< Jeremiah 41 >

1 Ishmael was a member of the king’s family. He had been one of King Zedekiah’s important officials. In October of that year, he went to Mizpah with ten other men to [talk with] Gedaliah. While they were eating together,
Mumwedzi wechinomwe, Ishumaeri mwanakomana waNetania, mwanakomana waErishama, uyo akanga ari worudzi rwamambo, uye akanga ari mumwe wamachinda amambo, akauya ane varume gumi kuna Gedharia mwanakomana waAhikami, paMizipa. Vachiri kudya pamwe chete ipapo,
2 Ishmael and the other ten men jumped up, and with their swords they killed Gedaliah—the man whom the king of Babylon had appointed to be their governor!
Ishumaeri mwanakomana waNetania navarume gumi vakanga vanaye vakasimuka vakabaya Gedharia mwanakomana waAhikami, mwanakomana waShafani, nomunondo, vakamuuraya iye akanga agadzwa namambo weBhabhironi kuti ave mubati wenyika iyo.
3 Ishmael [and the other men] also killed all the Jews and the soldiers from Babylonia who were with Gedaliah at Mizpah.
Ishumaeri akaurayawo vaJudha vose vaiva naGedharia paMizipa, pamwe chete navarwi veBhabhironi vaivapo.
4 The next day, before anyone had found out that Gedaliah had been murdered,
Zuva rakatevera kuurayiwa kwaGedharia, pasati pava nomunhu aizviziva,
5 eighty men from Shechem, Shiloh, and Samaria [cities] came to worship at the temple of Yahweh [in Mizpah]. They had shaved off their beards and torn their clothes and cut themselves [to show that they were mourning]. And they had brought grain offerings and incense [to burn on the altar].
varume makumi masere vaibva kuShekemu, neShiro neSamaria vakasvikapo vakaveura ndebvu dzavo, vakabvarura nguo dzavo uye vakazvicheka-cheka, vachiuya nezvipiriso zvezviyo nezvinonhuhwira kuimba yaJehovha.
6 Ishmael went out of the city to meet them, crying as he went. When he reached them, he said, “Come [and see what has happened to] Gedaliah!”
Ishumaeri mwanakomana waNetania akabuda paMizipa kuti andovachingamidza, akafamba achichema. Paakasangana navo, akati kwavari, “Uyai kuna Gedharia mwanakomana waAhikami.”
7 But as soon as they had all entered the town, Ishmael and his men killed [most of] them and threw their corpses into a well.
Vakati vapinda muguta, Ishumaeri mwanakomana waNetania navarume vakanga vanaye vakavauraya ndokuvakanda mugomba.
8 There were [only] ten of them whom they (spared/did not kill). They were not killed because they promised to Ishmael that [if he allowed them to remain alive, they would bring him] lots of wheat and barley and olive oil and honey that they had hidden.
Asi vamwe vavo gumi vakati kuna Ishumaeri, “Musatiuraya! Isu tine gorosi nebhari, namafuta uye nouchi, zvakavigwa musango.” Naizvozvo akavarega akasavauraya pamwe chete navamwe.
9 The well where Ishmael’s men had thrown the corpses of the men whom they had murdered was the deep well that King Asa’s [men] had dug [in order that they would have water in the city] if the army of King Baasha of Israel would surround the city. Ishmael’s men filled that well with corpses.
Zvino gomba raakakandira mitumbi yose yavarume vaakanga auraya pamwe chete naGedharia ndiro rakanga racherwa naMambo Asa kuti azvidzivirire kubva kuna Bhaasha mambo weIsraeri. Ishumaeri mwanakomana waNetania akarizadza navakaurayiwa.
10 Then Ishmael [and his men] captured the king’s daughters and some of the other people who had been left in Mizpah by Nebuzaradan in order that Gedaliah would take care of them. Ishmael and his men took those people and started back toward the Ammon area.
Ishumaeri akatapa vanhu vose vakanga vari paMizipa, vanasikana vamambo pamwe chete navamwe vose vakanga vasara ikoko, vaiswa naNebhuzaradhani mukuru wavarindi pasi paGedharia mwanakomana waAhikami. Ishumaeri mwanakomana waNetania akavatapa ndokubvapo achida kuti ayambukire kuvaAmoni.
11 But Johanan and all the other leaders of the Israeli soldiers who had not surrendered to the army of Babylonia heard about what Ishmael [and his men] had done.
Johanani mwanakomana waKarea namachinda ose ehondo vaiva naye vakati vanzwa pamusoro pemhaka dzose dzakanga dzaparwa naIshumaeri mwanakomana waNetania,
12 So they [immediately] went with all their men to stop them. They caught up with them at the large pool near Gibeon [city].
vakatora varume vose ndokuenda kundorwa naIshumaeri mwanakomana waNetania. Vakanomubatira pedyo nedziva guru reGibheoni.
13 When all the people whom Ishmael and his men had captured saw Johanan and the soldiers who were with him, they [shouted] joyfully.
Vanhu vose vaiva naIshumaeri vakati vachiona Johanani mwanakomana waKarea navakuru vehondo vakanga vainaye, vakafara.
14 So all those who had been captured in Mizpah escaped, and they started to help Johanan.
Vanhu vose vakanga vatapwa naIshumaeri paMizipa vakadzoka vakaenda kuna Johanani mwanakomana waKarea.
15 But Ishmael and eight of his men escaped and fled to the Ammon area.
Asi Ishumaeri mwanakomana waNetania navarume vasere vakapunyuka kubva kuna Johanani vakatizira kuvaAmoni.
16 Then Johanan and the men who were with him [gathered together] all the people whom they had rescued at Gibeon. They included soldiers and women and children and some of the king’s palace officials. They were all people whom Ishmael [and his men] had captured after they had killed Gedaliah.
Ipapo Johanani mwanakomana waKarea navakuru vose vehondo vaiva naye vakatungamirira vose vakasara kubva paMizipa avo vaakanga anunura kubva kuna Ishumaeri mwanakomana waNetania shure kwokunge auraya Gedharia mwanakomana waAhikami, vaiti: varwi, vakadzi, vana namachinda edare vaakanga abva navo kuGibheoni.
17 They took them all to Geruth-Kimham [village] near Bethlehem. And they all prepared to go to Egypt.
Vakaenderera mberi ndokunomira vava paGeruti Kimihami pedyo neBheterehema parwendo rwavo rwokuenda kuIjipiti
18 They were worried about what the soldiers of Babylonia [would do to them when they found out] that Ishmael had killed Gedaliah, who had been appointed by the King of Babylonia to be their governor.
kuti vatize vaBhabhironi. Vakanga vachitya nokuti Ishumaeri mwanakomana waNetania akanga auraya Gedharia mwanakomana waAhikami, uyo akanga agadzwa kuti ave mubati wenyika iyo namambo weBhabhironi.

< Jeremiah 41 >