< Jeremiah 39 >

1 After King Zedekiah had been ruling Judah for almost nine years, King Nebuchadnezzar came in January with his army, and they surrounded Jerusalem.
En el décimo mes del noveno año del reinado de Sedequías, rey de Judá, Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, y todo su ejército llegaron a Jerusalén y la sitiaron.
2 One and a half years later, after Zedekiah had been ruling for almost eleven years, on July 18, [soldiers from Babylonia] broke through the city [wall. Then they rushed in and captured the city].
El noveno día del cuarto mes del undécimo año del reinado de Sedequías, la muralla de la ciudad fue atravesada.
3 Then all the officers of the king of Babylon came in and sat down at the Middle Gate [to decide what they would do to the city. They included] Nergal-Sharezer from Samgar, Nebo-Sarsekim who was one of the chief army officers, another Nergal-Sharezer, the king’s advisor, and many other officials.
Todos los funcionarios del rey de Babilonia entraron y se apoderaron de la ciudad, estableciendo su cuartel general en la Puerta del Medio. Eran Nergal-sharezer de Samgar, Nebo-sarsekim de Rabsaris, Nergal-sharezer de Rabmag, y todos los demás funcionarios del rey de Babilonia.
4 When King Zedekiah and all his soldiers realized that [the army of Babylonia had broken into the city], they fled. [They waited until] it was dark. Then they went out of the city through the king’s garden, through the gate that was between the two walls. Then they started [running] toward the Jordan River Valley.
Cuando Sedequías, rey de Judá, y todos los defensores los vieron allí, huyeron. Escaparon de la ciudad durante la noche por el jardín del rey, pasando por la puerta entre las dos murallas, y tomaron el camino del Arabá.
5 But the soldiers from Babylonia pursued the king, and they caught him on the plains near Jericho. They took him to the King of Babylon, who was at Riblah [town] in the Hamath [region]. There the king of Babylon told [his soldiers what] they should do to punish Zedekiah.
Pero el ejército babilónico los persiguió y alcanzó a Sedequías en las llanuras de Jericó. Lo capturaron y lo llevaron ante Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, en Ribla, en la tierra de Hamat, donde lo juzgó y lo castigó.
6 They forced Zedekiah to watch while they killed his sons and all the officials from Judah.
El rey de Babilonia mandó matar a los hijos de Sedequías mientras éste miraba, y también ejecutó a todos los dirigentes de Judá allí en Riblá.
7 [Then] they gouged out Zedekiah’s eyes. They fastened him with bronze chains and took him to Babylon.
Luego hizo que le sacaran los ojos a Sedequías, lo ataron con cadenas de bronce y lo llevaron a Babilonia.
8 [Meanwhile, ] the Babylonian army burned the palace and all the other buildings in Jerusalem. And they tore down the city walls.
Los babilonios quemaron el palacio del rey y las casas del pueblo, y demolieron las murallas de Jerusalén.
9 Then Nebuzaradan, the captain of the [king’s] bodyguards, forced to go to Babylon [most of] the other people who remained in the city and the Jews who had joined the soldiers of Babylonia.
Entonces Nabuzaradán, el comandante de la guardia, se llevó a Babilonia al resto del pueblo que se había quedado en la ciudad, junto con los que habían desertado y se habían pasado a él.
10 But he allowed some of the very poor people to remain in Judah, and he gave them vineyards and fields [to take care of].
Pero dejó en la tierra de Judá a algunos de los más pobres que no tenían ninguna propiedad. Les dio viñedos y campos en ese momento.
11 King Nebuchadnezzar had [previously] told Nebuzaradan to find me. He said,
Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, había dado órdenes a Nabuzaradán, comandante de la guardia, respecto a Jeremías, diciendo:
12 “Make sure that no one harms him. Take care of him, and do for him whatever he requests you to do.”
“Ve a buscar a Jeremías y vigila que no le pase nada malo. Haz lo que él quiera”.
13 So he and Nebushazban, who was one of their chief officers, and Nergal-Sharezer the king’s advisor, and other officers of the King of Babylon
Así que Nabuzaradán, el comandante de la guardia, Nabushazban el Rabsaris, Nergal-sharezer el Rabmag, y todos los capitanes del ejército del rey de Babilonia
14 sent [some men] to bring me out of the courtyard outside of the palace. They took me to Gedaliah who was the son of Ahikam and grandson of Shaphan. Then Gedaliah took me to my home, and I stayed [in Judah] among [my own] people [who had been allowed to remain there].
sacaron a Jeremías del patio de la guardia, y lo entregaron a Gedalías hijo de Ahicam, hijo de Safán, para que lo llevara a su casa. Jeremías se quedó allí con los suyos.
15 While I was [still] being guarded in the palace courtyard, Yahweh gave me this message:
Durante el tiempo que Jeremías estuvo prisionero en el patio de la guardia, le llegó un mensaje del Señor
16 “Say this to Ebed-Melech, the official from Ethiopia: ‘This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says: “I will do to this city everything that I said that I would do. I will not enable the people to prosper; I will cause them to experience disasters. You will see Jerusalem being destroyed,
“Ve y dile a Ebed-melec, el cusita, que esto es lo que dice el Señor Todopoderoso, el Dios de Israel: Estoy a punto de cumplir la promesa que hice contra esta ciudad -de perjudicarla y no ayudarla- lo verás por ti mismo cuando suceda.
17 but I will rescue you from the people whom you are afraid of.
Pero cuando llegue ese día, voy a salvarte, declara el Señor. No serás entregado a la gente a la que temes.
18 You trusted me, so I will save you. You will not be killed by [your enemies’] swords; you will remain alive. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.’”
Prometo rescatarte para que no te maten. Tu recompensa será tu vida, porque confiaste en mí, declara el Señor”.

< Jeremiah 39 >