< Jeremiah 29 >

1 After King Jehoiachin, his mother, his palace officials, other officials in Judah, and all the various kinds of craftsmen [DOU] had been exiled to Babylon, I wrote a letter to the elders, the priests, the prophets and all the other people who had been taken from Jerusalem to Babylon by [soldiers of] Nebuchadnezzar.
Estas son las palabras de la carta que el profeta Jeremías envió desde Jerusalén al resto de los ancianos, a los sacerdotes, profetas y a todo el pueblo que Nabucodonosor deportó de Jerusalén a Babilonia.
(Esto sucedió después que el rey Jeconías, la reina madre, los servidores del palacio, los magistrados de Judá y de Jerusalén y los artesanos y herreros salieron de Jerusalén.
3 [I gave] the letter to Elasah the son of Shaphan, and to Gemariah the son of Hilkiah, when they were about to go to Babylon to be ambassadors from King Zedekiah to King Nebuchadnezzar. This is what I wrote in the letter:
La envió por medio de Elasa, hijo de Safán y de Gemarías, hijo de Hilcías, a quienes Sedequías, rey de Judá, envió a Babilonia, a Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia.) Decía:
4 This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says to all you people who were captured [here] in Jerusalem and taken [there] to Babylon:
Yavé de las huestes, ʼElohim de Israel, dice a todos los cautivos que Yo deporté de Jerusalén a Babilonia:
5 “Build houses [there], and plan to stay there [because you will be there for many years]. Plant gardens, and eat the food that is produced in the gardens.
Edifiquen casas y habítenlas. Planten huertos y coman sus frutos.
6 Get married and have children. Then [when they grow up], choose wives for your sons, and husbands for your daughters, in order that they [also] may have children. [In that way], the number of you people will increase, not decrease.
Tomen esposas y engendren hijos e hijas. Tomen esposas para sus hijos y den sus hijas a esposos para que críen hijos e hijas. Multiplíquense allá y no disminuyan.
7 Also, do things that will cause things to go well [for the other people there] in the city where I sent you. Pray that things will go well for [the people in] that city, because if things go well for them, things will go well for you, [also].”
Procuren la paz de la ciudad a la cual los deporté. Rueguen a Yavé por ella, porque en la paz de ella tendrán ustedes paz.
8 This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israeli people [worship], says: “There are [false] prophets and fortune-tellers among you. Do not allow them to deceive you. Do not pay attention to [them when they tell you] their dreams,
Yavé de las huestes, ʼElohim de Israel, dice: No los engañen sus profetas y adivinos que viven entre ustedes, ni atiendan a los sueños que ustedes mismos tienen.
9 because they are telling you lies, saying that [MTY] [I have given them the messages that they are telling you]. But, I have not appointed them.”
Porque les profetizan engaño en mi Nombre, y Yo no los envié, dice Yavé.
10 This is [also] what Yahweh says: “After you [and your children] have been in Babylon for seventy years, I will help you, and do for you the things that I promised, and I will enable you to return here [to Jerusalem].
Porque Yavé dice: Cuando en Babilonia se cumplan los 70 años, Yo los visitaré, y despertaré sobre ustedes mi buena Palabra para que vuelvan a este lugar.
11 I, Yahweh, know what I have planned for you. I am planning to cause things to go well for you, not to cause you to experience disasters. I am planning to give you many things that you confidently expect to receive in the future.
Porque Yo sé los designios que tengo para ustedes, dice Yavé, designios de bienestar y no de mal, a fin de darles porvenir y esperanza.
12 At that time, when you pray, I will heed you.
Entonces me invocarán. Vendrán y orarán a Mí, y Yo los escucharé.
13 If you earnestly desire for me [to bless you], you will experience me [blessing you].
Me buscarán y me hallarán, porque me buscarán con todo su corazón.
14 I will make my help available to you [IDM]. I will cause you to no longer be slaves [in Babylon]. I will gather you from all the nations to which I have exiled you, and I will bring you back [here to your own land], to the place from which you were taken.”
Seré hallado por ustedes, dice Yavé, y los devolveré de su cautividad. Los reuniré de todas las naciones y de todos los lugares adonde los eché, dice Yavé.
15 [Some of] you say that Yahweh has appointed prophets for you [there] in Babylon.
Pero ustedes dicen: Yavé nos levantó profetas en Babilonia.
16 But this is what Yahweh says about the king who rules [here] in Jerusalem, and about all the other people who are [still] living here—your relatives who were not taken to Babylon with you.
Yavé dice con respecto al rey que está sentado sobre el trono de David y de todo el pueblo que vive en esta ciudad, de sus hermanos que no salieron con ustedes en cautividad,
17 The Commander of the armies of angels says this: “I will cause them to experience wars and famines and diseases. I will cause them to become like [SIM] bad figs that are very rotten, with the result that no one can eat them.
Yavé de las huestes dice: Ciertamente Yo envío contra ellos la espada, el hambre y la pestilencia. Los pondré como los higos malos, que por ser tan malos no se pueden comer.
18 I will not stop causing them to experience wars and famines and diseases. And I will scatter them all around the world. In every country where I (force them to be taken/exile them), I will cause them to be people whom [others] curse and be horrified about and make fun of [DOU].
Los perseguiré con espada, con hambre y pestilencia. Los convertiré en escarnio de todos los reinos de la tierra, en maldición, espanto, burla y afrenta entre todas las naciones a donde los echaré,
19 [That will happen] because they have refused to pay attention to my messages, messages that I gave to the prophets whom I sent to them. And you [who have been exiled to Babylon] have not paid attention to them, [either].” [That is what] Yahweh says.
por cuanto no escucharon mis palabras, que les envié por medio de mis esclavos profetas, de madrugada y sin cesar, pero no quisieron escuchar, dice Yavé.
20 [Therefore], you people who have been (exiled/forced to go) from Jerusalem to Babylon, listen to this message from Yahweh.
Escuchen, pues, la Palabra de Yavé, ustedes todos los deportados que eché de Jerusalén a Babilonia.
21 This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says about Ahab the son of Kolaiah, and about Zedekiah, the son of Maaseiah, who are telling lies to you, saying that they are giving messages [MTY] from him: “They will be seized and taken to [MTY] King Nebuchadnezzar, who will cause them to be executed while you are watching.
Yavé de las huestes, ʼElohim de Israel, dice con respecto a Acab, hijo de Colías y de Sedequías, hijo de Maasías, quienes les profetizan mentiras en mi Nombre: Ciertamente Yo los entrego en mano de Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, y él los matará ante sus ojos.
22 Because of [what will happen to] them, all you people who have been taken from Judah to Babylon will say this when they curse someone: ‘I hope/wish that Yahweh will do to you the same thing that he did to Zedekiah and Ahab, whom the King of Babylon caused to be [killed by being] burned in a fire.’
A causa de ellos, los deportados de Judá que están en Babilonia harán una maldición que diga: Yavé haga contigo como hizo con Acab y Sedequías, a quienes el rey de Babilonia asó en el fuego.
23 They have done terrible things to [my] Israeli people. They have committed adultery with their neighbors’ wives, and they have spoken lies, saying that they were messages [MTY] from me. They have said things that I did not tell them to say, and I, Yahweh, have heard them [say those things].”
Porque practicaron infamia en Israel al cometer adulterio con las esposas de sus prójimos, y en mi Nombre dijeron palabras falsas que Yo no les mandé. Lo sé y lo testifico, dice Yavé.
24 [Yahweh told me to] send this message to Shemaiah, a man from Nehelam [town who was living in Babylon]:
Y a Semaías de Nehelam hablarás:
25 This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says: “You wrote a letter that no one told you to write. You sent it to Zephaniah the priest, the son of Maaseiah, and [you sent copies] to the other priests and all the [other] people here in Jerusalem. [This is what] you wrote to him:
Yavé de las huestes, ʼElohim de Israel, dice: Tú enviaste cartas en tu propio nombre a todo el pueblo que está en Jerusalén, al sacerdote Sofonías, hijo de Maasías, y a todos los sacerdotes. Dijiste:
26 [Zephaniah], Yahweh has appointed you to be the priest instead of Jehoiada, to supervise those who work in the temple. Anyone who acts like a crazy man and who claims that he is a prophet, you should put his arms and legs and head into (stocks/a wooden frame [so that he cannot move)].
Yavé te nombró sacerdote en lugar del sacerdote Joiada para que te encargues en la Casa de Yavé de todo hombre loco que profetice, lo pongas en el cepo y en el collar de hierro.
27 So why have you not done anything to stop Jeremiah, the man from Anathoth [town], who [pretends that he] is a prophet among you?
Ahora pues, ¿por qué no has reprendido a Jeremías de Anatot, quien les profetiza?
28 He sent a letter to us [who are here] in Babylon, saying that [we will be here for] a long time. He said that [therefore] we should build houses and plan to stay here, and plant gardens, and eat the food that is produced in the gardens.”
Porque él nos envió a decir en Babilonia: El cautiverio es largo. Edifiquen casas, vivan en ellas, planten huertos y coman sus frutos.
29 [But when] Zephaniah the priest [received] the letter from you, he [brought it to me and] read it to me.
El sacerdote Sofonías leyó esta carta a oídos del profeta Jeremías.
30 Then Yahweh gave me this message:
La Palabra de Yavé vino a Jeremías:
31 “Send this message to all the people [from Judah] who are there [in Babylon]. Say that this is what Yahweh says about Shemaiah, the man from Nehelam: ‘I did not appoint him, but he has deceived you and caused you to believe the lies that he prophesied.
Envía a decir a todos los deportados: Yavé dice esto con respecto a Semaías de Nehelam: Semaías les profetizó sin que Yo lo enviara, y predijo una falsa confianza.
32 So, I will punish him and his family. He has incited you to rebel against me. Because of that, all of his descendants will soon die. I will do [many] good things for [you], my people, but he and his descendants will not see those things, [because they will be dead]. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it!’”
Por tanto Yavé dice: Ciertamente Yo castigaré a Semaías de Nehelam y a su descendencia: No tendrá varón que viva en medio de este pueblo, ni verá el bien que Yo haré a mi pueblo, dice Yavé, porque habló palabras de rebelión contra Yavé.

< Jeremiah 29 >