< Jeremiah 3 >

1 “[Moses wrote that] if a man divorces his wife and then she marries another man, her first husband certainly must not [RHQ] take her back again [to be his wife], because that would certainly [RHQ] cause the whole nation to become unacceptable to me. But you have more [idols than] prostitutes have men whom they have slept with! So, [why should I accept you if] you return to me?” [RHQ] says Yahweh.
Pravijo: »Če človek odpusti svojo ženo in gre ona od njega in postane od nekega drugega moškega, ali se bo on ponovno vrnil k njej? Ali ne bi bila ta dežela silno oskrunjena? Ti pa si igrala pocestnico z mnogimi ljubimci; vendar se ponovno vrni k meni, « govori Gospod.
2 “Look up at the barren hilltops. On every hilltop there are [RHQ] [idols that you have worshiped]. [It is as though] they are all lovers with whom you have had sex. [It is as though] you have sat along the roadsides like an Arab, waiting [to attack and steal things from] those who pass by. Because of worshiping idols and all the other wicked things that you have done, you have caused the [entire] land to become unacceptable to me.
»Povzdigni svoje oči k visokim krajem in poglej, kje vse nisi bila poležena z [njimi]. Na poteh si sedela zanje, kakor Arabec v divjini in deželo si oskrunila s svojimi vlačugarstvi in svojo zlobnostjo.
3 That is why I have not sent you any rain at the times of the year when you needed it. But you are like prostitutes [MET] who are not at all ashamed [for what they have done].
Zato so bili nalivi zadržani in ni bilo poznega dežja; in ti imaš vlačugino čelo; odklonila si, da bi bila osramočena.
4 Now each of you says to me, ‘You are my father! You have loved me ever since I was young!
Mar ne boš od tega časa klicala k meni: ›Moj oče, ti si vodič od moje mladosti?‹«
5 So surely you will not [RHQ] be angry with me forever!’ But you will not quit sinning!”
Ali bo svojo jezo hranil na veke? Ali jo bo držal do konca? Glej, govoril si in storil hude stvari, kot ti lahko.
6 [One day] when Josiah was the king of Judah, Yahweh said to me, “Have you seen what the people of Israel have done? They have turned away from me, like a woman who has abandoned her husband and sleeps with other men. They have gone up on every hilltop and under every big tree and worshiped idols there [MET].
Gospod mi je tudi rekel v dneh kralja Jošíja: »Ali si videl to, kar je storila odpadnica Izrael? Odhajala je na vsako visoko goro in pod vsako zeleno drevo in tam igrala pocestnico.
7 I thought that they would return to me, so I said to them, ‘Come back to me!’ But they refused. So I sent them away [to other countries, like a man] writes a note saying that he is divorcing his wife and then sends his wife away because she has committed adultery [MET].
Potem ko je storila vse te stvari, sem rekel: ›Obrni se k meni.‹ Toda ni se vrnila. In njena verolomna sestra Juda je to videla.
8 The people of Judah saw what I did to them. But they are just like the people of Israel. They are not afraid [of what I will do to them]. They also [have turned away from me and are worshiping idols like] women who abandon their husbands and go to other men [MET].
Videl sem, ko sem jo zaradi vseh vzrokov, s čimer je odpadnica Izrael zagrešila zakonolomstvo, odslovil in ji dal ločitveni list, se njena verolomna sestra Juda kljub temu ni bala, temveč je tudi ona odšla in prav tako igrala pocestnico.
9 They thought that worshiping idols did not matter to me, so they have made the [entire] land unacceptable to me by worshiping idols of wood and stone.
Pripetilo se je skozi lahkomiselnost njenega vlačugarstva, da je omadeževala deželo in zagrešila zakonolomstvo s skalami in z lesom.
10 The people of Judah have pretended to return to me, but they have not really done that. [This is true because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
Vendar se zaradi vsega tega njena verolomna sestra Juda ni obrnila k meni z vsem svojim srcem, temveč hlinjeno, « govori Gospod.
11 Then Yahweh said to me, “The people of Israel have turned away from me, but what the people of Judah have done is worse.
Gospod mi je rekel: »Odpadnica Izrael se je bolj opravičila kakor verolomna Juda.
12 So go and tell this to the people of Israel: ‘Yahweh says this to you Israeli people who have turned away from him: I am merciful. I will not continue to be angry with you forever. So return to me.
Pojdi in razglasi te besede proti severu in reci: ›Vrni se, ti odpadnica Izrael, ‹ govori Gospod › in svoji jezi ne bom povzročil, da pade na vas, kajti jaz sem usmiljen, ‹ govori Gospod, › in jeze ne bom držal na veke.
13 But you must admit/say that you are guilty, and that you have rebelled against me, Yahweh, your God, that you have worshiped idols under big trees everywhere, and you have not obeyed me. You have turned away from me.
Samo priznaj svojo krivičnost, da si se pregrešila zoper Gospoda, svojega Boga in si svoje poti razkropila k tujcem pod vsakim zelenim drevesom in nisi ubogala mojega glasu, ‹ govori Gospod.
14 But you belong to me. So I will take you, one from [each] city and two from [each] clan, and bring you [back] to Jerusalem [from the countries to which you were exiled].
›Obrnite se, odpadli otroci, ‹ govori Gospod. ›Kajti jaz sem poročen z vami. Vzel vas bom enega iz mesta in dva iz družine in vas privedel k Sionu.
15 [If you do that], I will appoint for you leaders with whom I am pleased, leaders who will guide you [well] because they will know and understand [what pleases me].
Dal vam bom pastirje po svojem srcu, ki vas bodo hranili z znanjem in razumevanjem.
16 And when you become very numerous [DOU] in your land, you will not need to talk about the Sacred Chest that contained the Ten Commandments. You will not think about it, and you will not want to make a new one.
Zgodilo se bo, ko boste pomnoženi in povečani v deželi, v tistih dneh, ‹ govori Gospod, ›ne bodo več rekli: ›Skrinja Gospodove zaveze.‹ Niti to ne bo prišlo na misel, niti se tega ne bodo spomnili, niti je ne bodo obiskali, niti to ne bo več storjeno.
17 At that time people will say, “Jerusalem is [the place where] Yahweh’s throne is.” [People from] all nations will come there to worship me. And they will no longer stubbornly do the evil things that they desire.
Ob tistem času bodo [prestolnico] Jeruzalem imenovali Gospodov prestol. Vsi narodi bodo zbrani k njej, k imenu Gospoda, k [prestolnici] Jeruzalem. Niti ne bodo več hodili po zamisli svojih zlih src.
18 At that time you people [MTY] of Israel and the people of Judah will return from [being (exiled/forced to live) in] lands to the northeast. You will return to the land that I gave to your ancestors to belong to them [forever].
V tistih dneh bo Judova hiša hodila z Izraelovo hišo in skupaj bodo prišli iz severne dežele k deželi, ki sem jo dal v dediščino vašim očetom.
19 You people of Israel, I wanted to accept you to be my children. I wanted to give you [this] delightful land. It is a land more desirable/pleasant than the land of any other nation! I wanted you to call me ‘father’, and I wanted you to never turn away from me.
Toda rekel sem: ›Kako te bom postavil med otroke in ti dal prijetno deželo, čedno dediščino vojske narodov?‹ Rekel sem: ›Klicala me boš: ›Moj oče‹ in ne boš se odvrnila od mene.‹
20 But you have abandoned me like wives who have abandoned their husbands.’” [That is what] Yahweh said, and [I told it] to the people of Israel.
Zagotovo, kakor žena zahrbtno odide od svojega soproga, tako ste zahrbtno ravnali z menoj, oh hiša Izraelova, ‹ govori Gospod
21 People will hear a noise on the barren hilltops. It will be the noise made by people weeping and pleading [for God to be merciful to them]. They will be admitting/saying that they have forgotten Yahweh their God, and that they turned away from behaving as God wanted them to.
›Glas je bil slišan na visokih krajih, jokanje in ponižne prošnje Izraelovih otrok, kajti izkrivili so svojo pot in pozabili Gospoda, svojega Boga.
22 Yahweh will say to them, “You Israeli people, come back to me! [If you do that], I will cause you to never turn away from me again.” [The people will reply], “We are returning to you, because you are Yahweh, our God.
Vrnite se, vi odpadli otroci in ozdravil bom vaša odvračanja.‹« »Glej, mi prihajamo k tebi, kajti ti si Gospod, naš Bog.
23 We did not get any help from [the idols that we worshiped on] the hilltops; we did not get any help from making all that noise up there.
Resnično, zaman je upati na rešitev duše s hribov in od množice gora. Zares, v Gospodu, našem Bogu, je Izraelova rešitev duš.
24 From the time when we were young, the shameful [god Baal] has taken away [from us] everything that our ancestors worked hard to acquire. He has taken away their flocks [of sheep] and herds [of cattle], their sons and their daughters.
Kajti sramota je od naše mladosti požrla trud naših očetov; njihove trope in njihove črede, njihove sinove in njihove hčere.
25 So, now we should lie down feeling very ashamed [DOU], because we and our ancestors have sinned against Yahweh our God, and we have never obeyed him.”
Uležemo se v svoji sramoti in naša zmešnjava nas pokriva, kajti grešili smo zoper Gospoda, svojega Boga, mi in naši očetje, od svoje mladosti, celo do današnjega dne in nismo ubogali glasu Gospoda, svojega Boga.«

< Jeremiah 3 >