< Jeremiah 32 >

1 After Zedekiah had been ruling Judah for almost ten years, Yahweh gave me another message, during the time that Nebuchadnezzar had been ruling [Babylonia] for almost 18 years.
Palabra que vino a Jeremías, del SEÑOR el año décimo de Sedequías rey de Judá, que fue el año decimooctavo de Nabucodonosor.
2 His army was surrounding Jerusalem, and I was in a prison area in the courtyard where the guards of the king’s palace stayed.
Y entonces el ejército del rey de Babilonia tenía cercada a Jerusalén; y el profeta Jeremías estaba preso en el patio de la guarda que estaba en la casa del rey de Judá.
3 King Zedekiah had put me there. I continued to prophesy there [about what would happen]. I continued to say, “Yahweh says that he is about to allow [the army of] the king of Babylon to capture this city [DOU].
Pues Sedequías rey de Judá lo había tomado preso, diciendo: ¿Por qué profetizas tú diciendo: Así dijo el SEÑOR: He aquí yo entrego esta ciudad en mano del rey de Babilonia, y la tomará?
4 And the soldiers of Babylonia will capture King Zedekiah and (take him to/put him in the hands of) the king of Babylon.
Y Sedequías rey de Judá no escapará de la mano de los caldeos, sino que de cierto será entregado en mano del rey de Babilonia, y hablará con él boca a boca, y sus ojos verán sus ojos,
5 Then his [soldiers] will take Zedekiah to Babylon, and he will remain there until I arrange for him to be punished. And if he tries to fight against the soldiers from Babylonia, he will not succeed.”
y hará llevar a Sedequías a Babilonia, y allá estará hasta que yo le visite; dijo el SEÑOR: si peleareis con los caldeos, no os sucederá bien?
6 [At that time], Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
Y dijo Jeremías: Palabra del SEÑOR vino a mí, diciendo:
7 “[Your cousin] Hanamel, the son of Shallum [your uncle], will come to you. He will say to you, ‘Buy my field at Anathoth, [your hometown]. [Because you are my closest relative], [it is written in our laws that] you have the right to buy it [before I ask if anyone else wants to buy it].’”
He aquí que Hanameel, hijo de Salum tu tío, viene a ti, diciendo: Cómprame mi heredad que está en Anatot; porque tú tienes derecho a ella para comprarla.
8 And just as Yahweh had predicted, my cousin Hanamel came to see me in the courtyard of the palace. He said, “[Please] buy my field at Anathoth in the area [where the descendants of] Benjamin live. It is written in our laws that you have the right to buy it [before I ask if anyone else wants to buy it.]” When he said that, I knew that the message that I had received was [truly] from Yahweh.
Y vino a mí Hanameel, hijo de mi tío, conforme a la palabra del SEÑOR, al patio de la guarda, y me dijo: Compra ahora mi heredad que está en Anatot, en tierra de Benjamín, porque tuyo es el derecho de la herencia, y a ti compete la redención; cómprala para ti. Entonces conocí que era palabra del SEÑOR.
9 [So], I bought the field at Anathoth. I paid Hanamel 17 pieces of silver for it.
Y compré la heredad de Hanameel, hijo de mi tío, la cual estaba en Anatot, y le pesé el dinero: siete siclos y diez monedas de plata.
10 I signed the paper/papyrus on which it was written that I was buying it, while others were watching/witnessing it. Then I weighed the silver [and gave it to him].
Y escribí la carta, y la sellé, e hice atestiguar a testigos, y pesé el dinero con balanza.
11 Then I took two copies of the paper/papyrus. One was sealed and the other was not sealed. On both of them was written the price and conditions of the purchase. I took both copies
Tomé luego la carta de venta, sellada según el derecho y costumbre, y el traslado abierto.
12 and I gave them to Baruch, who was the son of Neraiah and the grandson of Mahseiah. I did this while my cousin Hanamel, the [other] witnesses who had signed the paper/papyrus, and other men of Judah who were there in the courtyard, were watching.
Y di la carta de venta a Baruc hijo de Nerías, hijo de Maasías, delante de Hanameel el hijo de mi tío, y delante de los testigos que habían suscrito en la carta de venta, delante de todos los judíos que estaban en el patio de la guarda.
13 [Then], while they were [all] listening, I said to Baruch,
Y di orden a Baruc delante de ellos, diciendo:
14 “This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says: ‘Take both copies of this paper/papyrus and put them in a clay jar, to preserve them for a long time.
Así dijo el SEÑOR de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: Toma estas cartas, esta carta de venta, la sellada, y ésta que es la carta abierta, y ponlas en un vaso de barro, para que se guarden muchos días.
15 [Do that] because this is what [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [you] Israelis [worship], say: “[Some day people will again own property] in this land, and they will buy and sell houses and vineyards and fields.’”
Porque así dijo el SEÑOR de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: Aún se comprarán y venderán casas, y heredades, y viñas en esta tierra.
16 After I had given the papers/papyri to Baruch, I prayed to Yahweh, saying this:
Y después que di la carta de venta a Baruc hijo de Nerías, oré al SEÑOR, diciendo:
17 “Yahweh, [you are my] Lord! You made the sky and the earth by your very great power. [MTY, DOU] Nothing is too difficult for you [to do].
¡Oh Señor DIOS! He aquí que tú hiciste el cielo y la tierra con tu gran poder, y con tu brazo extendido, ni hay nada que se esconda;
18 You show thousands of people that you faithfully love them, but you punish people for the sins that their parents have committed. [You are the] great and powerful God, the Commander of the armies of angels.
que haces misericordia en millares, y vuelves la maldad de los padres en el seno de sus hijos después de ellos; Dios grande, poderoso, el SEÑOR de los ejércitos es su Nombre;
19 You make wise plans and you do mighty deeds. You see how all people behave [DOU], and you do to them what they deserve.
grande en consejo, y magnífico en hechos, porque tus ojos están abiertos sobre todos los caminos de los hijos de los hombres, para dar a cada uno según sus caminos, y según el fruto de sus obras;
20 You performed many miracles [DOU] in Egypt, and you continue [to perform miracles here] in Israel and everywhere else in the world. [Because of that], you have (become very famous/caused many people to know that you are very great/powerful).
que pusiste señales y portentos en tierra de Egipto hasta este día, y en Israel, y en el hombre; y te has hecho nombre cual es este día;
21 You brought our Israeli ancestors out of Egypt by performing many great miracles [DOU], using your very great power [DOU], causing [our enemies to be] terrified.
y sacaste tu pueblo Israel de tierra de Egipto con señales y portentos, y con mano fuerte y brazo extendido, con terror grande;
22 You gave to us Israeli people this land that you solemnly promised to give to our ancestors, a land that is very fertile [IDM].
y les diste esta tierra, de la cual juraste a sus padres que se la darías, tierra que mana leche y miel;
23 Our ancestors came here and conquered this land and started to live in it, but they refused to obey you or to do what you commanded them to do. Because of that, you have caused us to experience all these disasters.
y entraron, y la poseyeron; mas no oyeron tu voz, ni anduvieron en tu ley; nada hicieron de lo que les mandaste hacer; por tanto has hecho venir sobre ellos todo este mal.
24 And now, [the army] of Babylonia has built ramps up against our city [walls] in order to attack our city. Because of [our enemies’] swords and because of famines and diseases, they will be able to conquer it [easily]. The things that you said would happen have [now] happened.
He aquí que con arietes han acometido la ciudad para tomarla; y la ciudad es entregada en mano de los caldeos que pelean contra ella, a causa de la espada, y del hambre y de la pestilencia; ha pues, venido, a ser lo que tú dijiste, y he aquí tú lo estás viendo.
25 [And it is evident that] the Babylonian army will soon conquer this city. So now, Yahweh my Lord, [I do not understand] why you told me to buy this field with my silver, while others were watching. [It seems that I have just been wasting my money by doing that]!”
Y tú Señor DIOS me dijiste a mí: Cómprate la heredad por dinero, y pon testigos; y la ciudad es entregada en manos de los caldeos.
26 [Then] Yahweh gave me this message:
Y vino palabra del SEÑOR a Jeremías, diciendo:
27 “I am Yahweh, the God [who rules] all the people [in the world]. There is absolutely nothing [RHQ] that is too difficult for me [to do].
He aquí que yo soy el SEÑOR, Dios de toda carne; ¿por ventura se me encubrirá a mí alguna cosa?
28 So, this is what I say: [It is true that] I will enable the Babylonian army and King Nebuchadnezzar to capture this city.
Por tanto, así dijo el SEÑOR: He aquí que yo entrego esta ciudad en mano de los caldeos, y en mano de Nabucodonosor rey de Babilonia, y la tomará;
29 The soldiers of Babylonia who are [now outside the walls] around the city will enter and burn this city. They will burn down [all] the houses where people caused me to become angry by burning incense on [the tops of] their roofs to [honor] Baal and by pouring out offerings of wine to other gods.
y vendrán los caldeos que combaten esta ciudad, y encenderán esta ciudad a fuego, y la abrasarán, asimismo las casas sobre cuyas azoteas ofrecieron perfumes a Baal y derramaron libaciones a dioses ajenos, para provocarme a ira.
30 The people of Israel and Judah have continually done only evil things from the time that they became a nation. They have caused me to become very angry by all their evil deeds.
Porque los hijos de Israel y los hijos de Judá no han hecho sino lo malo delante de mis ojos desde su juventud; porque los hijos de Israel no han hecho más que provocarme a ira con la obra de sus manos, dijo el SEÑOR.
31 From the time that this city was built until now, the people of this city have done [only] things that caused me to be very angry [DOU]. So [now] I will destroy it.
De manera que para enojo mío y para ira mía me ha sido esta ciudad, desde el día que la edificaron hasta hoy, para que la haga quitar de mi presencia;
32 The people of Israel and Judah, [including] their kings, their officials, the priests, the [false] prophets, and all the other people in Jerusalem have committed many sins that have caused me to become angry.
por toda la maldad de los hijos de Israel y de los hijos de Judá, que han hecho para enojarme, ellos, sus reyes, sus príncipes, sus sacerdotes, y sus profetas, y los varones de Judá, y los moradores de Jerusalén.
33 My people have turned away from me and have refused to return to me. Even though I taught them things many times, they would not pay attention to what I taught them, and they would not obey me.
Y me volvieron la cerviz, y no el rostro; y cuando los enseñaba, madrugando y enseñando, no oyeron para recibir castigo;
34 They have set up their detestable idols [even] in my own [MTY] temple and (defiled it/caused it to become a place that is unacceptable for people to worship me).
antes asentaron sus abominaciones en la casa sobre la cual es llamado mi nombre, contaminándola.
35 They have built shrines to [honor] Baal in Ben-Hinnom Valley [outside Jerusalem], and there they sacrifice their sons and daughters to [their god] Molech. I never commanded them to do such horrible things. I never even thought that anyone might do such a terrible thing. And by doing it they have caused [all the people of] Judah to [be guilty of having] sinned.”
Y edificaron altares a Baal, los cuales están en el valle de Ben-Hinom, para hacer pasar por el fuego sus hijos y sus hijas a Moloc; lo cual no les mandé, ni me vino al pensamiento que hiciesen esta abominación, para hacer pecar a Judá.
36 “But now [I will say something more] about this city. You [people of Jerusalem] have been saying, ‘[The army of] the King of Babylon will conquer it, either by their swords or because of famines or diseases.’ But this is what [I], Yahweh, the God whom you Israeli people [say you belong to], say:
Y por tanto, ahora, así dice el SEÑOR Dios de Israel, a esta ciudad, de la cual decís vosotros, Entregada será en mano del rey de Babilonia a cuchillo, a hambre, y a pestilencia:
37 ‘I will certainly bring my people back here again, from all the countries to which I will force them to go because I am extremely angry [DOU] with them. I will bring them back to this city and allow them to live here safely.
He aquí que yo los junto de todas las tierras a las cuales los eché con mi furor, y con mi enojo y saña grande; y los haré tornar a este lugar, y los haré habitar seguramente.
38 They will be my people, and I will be their God.
Y me serán ellos a mí por pueblo, y yo seré a ellos por Dios.
39 I will cause them to have one way of thinking [IDM] and behaving, in order that they may revere me, for their good and for the good of their descendants.
Y les daré un corazón, y un camino, para que me teman perpetuamente, para que tengan bien ellos, y sus hijos después de ellos.
40 I will make an agreement with them that will last forever: I will never stop doing good things for them, and I will encourage them to revere me and never turn away from me.
Y haré con ellos pacto eterno, que no tornaré atrás de hacerles bien, y pondré mi temor en el corazón de ellos, para que no se aparten de mí.
41 I will be happy to do good things for them, and I will surely enable them to return to this land and remain here [MET]; I will do that with all my inner being and all my strength.’
Y me alegraré con ellos haciéndoles bien, y los plantaré en esta tierra con verdad, de todo mi corazón y de toda mi alma.
42 And this is [also] what [I], Yahweh, say: ‘I have caused them to experience all these disasters. Similarly, [some day] I will do for them all the good things that I have promised.
Porque así dijo el SEÑOR: Como traje sobre este pueblo todo este gran mal, así traeré sobre ellos todo el bien que acerca de ellos hablo.
43 [By buying land you, Jeremiah, have predicted that some day] people will buy and sell fields in this land about which you [people of Jerusalem] now say, “The Babylonian soldiers have destroyed it. It is [now] desolate. [It is a land where] there are no longer any people or animals.”
Y poseerán heredad en esta tierra de la cual vosotros decís: Está desierta, sin hombres y sin animales; es entregada en manos de los caldeos.
44 [But some day] people will [again] buy [and sell] fields here. People will sign documents [about buying those fields], and [other people] will witness them doing that. [That will happen] in the land where [the descendants of] Benjamin live and [here] in the villages near Jerusalem, in [other] towns in Judah, in the hilly areas and in the foothills [to the west], and in the southern desert area, [too. Some day] I will cause them to prosper again. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.’”
Heredades comprarán por dinero, y harán carta, y la sellarán, y pondrán testigos, en tierra de Benjamín y en los contornos de Jerusalén, y en las ciudades de Judá; y en las ciudades de las montañas, y en las ciudades de los campos, y en las ciudades que están al Mediodía; porque yo haré tornar su cautividad, dice el SEÑOR.

< Jeremiah 32 >