< Jeremiah 40 >

1 [The soldiers from Babylonia] captured me and many other people from Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah. They [planned to] take us to Babylon. So they fastened chains around our wrists and took us to Ramah [town north of Jerusalem]. While we were there, I was released. [This is how it happened]:
Rijeè koja doðe Jeremiji od Gospoda kad ga Nevuzardan zapovjednik stražarski pusti iz Rame uzevši ga pošto bješe okovan u verige meðu svijem robljem Jerusalimskim i Judinijem, koje se voðaše u Vavilon.
2 [Nebuzaradan, ] the captain of the [king’s] bodyguards, [found that I was there]. He summoned me and said to me, “Yahweh your God said that he would cause this land to experience a disaster.
I uzevši zapovjednik stražarski Jeremiju reèe mu: Gospod Bog tvoj izreèe ovo zlo za ovo mjesto;
3 And now he has caused it to happen. He has done just what he said [that he would do], because you people sinned against Yahweh and refused to obey him.
I nanese i uèini kako reèe, jer zgriješiste Gospodu i ne slušaste glasa njegova, zato vas snaðe ovo.
4 But today I am going to take the chains off your wrists and release you. If you want to come with me to Babylon, [that will be fine]. I will take care of you. But if you do not want to come with me, do not come. [Stay here]. Look, the entire country is available; you can choose whatever part you want to go to. You can go wherever you wish.” [Then he took the chains off my wrists].
Ali sada, evo, ja te opraštam danas veriga što su ti na ruku; ako ti je volja poæi sa mnom u Vavilon, hodi, ja æu se brinuti za te; ako li ti nije volja poæi sa mnom u Vavilon, a ti nemoj; evo, sva ti je zemlja otvorena, idi kuda god hoæeš i kuda ti je drago.
5 He said, “If you [decide to] stay here, go to Gedaliah. The King of Babylon appointed him to be the governor of Judah. [You will be allowed to] stay here with the people [that he is governing]. But you can do whatever you want to.” Then Nebuzaradan gave me some food and some money, and he allowed me to go.
Ili kad se on još ne vraæa, otidi k njemu, Godoliji sinu Ahikama sina Safanova, kojega je postavio car Vavilonski nad gradovima Judinijem, i ostani s njim meðu narodom, ili idi kuda ti je drago. I dade mu zapovjednik stražarski brašnjenice i dar, i otpusti ga.
6 I returned to Gedaliah at Mizpah, and I stayed in Judah with the people who still remained in the land.
I tako doðe Jeremija ka Godoliji sinu Ahikamovu u Mispu, i osta s njim u narodu, koji još osta u zemlji.
7 The [Israeli] soldiers [who had not surrendered to the army of Babylonia] were roaming around in the countryside. Then their leaders heard someone say that the King of Babylon had appointed Gedaliah to be the governor of the very poor people [who were still in Judah], who had not been taken to Babylon.
A sve vojvode što bjehu u polju i ljudi njihovi kad èuše da je car Vavilonski postavio Godoliju sina Ahikamova nad zemljom, i da je na njemu ostavio ljude i žene i djecu izmeðu siromašnoga naroda u zemlji, koji ne bi odveden u Vavilon,
8 So they went [to talk] to Gedaliah at Mizpah. [Those who went included] Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, Johanan and Jonathan the sons of Kareah, Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth, the sons of Ephai from Netophath, and Jezaniah from Maacah, and the soldiers who were with them.
Doðoše u Mispu ka Godoliji Ismailo sin Netanijin i Joanan i Jonatan sinovi Karijini, i Seraja sin Tanumetov, i sinovi Jofije Netofaæanina, i Jezanija sin nekoga Mahaæanina, oni i ljudi njihovi.
9 Gedaliah solemnly promised that the soldiers from Babylonia would not harm them. He said, “Do not be afraid to do things for them. Stay [here] in this land and do things for the King of Babylon. If you do that, things will go well for you.
I zakle se Godolija sin Ahikama sina Safanova njima i ljudima njihovijem govoreæi: ne bojte se službe Haldejcima; ostanite u zemlji, i služite caru Vavilonskom, i dobro æe vam biti.
10 As for me, I will stay [here] at Mizpah to be your representative to the [officials from] Babylonia who come to [talk with] us. But you should [return to your towns, and eat the things that are produced on your land]. Harvest the grapes and the fruit [that ripen in] the (summer/hot season) and the olives, [make wine and olive oil, ] and store it.”
A ja evo æu stajati u Mispi da doèekujem Haldejce koji æe dolaziti k nama; a vi berite vinograde i voæe i ulje, i ostavljajte u sudove svoje, i stojte u gradovima svojim koje držite.
11 Then the Jews who had fled to Moab, Ammon, Edom, and other [nearby] countries heard people say that the King of Babylon had allowed a few people [to remain] in Judah, and that he had appointed Gedaliah to be their governor.
Tako i svi Judejci, koji bijahu meðu Moavcima i sinovima Amonovijem i Edomcima i po svijem zemljama, èuvši da je car Vavilonski ostavio ostatak u Judeji i postavio nad njima Godoliju sina Ahikama sina Safanova,
12 So they [began to] return to Judah. They stopped at Mizpah to [talk with] Gedaliah. Then [they went to various places in Judea, and] they harvested a great amount of grapes and summer fruit.
Vratiše se svi Judejci iz svijeh mjesta kuda bijahu razagnani, i doðoše u zemlju Judinu ka Godoliji u Mispu, i nabraše vina i voæa vrlo mnogo.
13 [Some time later, ] Johanan and all the [other] leaders of the Israeli soldiers [who had not surrendered to the army of Babylonia] came to Gedaliah at Mizpah.
A Joanan sin Karijin i sve vojvode što bjehu u polju doðoše ka Godoliji u Mispu,
14 They said to him, “Do you know that Baalis, the king of the Ammon [people-group], has sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to assassinate you?” But Gedaliah did not believe what they said.
I rekoše mu: znaš li da je Valis car sinova Amonovijeh poslao Ismaila sina Netanijina da te ubije? Ali im ne povjerova Godolija sin Ahikamov.
15 Later Johanan talked with Gedaliah privately. He said, “Allow me to go and murder Ishmael secretly. It would not be good [RHQ] to allow him to come and murder you! If you are killed, what will happen to all the Jews who have returned to this area? They will be scattered, and the other people who remain in Judah will all be killed!”
Tada Joanan sin Karijin reèe Godoliji nasamo u Mispi govoreæi: idem da ubijem Ismaila sina Netanijina, niko neæe doznati. Zašto da te ubije i da se rasiju svi Judejci koji su se skupili oko tebe i da propadne ostatak Judin?
16 But Gedaliah said to Johanan, “[No], I will not allow you to do that. [I think that] you are lying about Ishmael.”
Ali Godolija sin Ahikamov reèe Joananu sinu Karijinu: nemoj to èiniti, jer nije istina što kažeš za Ismaila.

< Jeremiah 40 >