< Jeremiah 48 >

1 This is a message about Moab. The Commander of the armies of angels said: “Terrible things will happen to Nebo [town]; it will [soon] be ruined. Kiriathaim [city] will be captured and [all its people will be] humiliated; the high wall around their city will be ruined, and [its people] will become ashamed.
Imod Moab. Saa siger den Herre Zebaoth, Israels Gud: Ve, Nebo! thi den er ødelagt; beskæmmet, indtaget er Kirjathajm; beskæmmet er Misgab og forfærdet.
2 No one will boast about Moab again; the [enemies of Moab] will plan to destroy [the capital city, ] Heshbon. [They will say, ] ‘Come, let’s cause Moab to no longer be a nation.’ You people in Madmen [town], you also will be silenced; enemy armies [MTY] will pursue you.
Med Moabs Pris er det forbi; i Hesbon optænke de ondt imod det: Kommer og lader os udslette det, at det ikke mere er et Folk; ogsaa du, Madmen! skal ødelægges, et Sværd skal forfølge dig.
3 Listen to the people of Horonaim [town] screaming; [they will be wailing because their town will have been] devastated and destroyed [DOU].
Der høres et Skrig fra Horanajm: Ødelæggelse og stor Forstyrrelse.
4 [All of] Moab will be ruined; [even] the little children will cry [loudly].
Moab er forstyrret; de smaa derudi lade deres Skrig høre.
5 They will cry bitterly as they climb up Luhith [Hill]. [Others will wail] on the road down to Horonaim, being very sad because of [their town being] destroyed.
Thi ad Opgangen til Lukit stiger Graad op over Graad; og ved Nedgangen til Horonajm hører man Forstyrrelses Skrig.
6 [Someone will say to them], ‘Flee! Hide in the desert!’
Flyr, redder eders Liv! og I skulle være som den enlige i Ørken.
7 But you trusted that because you were rich and powerful, [you would be safe]; so you will be captured. [The statue of your god] Chemosh and all his priests and officials will be taken away to distant lands.
Thi fordi du forlod dig paa dine Gerninger og paa dine Skatte, skal ogsaa du indtages; og Kamos skal vandre i Landflygtighed, hans Præster og hans Fyrster til Hobe.
8 All the towns [in Moab] will be destroyed; none of them will escape. [Towns in] the valleys and on the plateau will [all] be destroyed, because [I, ] Yahweh, have said that is what will happen.
Og der skal komme en Ødelægger til hver Stad, og ingen Stad skal undslippe; og Dalen skal gaa til Grunde og Sletten ødelægges, som Herren har sagt.
9 Spread salt on the ground in order that it will become a wasteland with [nothing growing there any more], and no one will be living in it!”
Giver Moab Vinger, thi det skal flyve ud; og dets Stæder skulle være til en Ødelæggelse, saa at ingen skal bo i dem.
10 Yahweh will curse anyone who will not eagerly do what he desires, anyone who refrains from using his sword to kill [MTY] others [in Moab].
Forbandet være den, som gør Herrens Gerning med Efterladenhed; og forbandet være den, som holder sit Sværd tilbage fra Blod.
11 [The people of] Moab have always felt secure; they have never been (exiled/forced [by their enemies] to go to other countries). They are like [MET] wine that has been left undisturbed [in a container for many days to give it good flavor], so now it smells good, and it tastes good.
Moab har boet trygt fra sin Ungdom af og ligget stille paa sin Bærme og er ikke tømt af et Kar i det andet, og det er ikke draget bort iblandt de bortførte; derfor har det beholdt sin Smag, og dets Lugt er ikke forandret.
12 But Yahweh says that there will be a time when he will send [enemies to attack them]; they will get rid of the people of Moab like people pour out wine [on the ground] and then smash the wine jar.
Derfor se, de Dage skulle komme, siger Herren, da jeg vil sende Folk til det, som skulle vende dets Fade om; de skulle tømme dets Kar og sønderbryde dets Flasker.
13 Then [the people of] Moab will be ashamed of [their god/idol] Chemosh [because it did not help them], like the Israeli people were ashamed because their gold statue of a calf [was smashed] at Bethel.
Og Moab skal blive til Skamme over Kamos, ligesom Israels Hus blev til Skamme over Bethel, som de forlode sig paa.
14 [The soldiers of Moab previously] said, “We are warriors; we have fought bravely in battles!”
Hvorledes kunne I sige: Vi ere Helte og duelige Krigsmænd?
15 But now our King, who is Yahweh, who is called ‘the Commander of the armies of angels’, says that [the country of] Moab and all the towns in it will be destroyed. Their fine young men will [all] be slaughtered.
Moab er ødelagt, og man er steget op i dets Stæder, og dets udvalgte unge Mandskab er steget ned for at slagtes, siger Kongen, hvis Navn er Herre Zebaoth.
16 Moab will very soon be destroyed. It will soon experience disaster.
Moabs Undergang er nær for Haanden, og dets Ulykke skynder sig saare.
17 You [people who live in nations] near Moab, who know that it is very famous, should mourn for Moab, and say, “Its glorious power [MTY, DOU] is [completely] ended/broken.”
Haver Medynk med det, alle I, som bo trindt omkring det! og alle I, som kende dets Navn, siger: Hvorledes er Magtens Stav, Herlighedens Spir sønderbrudt?
18 You people of Dibon [city], stop being proud because of being honored, and sit in the dust/dirt, because those who will destroy other places in Moab will attack your [city] and destroy your high walls.
Stig ned fra Herlighed, og sid i det tørstige Land, du Indbyggerske, Dibons Datter! thi Moabs Ødelægger er stegen op imod dig, han har ødelagt dine Befæstninger.
19 You people of Aroer [town], stand along the road and watch. Shout to the men and women who will be fleeing [from Moab], “What has happened [there]?”
Stil dig ved Vejen og se dig om, du Aroers Indbyggerske! spørg ham, som er flygtet, og hende, som er undkommet; sig, hvad er der sket?
20 [They will reply], “Moab is ruined and [we are] disgraced!” [So] weep and wail [DOU]. Proclaim at the Aroer [River] that Moab has been destroyed.
Moab er beskæmmet; thi det er knust, hyler og skriger; kundgører det ved Arnon, at Moab er ødelagt;
21 [Yahweh] will have punished [the towns in Moab that are on] the (plateau/high level): Holon and Jahaz and Mephaath,
og en Dom er kommet til Slettens Land, til Holon og til Jaza og over Mefaat
22 Dibon and Nebo and Beth-Diblathaim,
og over Dibon og over Nebo og over Beth-Diblathajm
23 Kiriathaim and Beth-Gamul and Beth-Meon,
og over Kirjathajm og over Bethgamul og over Bethmeon
24 Kerioth and Bozrah, cities that are near [each other] and towns that are far away [from each other].
og over Kirjot og over Bozra og over alle Stæder i Moabs Land, de fjerne og de nære.
25 Yahweh says, “The power [MTY] of Moab will be ended; [it is as though] [MET] Moab will have a broken arm.
Moabs Horn er afhugget, og dets Arm er sønderbrudt, siger Herren,
26 [You people of] Moab have rebelled against [me, ] Yahweh; so [now] I will cause you all to [stagger like] [SIM] drunken people. [You people of] will wallow in your own vomit and be ridiculed.
Gører det drukkent! thi det ophøjede sig storlig imod Herren, saa at Moab maa plaske i sit Spy, og at ogsaa det maa blive til Latter.
27 You [people of Moab] ridiculed [the people of] Israel [RHQ]. You treated them as though they were thieves [RHQ]. You shook your head at them scornfully and despised them [RHQ].
Thi mon Israel ikke var dig til Latter? mon det var grebet iblandt Tyve, at du, saa tit du talte om det, skulde ryste med Hovedet?
28 You people who live in Moab, you should abandon your towns and go and live in caves. Be like [SIM] doves that make their nests in the entrances of caves.”
Forlader Stæderne og bor i Klippen, I Indbyggere i Moab! og værer som en Due, der bygger Rede ved Siden af Aabningen ned til en Kløft!
29 We have [all] heard that [the people of] are very proud; they are extremely proud and conceited/arrogant. [IDM, DOU]
Vi have hørt om Moabs Hovmod, det er saare hovmodigt, om dets Hoffærdighed og dets Hovmod og dets Stolthed og dets Hjertes Højhed.
30 But Yahweh says, “I know about that, but it is useless for them to boast [because] it will accomplish nothing.
Jeg kender, siger Herren, dets Overmod, men det er tomt; dets Pral er i Gerning tom.
31 So [now] I will wail for Moab; I will cry about all its people. I will moan for the men of Kir-Hareseth [city], [the old capital of Moab].
Derfor maa jeg hyle over Moab og skrige over hele Moab; man maa sukke over Kir-Heres's Folk,
32 You people of Sibmah [city], you have many vineyards. [It is as though] the branches of your vines extend across the [Dead] Sea to Jazer [city].
Jeg maa græde over dig, du Vintræ i Sibma! mere end jeg græder over Jaeser, dine Kviste gik hen over Havet, de naaede til Jaesers Hav; en Ødelægger er falden ind over din Frugthøst og over din Vinhøst.
33 But no one will be joyful or happy in Moab now; your fruit and grapes that ripen in the (summer/hot season) will soon be destroyed. There will be no grape juice coming from the winepresses, [so] there will be no wine. People will not shout joyfully as they tread on the grapes; people will shout, but they will not be shouting joyfully.
Og Glæde og Fryd har forladt Frugthaven og Moabs Land; og jeg vil lade Vinen høre op i Persekarrene, ingen skal træde Persen med Frydesang, Frydesangen skal ikke mere være Frydesang.
34 Instead, the sound of their wailing will rise from Heshbon [city] to Elealeh [town] and Jahaz [village], from Zoar [city] as far as Horonaim [town] and Eglath-Shelishiyah [village]. Even the water in Nimrim [Stream] will be dried up.
Af Skriget i Hesbon lade de Lyden høres, indtil Eleale, indtil Jahaz, fra Zoar indtil Horonajm, Eglath Selisia; thi ogsaa Nimjims Vande skulle blive til Ørk.
35 [I, ] Yahweh, say that I will get rid of the people who offer sacrifices on the hilltops, and burn incense to their gods.
Og jeg vil gøre, siger Herren, at Moab ikke mere skal have nogen, som drager op paa Højen og gør Røgoffer for sine Guder.
36 I [SYN] moan for the people of Moab and Kir-Hareseth like [SIM] [someone playing a funeral song on] a flute, because [all] their wealth will disappear.
Derfor bruser mit Hjerte som Fløjter over Moab, og mit Hjerte bruser over Mændene i Kir-Heres som Fløjter, derfor gaar Levningen, som det havde forhvervet, til Grunde.
37 The men will shave their heads and their beards [to show that they are mourning]. They all will slash their hands and wear (rough cloth/sackcloth) around their waists.
Thi hvert Hoved er skaldet, og hvert Skæg er afskaaret; der er Indsnit paa alle Hænder og Sæk om Lænderne.
38 In every home and in the town plazas/centers in Moab there will be [people who are] mourning, because I will have destroyed Moab like [SIM] someone smashes an [old] jar that no one wants [any more].
Paa alle Tage i Moab og paa dets Gader er der kun Klage; thi jeg har sønderbrudt Moab som et Kar, man ikke har Lyst til, siger Herren.
39 Moab will be completely shattered! And you will hear the people wailing loudly! They will be disgraced. Moab will become a nation that people ridicule. The people in nearby [countries] will be horrified [about what has happened there].
Hvorledes er det dog knust I Hyler! hvorledes vender Moab dog Nakken til! det er beskæmmet; og Moab skal blive til Latter og til Forfærdelse for alle trindt omkring det.
40 This is what [I, ] Yahweh, say: ‘Look! Their enemies will be swooping/rushing down over Moab like an eagle [SIM] swoops down [to seize an animal].
Thi saa siger Hejren: Se, han kommer flyvende som Ørnen og udbreder sine Vinger imod Moab.
41 Its cities will be captured, its fortresses will be seized. [Even] their warriors will be [afraid], like [SIM] a woman who is about to give birth.
Stæderne erobres, og Fæstningerne indtages; og de vældiges Hjerte i Moab skal være paa denne Dag som en beængstet Kvindes Hjerte.
42 [The leaders of] Moab boasted against [me, ] Yahweh, so Moab will be destroyed.
Og Moab skal ødelægges, saa at det ikke mere er et Folk, thi det har ophøjet sig storlig imod Herren.
43 [I, ] Yahweh, say that you people of Moab will be terrified, and fall into pits and traps.
Forfærdelse og Grav og Snare over dig, du, som bor i Moab! siger Herren,
44 Those who are terrified and try to run away will fall into deep pits. Whoever climbs out of a pit will be caught in a trap, because I will punish them at the time that I have chosen.’
Den, som flyr for Forfærdelsen, skal falde i Graven, og den, som kommer op af Graven, skal fanges i Snaren; thi jeg Vil lade komme til det, til Moab, dets Hjemsøgelses Aar, siger Herren,
45 The people will flee as far as Heshbon [city], but they will not be able to go any further, because a fire will burn in Heshbon, [which is the city] where [King] Sihon lived [long ago], and it will burn up all the people [SYN] in Moab who noisily/loudly boasted very much.
I Hesbons Skygge stille sig de, der fly som kraftesløse; thi en Ild udgaar fra Hesbon og en Lue fra Sihon, og den skal fortære Moabs Hjørne og Issen af Bulderets Srør, ner.
46 [You people of] Moab, terrible things will happen to you! You people who worship [your god] Chemosh, you will be destroyed. Your sons and your daughters will be captured and taken away [to other countries].
Ve dig, Moab! Kamos's Folk er fortabt; thi dine Sønner ere tagne og førte i Fangenskab og dine Døtre i Fangenskab.
47 But some day, I will enable the people of Moab to return to their land again. [That will surely happen because I, ] Yahweh, have said it.” That is the end of what I prophesied about Moab.
Men jeg vil omvende Moabs Fangenskab i de sidste Dage, siger Herren. — Hertil gaar Dommen over Moab.

< Jeremiah 48 >