< Jeremiah 47 >

1 Yahweh gave to the prophet Jeremiah a message about the people of Philistia. [The message was given to me] before Gaza [city in Philistia] was captured by [the army of] Egypt.
Parole du Seigneur qui fut adressée à Jérémie, le prophète, contre les Philistins, avant que Pharaon attaquât Gaza.
2 This is what Yahweh said: “[An army] [MET] will be coming from the northeast that will cover the land like a flood. They will destroy the land and everything in it; [they will destroy] people and cities. People will scream; everyone in the land will wail.
Voici ce que dit le Seigneur: Voilà que les eaux montent de l’aquilon, et qu’elles seront comme un torrent qui inonde, et qu’elles couvriront la terre et sa plénitude, et la ville et ses habitants; les hommes crieront, et tous les habitants de la terre pousseront des hurlements,
3 [They will hear] the sound of the hooves of the [enemy] horses, and [they will hear] the rumble/noise of the wheels [of their enemies’] chariots. Men [will run away; ] they will not stop to help their children; they will be completely weak and helpless [MTY].
À cause du bruit pompeux de ses armes et de ses hommes de guerre, à cause de l’ébranlement de ses quadriges et de la multitude de ses roues. Les pères n’ont pas regardé les fils, leurs mains s’étant affaiblies
4 It will be the time for all the people of Philistia to be destroyed, and the time to prevent the remaining soldiers from helping [the people of] Tyre and Sidon [cities]. [I, ] Yahweh, will get rid of the people of Philistia, those whose ancestors [long ago] came from Crete [island].
À la venue du jour auquel tous les Philistins seront dévastés, Tyr et Sidon seront dissipées avec tout ce qui est resté de leur secours; car le Seigneur a ravagé les Philistins et les restes de l’île de Cappadoce.
5 [The people of] Gaza will be humiliated; they will shave off all the hair on their heads [to indicate that they are ashamed]. The [people of] [city] will all be silent [because they will be mourning]. [All you people who live] along the coast [of the Mediterranean Sea] who are still alive, how long [RHQ] will you gash yourselves [because you are mourning]?”
Gaza est devenue chauve, Ascalon s’est tué, ainsi que les restes de leur vallée; jusques à quand te feras-tu des incisions?
6 [The people of Philistia say, ] “Yahweh, when [RHQ] will you [tell our enemies to stop killing us with] [PRS] their swords? Tell them to [PRS] put them back into their sheaths and keep them there!”
Ô épée du Seigneur, jusques à quand ne te reposeras-tu point? Rentre en ton fourreau, refroidis-toi, et reste tranquille.
7 But it would not be right [RHQ] for their swords to stay there, because Yahweh has commanded their enemies [to do something more]; Yahweh intends to tell them to attack [all the people living in] Ashkelon and [in other cities] along the coast.
Comment se reposera-t-elle, puisque le Seigneur lui a donné ses ordres contre Ascalon, et contre les régions maritimes, et qu’il lui a assigné ces lieux?

< Jeremiah 47 >