< Jeremiah 23 >

1 Yahweh declares, “Terrible things will happen to [the leaders] [MET] [of my people—those who are like] shepherds of [the people who are like] my sheep—because they have scattered my people and sent them away, and have not taken care of them.
Ve Hyrderne, der ødelægger og adsplitter de får jeg græsser, lyder det fra HERREN.
2 So, this is what [I, ] Yahweh, the God whom the Israeli [people worship], say to those leaders: ‘Instead of taking care of my people and [leading them to places where they are safe, like a shepherd does for] his sheep, you have scattered them. So I will punish you for the evil things that you have done.
Derfor, så siger HERREN, Israels Gud, til de Hyrder, som vogter mit Folk: Da I har adsplittet og spredt mine Får og ikke taget eder af dem, vil jeg nu tage mig af eder for eders onde Gerningers Skyld, lyder det fra HERREN.
3 But later I will gather those who are still alive, from the countries where I have forced them to go. I will bring them back to their own country, where they will have many children, and their number/population will increase.
Men dem, der er tilovers af mine Får, vil jeg sanke sammen fra alle de Lande, til hvilke jeg har bortstødt dem, og føre dem tilbage til deres Græsgange, og de skal blive frugtbare og mangfoldige.
4 [Then] I will appoint [other] leaders for my people, leaders who will take care of them. And my people will never be afraid [DOU] of anything again, and none of them will be [like a] lost [sheep].’”
Da vil jeg sætte Hyrder over dem, og de skal vogte dem; og de skal ikke mere frygte eller ræddes og ingen skal savnes, lyder det fra HERREN.
5 Yahweh [also] says, “Some day I will appoint for you a righteous man who will be a descendant of King David. He will be a king who rules wisely. He will do what is just and right throughout the land.
Se, Dage skal komme, lyder det fra HERREN, da jeg opvækker David en retfærdig Spire, og han skal herske som Konge og handle viselig og øve Ret og Retfærd i Landet.
6 At that time, all the Israeli people [DOU] will be saved [from their enemies], and they will be safe. And his name will be ‘Yahweh, the one who vindicates/defends us.’”
I hans Dage skal Juda frelses og Israel bo trygt. Og det Navn, man skal give ham er: HERREN vor Retfærdighed.
7 Yahweh [also] says that at that time, people [who are solemnly promising to do something] will no longer say, “[I will do it as surely] as Yahweh lives, who rescued the Israeli people from Egypt.”
Se, derfor skal Dage komme, lyder det fra HERREN, da det ikke mere hedder: "Så sandt HERREN lever, der førte Israeliterne op fra Ægypten!"
8 Instead, they will say, “[I will do it] as surely as Yahweh lives, who brought [us] Israeli people back to our own land, from the land to the northeast and from all the [other] countries to which he had exiled us.” And they will live in their own land [again].
men: "Så sandt HERREN lever, der førte og bragte Israels Huss Afkom op fra Nordens Land og fra alle de Lande, til hvilke han havde bortstødt dem!" Og de skal bo i deres Land.
9 I am very shocked because of the sacred message that Yahweh has spoken about [what will happen to] the [false] prophets; [it is as though] all my bones shake. I stagger like a man who is drunk after drinking a lot of wine.
Om Profeterne. Mit Hjerte er knust i Brystet, hvert Ledemod er slapt, jeg er som en drukken, en Mand, overvældet af Vin, for HERRENs Skyld, for hans hellige Ords Skyld.
10 The land is full of [people who commit] adultery; and [Yahweh] has cursed the land. Even the pastures in the desert are all dried up, because the people do what is evil, and [the false prophets] use their power to do things that are not just/fair.
Thi Landet er fuldt af Horkarle, og under Forhandelse, sørger Landet, Ørkenens Græsgange visner. Man haster til det, som er ondt, og er stærk i Uret.
11 Yahweh says, “[Yes, even] the priests and the prophets are ungodly; they do wicked things even in my temple.
Thi både Profet og Præst er vanhellig, selv i mit Hus har jeg mødt deres Ondskab, lyder det fra HERREN.
12 Therefore, [it will be as though] the paths that they walk on are slippery. [It will be as though] they are being chased in the darkness, and there they will fall down, because I will cause them to experience disasters at the time that I will punish them. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
Derfor bliver deres Vej det, som slibrige Stier, i Mørke stødes de ud og snubler deri. Thi Ulykke sender jeg over dem, Hjemsøgelsens År, så lyder det fra HERREN.
13 [Previously] I saw that the prophets in Samaria were doing something that was wrong; they were prophesying, saying that Baal [gave them the messages that they were proclaiming], and they were deceiving my people.
Hos Samarias Profeter så jeg slemme Ting; ved Baal profetered de og vildledte Israel, mit Folk.
14 And [now] I have seen the prophets in Jerusalem doing terrible things. They commit adultery and habitually tell lies. They encourage evil people to continue to do evil things, with the result that the people do not stop sinning. Those prophets are as wicked as the people in Sodom and Gomorrah were.
Hos Jerusalems Profeter så jeg grufulde Ting: de horer og vandrer i Løgn, de styrker de ondes Hænder, så de ikke vender om enhver fra sin Ondskab. Som Sodoma er de mig alle, dets Folk som Gomorra.
15 So, this is what the Commander of the armies of angels says about those [false] prophets: “I will give those prophets bitter things to eat and poison to drink, because it is because of them that this land is filled with [people who do] wicked things.”
Derfor, så siger Hærskarers HERRE om Profeterne: Se, jeg giver dem Malurt at spise og Giftvand at drikke; thi fra Jerusalems Profeter udgår Vanhelligelse over hele Landet.
16 This is what the Commander of the armies of angels says: “Do not pay any attention to what those [false] prophets say to you, because they are just deceiving you. They tell you about visions that they have thought/created [only] in their own minds, not about visions that I have given them.
Så siger Hærskarers HERRE: Hør ikke Profeternes Ord, når de profeterer for eder; de dårer eder kun. Deres eget Hjertes Syn fremfører de, ikke Ord fra HERRENs Mund.
17 They habitually say to those who hate me, ‘[Yahweh says that] you will have peace.’ And they say to those who stubbornly do what they want to do, ‘Nothing bad will happen to you [because of your doing those things].’
De siger til dem, der ringeagter HERRENs Ord: "Det skal gå eder vel!" og til enhver, som vandrer i sit Hjertes Stivsind: "Der skal ikke ske eder noget ondt!"
18 But none of them has ever been in a council [meeting] in heaven in order to listen to a message from me. None of them has paid attention to anything that [I], Yahweh, have said.
Thi hvem stod i HERRENs fortrolige Råd, så han så og hørte hans Ord, hvem lyttede til hans Ord og hørte det?
19 So, listen to this: I will punish them; it will be [like] a great storm; it will come down [like] a whirlwind, swirling around the heads of those wicked people.
Se, HERRENs Stormvejr, Vreden, er brudt frem, et hvirvlende Stormvejr; det hvirvler over de gudløses Hoved.
20 I will not stop being angry until I completely accomplish all that I have planned. In the future, you will understand [all of] this clearly.”
HERRENS Vrede lægger sig ikke, før han har udført og fuldbyrdet sit Hjertes Tanker; i de sidste Dage skal I forstå det.
21 [Yahweh also says, ] “I have not appointed those prophets, but they run [around telling people their messages]. I did not speak to them, but they [continue to] prophesy.
Jeg har ej sendt Profeterne, alligevel løber de, jeg talede ikke til dem, og dog profeterer de.
22 If they had been in my council [meetings], they would have been able to speak messages from me, and they would have caused people to turn away from committing evil things.”
Hvis de står i mit fortrolige Råd og hører mine Ord, så lad dem vende mit Folk fra deres onde Vej og deres Gerningers Ondskab.
23 Yahweh [also] says, “Am I a God who is only nearby? No, I am a God who is far away, also.
Er jeg kun en Gud i det nære, så lyder det fra HERREN, og ikke en Gud i det fjerne?
24 So, no one can hide in some secret place with the result that I cannot see him. I am everywhere, in heaven and on the earth! [That is what I], Yahweh, say!
Kan nogen krybe i Skjul, så jeg ikke ser ham? lyder det fra HERREN. Er det ikke mig, der fylder Himmel og Jord? lyder det fra HERREN.
25 I have heard those prophets prophesy lies, saying that they are telling people messages from me. They say, ‘[Listen to me tell you] the dream that God gave me last night! I [really] had this dream!’
Jeg har hørt, hvad Profeterne, der profeterer Løgn i mit Navn, siger: "Jeg har drømt, jeg har drømt!"
26 How long will they continue to do this? How long will those lying prophets continue to prophesy things that come only from their own minds?
Hvor længe skal det vare? Har Profeterne, som profeterer Løgn og deres Hjertes Svig, mon i Sinde
27 They think that because of the dreams that they tell to each other, people will forget me, like their ancestors forgot about me when they started to worship Baal.
og higer de efter at få mit Folk til at glemme mit Navn ved de Drømme, de meddeler hverandre, ligesom deres Fædre glemte mit Navn over Baal?
28 Allow those [false] prophets to tell people their dreams, but those who have messages that [really] come from me should proclaim those messages faithfully. I, Yahweh, say [that like] straw and grain are certainly very different, [my messages and the messages from those false prophets are certainly very different].
Den Profet, som har en Drøm, meddele sin Drøm, men den, hos hvem mit Ord er, tale mit Ord i Sandhed! Hvad har Strå med Kærne at gøre? lyder det fra HERREN.
29 [It is as though] my messages [burn] like a fire; they [strike people’s inner beings like] someone strikes a rock with a hammer and smashes it into pieces.
Er ikke mit Ord som Ild, lyder det fra HERREN, og som en Hammer, der knuser Fjelde?
30 Therefore, [I, ] Yahweh say, 'I oppose all those prophets who steal messages from each other and claim that those messages came from me.
Se, derfor kommer jeg over Profeterne, lyder det fra HERREN, de, som stjæler mine Ord fra hverandre.
31 I oppose those prophets who speak their own messages but claim that those messages came from me.
Se, jeg kommer over Profeterne, lyder det fra HERREN, de, som taler af sig selv og dog siger: "Så lyder def fra HERREN."
32 I oppose those prophets who falsely say that I told them something in a vision, but they are [only] telling lies that cause my people to sin. I did not send those prophets. I did not even appoint them [to be prophets]. And they have no messages that will benefit my people at all.' [That is what I, ] Yahweh, declare.”
Se, jeg kommer over Profeterne, som profeterer og udspreder Løgnedrømme, lyder det fra HERREN, og vildleder mit Folk med deres Løgne og Pralen, og jeg har ikke sendt dem eller givet dem nogen Befaling; de bringer ikke dette Folk nogen Hjælp, lyder det fra HERREN.
33 [Yahweh said to me], “If one of those prophets or priests or one of the [other] people asks you, ‘What problem has Yahweh told you about [now]?’, you must reply, ‘You are the problem! And Yahweh says that he will abandon you!’
Når dette Folk eller en Profet eller Præst spørger dig: "Hvad er HERRENs Byrde?" skal du svare: "Byrden er I, men jeg kaster eder af," lyder det fra HERREN.
34 And if any prophet or priest or anyone [else falsely] says, ‘[I have] a prophecy from Yahweh,’ I will punish that person and his family.
Og Profeten, Præsten og Folket, som siger "HERRENs Byrde", den Mand og hans Hus vil jeg hjemsøge.
35 What you should continually ask each other is, ‘[When you spoke to Yahweh, ] what did he reply? What is he saying [to us]?’
Således skal I sige til hverandre, Mand til Mand: "Hvad svarede HERREN?" og: "Hvad talede HERREN?"
36 But stop saying ‘[I have] a prophecy/message from Yahweh,’ because those who say that are doing it only because they want people to accept their ideas, and by doing that they distort/change the messages that are from our God, the Commander of the armies of angels.
Men om HERRENs Byrde må I ikke mere tale, thi Byrden for enhver skal være hans eget Ord. Og I laver om på den levende Guds, Hærskarers HERREs, vor Guds, Ord.
37 This is what you should ask each prophet: ‘What did Yahweh reply [when you talked to him]? What is he saying [to us]?’
Således skal du sige til Profeten: "Hvad svarede HERREN?" og: "Hvad talede HERREN?"
38 If he replies, ‘[What I told you] is a prophecy/message from Yahweh,’ you should say to him, ‘You have continued to say, “[I received] a prophecy/message from Yahweh” even though I told you to not claim that you have received prophecies/messages from Yahweh.’
Og dersom I siger: "HERRENs Byrde" derfor, så siger HERREN: Fordi I siger dette Ord: "HERRENs Byrde", skønt jeg sendte eder det Bud: "I må ikke sige "HERRENs Byrde!"
39 So I [, Yahweh, ] will get rid of you [false prophets]. I will expel you from my presence. And I will get rid of this city that I gave to you and to your ancestors.
se, derfor vil jeg løfte eder op og kaste eder og den By, jeg gav eder og eders Fædre, bort fra mit Åsyn
40 I will cause people to make fun of you forever. People will never forget that you were disgraced.”
og pålægge eder evig Skændsel og Spot, som aldrig glemmes.

< Jeremiah 23 >