< Jeremiah 27 >

1 Soon after Zedekiah became the King of Judah, Yahweh gave a message to me.
En el principio del reinado de Joacim hijo de Josías, rey de Judá, vino del SEÑOR esta palabra a Jeremías, diciendo:
2 This is what he said to me: “Make a (yoke/set of wooden bars to fasten around the neck of an ox), but fasten it around your own neck with leather straps.
El SEÑOR me dijo así: Hazte coyundas y yugos, y ponlos sobre tu cuello;
3 [Then] send messages to the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre, and Sidon, by telling those messages to the ambassadors from those countries who have come to Jerusalem to [talk to] King Zedekiah.
y los enviarás al rey de Edom, y al rey de Moab, y al rey de los hijos de Amón, y al rey de Tiro, y al rey de Sidón, por mano de los embajadores que vienen a Jerusalén a Sedequías, rey de Judá.
4 Tell them to give this message to their kings: This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom the Israeli [people worship, ]:
Y les mandarás que digan a sus señores: Así dijo el SEÑOR de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: Así diréis a vuestros señores:
5 ‘With my very great power [MTY, DOU] I created the earth and the people and the animals that are on the earth. And I can give my power to anyone whom I want to.
Yo hice la tierra, el hombre y las bestias que están sobre la faz de la tierra, con mi gran potencia y con mi brazo extendido, y la di a quien fue recto a mis ojos.
6 And now I am going to enable King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, who does what I want him to do, to control your countries. I am going to enable him to rule everything, even the wild animals.
Y ahora yo he dado todas estas tierras en mano de Nabucodonosor rey de Babilonia, mi siervo, y aun las bestias del campo le he dado para que le sirvan.
7 [The people of] all the nations will work for him, and [later] for his son, and [later] for his grandson, until the time for them [to rule] is finished. Then [the armies of] many great kings from many nations will conquer Babylon.’
Y todos los gentiles le servirán a él, y a su hijo, y al hijo de su hijo, hasta que venga también el tiempo de su misma tierra; y le servirán muchas naciones y reyes grandes.
8 But now I tell you that you must [do what the king of Babylon wants you to do] [MET], [like an ox that has] a yoke on its neck [must do what its master wants it to do]. I will punish any nation that refuses to do that. I will cause those people to experience war and famine and diseases, until [the armies of] Babylon have conquered that nation.
Y será, que la gente y el reino que no sirviere a Nabucodonosor rey de Babilonia, y que no pusiere su cuello debajo del yugo del rey de Babilonia, con espada y con hambre y con pestilencia visitaré a tal gente, dice el SEÑOR, hasta que yo los acabe de poner a todos bajo su mano.
9 So, do not pay attention to your [false] prophets and fortune-tellers and people who predict what will happen by working magic or by talking with spirits of dead people. Those people say that the king of Babylon will not conquer your country.
Y vosotros no prestéis oído a vuestros profetas, ni a vuestros adivinos, ni a vuestros sueños, ni a vuestros agoreros, ni a vuestros encantadores, que os hablan diciendo: No serviréis al rey de Babilonia.
10 Those people are [all] liars. [If you believe what they say, ] it will result in your being exiled from your land. I will cause you to be taken from your land, and you will die far away.
Porque ellos os profetizan mentira, para haceros alejar de vuestra tierra, y para que yo os arroje y perezcáis.
11 But the people of any country who do what the King of Babylon wants them to do will remain in their own country and be able to plant their crops [MTY] [as they always have done. That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
Mas la gente que sometiere su cuello al yugo del rey de Babilonia, y le sirviere, la haré dejar en su tierra, dijo el SEÑOR, y la labrará, y morará en ella.
12 [After I gave that message to those ambassadors, ] I gave the same message to King Zedekiah of Judah. [I said to him, ] “If you want to remain alive, do what the King of Babylon and his officials want you to do [MET].
Y hablé también a Sedequías rey de Judá conforme a todas estas palabras, diciendo: Someted vuestros cuellos al yugo del rey de Babilonia, y servidle a él y a su pueblo, y vivid.
13 [It would be foolish for you not to do that, because the result would be that] you and your people would die by [your enemies’] swords or by famine or diseases, which Yahweh will cause any nation to experience that refuses to allow the King of Babylon to rule them.
¿Por qué moriréis, tú y tu pueblo, a cuchillo, de hambre, y de pestilencia, de la manera que ha dicho el SEÑOR a la gente que no sirviere al rey de Babilonia?
14 Do not pay attention to those prophets who say to you, ‘The King of Babylon will not conquer your country.’ They are liars.
No oigáis las palabras de los profetas que os hablan, diciendo: No serviréis al rey de Babilonia; porque os profetizan mentira.
15 [This is what] Yahweh says: ‘I have not appointed those prophets. They are saying that I [MTY] gave them messages, but they are lying. So, [if you believe them, ] I will expel you from this land. And you and all those prophets will die [in Babylon]!’”
Porque yo no los envié, dice el SEÑOR, y ellos profetizan falsamente en mi nombre, para que yo os arroje, y perezcáis, vosotros y los profetas que os profetizan.
16 Then I spoke to the priests and the other people, and I said, “This is what Yahweh says: ‘Do not believe your prophets who tell you that all the gold items [that were taken] from my temple [by soldiers from Babylon] will soon be returned from Babylon, because what they are prophesying is a lie.
También a los sacerdotes y a todo este pueblo hablé, diciendo: Así dijo el SEÑOR: No oigáis las palabras de vuestros profetas que os profetizan diciendo: He aquí que los vasos de la Casa del SEÑOR volverán de Babilonia ahora presto. Porque os profetizan mentira.
17 Do not pay attention to what they say. Surrender to the king of Babylon. If you do that, you will remain alive. [If you do not do that] [RHQ], this entire city will be destroyed.
No los oigáis; servid al rey de Babilonia, y vivid: ¿por qué ha de ser desierta esta ciudad?
18 If they are really prophets who speak messages from me, tell them to plead to me, the Commander of the armies of angels, that [the soldiers from Babylon] will not be allowed to take away to Babylon the valuable items that [still] remain in the temple and in the king’s palace and in [the other palaces in] Jerusalem.
Y si ellos son profetas, y si es con ellos palabra del SEÑOR, oren ahora al SEÑOR de los ejércitos, que los vasos que han quedado en la Casa del SEÑOR y en la casa del rey de Judá y en Jerusalén, no vayan a Babilonia.
19 [I say this] because the [huge] pillars [that are in front of the temple] and the large water tank and the [ten water] carts and all the other items that are used [for offering sacrifices are still in this city].
Porque así ha dicho el SEÑOR de los ejércitos de aquellas columnas, y del mar, y de las basas, y del resto de los vasos que quedan en esta ciudad,
20 King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon left those things here when he exiled Jehoiachin, the king of Judah, to Babylon, along with all the [other] leaders of Jerusalem and [the leaders of other places in] Judah.
que no quitó Nabucodonosor rey de Babilonia, cuando transportó de Jerusalén a Babilonia a Jeconías hijo de Joacim, rey de Judá, y a todos los nobles de Judá y de Jerusalén:
21 [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom the Israeli [people worship], say this about all those valuable things that are still outside the temple and in the palace of the king of Judah and in [other places in]:
Así, pues, dijo el SEÑOR de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel, acerca de los vasos que quedaron en la Casa del SEÑOR, y en la Casa del rey de Judá, y en Jerusalén;
22 They will [all] be carried away to Babylon. And they will stay there until I say that they should be brought back to Jerusalem. Then they will be bought back here. [That is what I, ] Yahweh, say.’”
a Babilonia serán transportados, y allí estarán hasta el día en que yo los visitare, dijo el SEÑOR; y después los haré subir, y los tornaré a este lugar.

< Jeremiah 27 >