they are mourning]. They all will slash their hands and wear (rough cloth/sackcloth) around their waists.
omne enim caput calvitium et omnis barba rasa erit in cunctis manibus conligatio et super omne dorsum cilicium
38 In every home and in the town plazas/centers in Moab there will be [people who are] mourning, because I will have destroyed Moab like [SIM] someone smashes an [old] jar that no one wants [any more].
super omnia tecta Moab et in plateis eius omnis planctus quia contrivi Moab sicut vas inutile ait Dominus
39 Moab will be completely shattered! And you will hear the people wailing loudly! They will be disgraced. Moab will become a nation that people ridicule. The people in nearby [countries] will be horrified [about what has happened there].
quomodo victa est et ululaverunt quomodo deiecit cervicem Moab et confusus est eritque Moab in derisum et in exemplum omnibus in circuitu suo
40 This is what [I, ] Yahweh, say: ‘Look! Their enemies will be swooping/rushing down over Moab like an eagle [SIM] swoops down [to seize an animal].
haec dicit Dominus ecce quasi aquila evolabit et extendet alas suas ad Moab
41 Its cities will be captured, its fortresses will be seized. [Even] their warriors will be [afraid], like [SIM] a woman who is about to give birth.
capta est Carioth et munitiones conprehensae sunt et erit cor fortium Moab in die illa sicut cor mulieris parturientis
42 [The leaders of] Moab boasted against [me, ] Yahweh, so Moab will be destroyed.
et cessabit Moab esse populus quoniam contra Dominum gloriatus est
43 [I, ] Yahweh, say that you people of Moab will be terrified, and fall into pits and traps.
pavor et fovea et laqueus super te o habitator Moab ait Dominus
44 Those who are terrified and try to run away will fall into deep pits. Whoever climbs out of a pit will be caught in a trap, because I will punish them at the time that I have chosen.’
qui fugit a facie pavoris cadet in foveam et qui conscenderit de fovea capietur laqueo adducam enim super Moab annum visitationis eorum dicit Dominus
45 The people will flee as far as Heshbon [city], but they will not be able to go any further, because a fire will burn in Heshbon, [which is the city] where [King] Sihon lived [long ago], and it will burn up all the people [SYN] in Moab who noisily/loudly boasted very much.
in umbra Esebon steterunt de laqueo fugientes quia ignis egressus est de Esebon et flamma de medio Seon et devorabit partem Moab et verticem filiorum tumultus
46 [You people of] Moab, terrible things will happen to you! You people who worship [your god] Chemosh, you will be destroyed. Your sons and your daughters will be captured and taken away [to other countries].
vae tibi Moab peristi popule Chamos quia conprehensi sunt filii tui et filiae tuae in captivitatem
47 But some day, I will enable the people of Moab to return to their land again. [That will surely happen because I, ] Yahweh, have said it.” That is the end of what I prophesied about Moab.
et convertam captivitatem Moab in novissimis diebus ait Dominus hucusque iudicia Moab

< Jeremiah 48 >