< Jeremiah 22 >

1 This is another message that Yahweh gave [to me]: “Go down to the palace of the king of Judah and say this to him:
Saa sagde Herren: Gak ned til Judas Konges Hus, og tal der dette Ord,
2 ‘You are the king of Judah. You are the ruler [MTY], like King David was. You and your officials and your people must listen
og sig: Judas Konge, du, som sidder paa Davids Trone, hør Herrens Ord, du og dine Tjenere og dit Folk, som gaa ind ad disse Porte.
3 to what Yahweh says: “Act fairly and justly. Do what is right. Help those who have been robbed. Rescue people from those who oppress them. Stop doing evil things. Do not mistreat those who have come here from other countries, and do not mistreat orphans and widows. Stop murdering here [in Jerusalem] [MTY] those who (are innocent/have not done things that are wrong).
Saa siger Herren: Øver Ret og Retfærdighed, og redder den, som er bleven til Rov, af Voldsmandens Haand, og forfordeler ej den fremmede, den faderløse og Enken, og gører ikke Uret og udøser ikke uskyldigt Blod paa dette Sted!
4 If you obey those commands carefully, there will [always] be some descendant of King David who will be ruling here [MTY] [in Jerusalem]. The king and his officials and other people will ride through the gates of the city in chariots and on horses.
Thi dersom I rettelig gøre efter dette Ord, da skal der ind ad dette Hus's Porte gaa Konger, som sidde i Davids Sted paa hans Trone, og som fare paa Vogne og paa Heste, han og hans Tjenere og hans Folk.
5 But if you refuse to pay attention to those commands, I, Yahweh, solemnly declare, with myself [MTY] as a witness, that this palace will become a pile of rubble.”’”
Men dersom I ikke ville høre disse Ord, da har jeg svoret ved mig selv, siger Herren, at dette Hus skal blive til et øde Sted.
6 And this is what Yahweh says about the king’s palace: “[I like] this palace, like I like the forests in the Gilead [region] and the mountains in Lebanon. But I will cause this palace to become a desert, a place that no one lives in.
Thi saa siger Herren om Judas Konges Hus: Du var mig som Gilead, som Libanons Top; men jeg skal sandelig gøre dig til en Ørk, til Stæder, som ikke bebos.
7 I will summon enemy troops who will destroy this palace; each of their soldiers will use his own tools [to wreck the building]. They will cut into pieces the beautiful big cedar [beams] and throw them into a fire.”
Og jeg vil indvie Fordærvere, der skulle komme over dig, hver med sine Vaaben; og de skulle omhugge dine udvalgte Cedre og kaste dem paa Ilden.
8 People from many nations will walk past [the ruins of] this city and say to each other, “Why did Yahweh destroy this city that was [very] great?”
Og mange Hedninger skulle gaa forbi denne Stad, og de skulle sige hver til sin Næste: Hvorfor har Herren gjort saaledes ved denne store Stad?
9 And [other] people will reply, “[He did it] because his people stopped obeying the agreement that they had made with Yahweh their God. Instead, they worshiped [DOU] other gods.”
Og de skulle sige: Fordi de forlode Herrens, deres Guds, Pagt, og tilbade andre Guder og tjente dem.
10 [Yahweh also says, ] “Do not mourn for King [Josiah]; do not cry because he has died. Instead, mourn for [King Jehoahaz, his son], [because] he will be captured and taken to another country, and he will never return to see his own country, [Judah], again.”
Græder ikke over den døde, og ynkes ikke over ham; græder bittert over den, som drager bort, thi han skal aldrig komme tilbage og se sit Fædreland.
11 Jehoahaz became king after his father, King Josiah, [died], but Jehoahaz indeed was captured and taken [to Babylonia]. And this is what Yahweh says about him: “He also will never return [to Judah].
Thi saa har Herren sagt om Sallum, Judas Konge, Josias's Søn, som var Konge i Josias sin Faders Sted, og som drog ud fra dette Sted: Han skal ikke mere komme hid tilbage;
12 He will die in that far-away country and will never see his own country again.”
men han skal dø paa det Sted, hvorhen de have bortført ham, og han skal ikke mere se dette Land.
13 [And Yahweh said to me], “Terrible things will happen to [King Jehoahaz’s brother, King Jehoiakim]. He unjustly [forced men to] build his palace. The rooms on the upper level were built [by men who were forced] unjustly [to do that work]; he forced his neighbors to work for nothing; he did not pay them anything.
Ve den, som bygger sit Hus med Uretfærdighed og sine Sale med Uret, ham, der lader sin Næste tjene for intet, og ikke giver ham hans Arbejdes Løn,
14 He said, ‘I will [force my workers to] build a huge beautiful palace with very large rooms and [many] windows. They will cover the walls with [fragrant] cedar panels/timber and paint them bright red.’”
ham, der siger: Jeg vil bygge mig et rummeligt Hus og luftige Sale; og som udhugger sig Vinduer og paneler det med Ceder og anstryger det med rødt.
15 But it is certainly not [RHQ] having a beautiful cedar palace that causes a king to be great! Jehoiakim’s father, Josiah, also had [RHQ] plenty of things to eat and drink. But Josiah always did things that are right and just, and that is why God blessed him.
Skulde du være Konge, fordi du brammer med Ceder? har din Fader ikke spist og drukket og øvet Ret og Retfærdighed? da gik det ham vel.
16 Josiah acted justly/fairly and helped poor and needy people, so things went well for him. Yahweh says, “That is [RHQ] the way a person should behave who knows me.
Han antog sig den elendiges og den fattiges Sag, da gik det vel til; er dette ikke „at kende mig?” siger Herren.
17 But [Jehoiakim], you [MTY] are greedy and desire only to obtain things by acting dishonestly. You murder [MTY] innocent people, you oppress poor people, and you treat people cruelly and violently.”
Men dine Øjne og dit Hjerte ere ikke til andet end til din Vinding og til at udøse uskyldigt Blod og til at øve Vold og Undertrykkelse.
18 Therefore, this is what Yahweh says about Jehoiakim, the son of King Josiah: “[When he dies], people will not mourn for him. They will not say to each other, ‘It is very sad; we are so sorry!’ The people whom he ruled will not mourn for him, saying, ‘We are sad that our king is dead; we are so sorry that the wonderful things [that happened while he was king are ended].’
Derfor, saa siger Herren om Jojakim, Josias's Søn, Kongen i Juda: De skulle ikke sørge over ham, og sige: Ak, min Broder! og ak, Søster! de skulle ikke sørge over ham og sige: Ak, Herre! og ak, hans Herlighed!
19 [When he dies, people will do to] his corpse what they do to a dead donkey; his [corpse] will be dragged out of Jerusalem and dumped outside the gates!
Han skal begraves som et Asen begraves; man skal slæbe ham bort og kaste ham hen, langt uden for Jerusalems Porte.
20 [You people of Judah], go to [the mountains in] Lebanon and weep, shout in the [mountains of the] Bashan [region], cry out in [the mountains of] Moab, because all your friends [in those areas] have been destroyed.
Stig op paa Libanon og raab, og opløft din Røst i Basan og raab fra Abarim! thi alle dine Elskere ere knuste.
21 When you were prosperous, I warned you, but you replied, ‘We will not pay attention [to what you say].’ You have been acting like that since you were young; you have never obeyed me.
Jeg talte til dig i din Tryghed, men du sagde: Jeg vil ikke høre; dette har været din Vej fra din Ungdom af, at du ikke har villet høre paa min Røst.
22 [So, now I will punish] all your leaders; [it will be as though] they have been blown away by the wind. They will be captured [by your enemies] and taken to another country. When that happens, you will [truly] be ashamed and disgraced because of all the wicked things [that you have done].
Alle dine Hyrder skal Vejret fortære, og dine Elskere skulle vandre i Fangenskab; thi da skal du beskæmmes og blive til Skamme for al din Ondskabs Skyld.
23 [Now, your king] enjoys living in the cedar rooms in his palace, but [soon] he will be punished, and then he will groan like [SIM] a woman who is giving birth to a baby.”
Du, som bor paa Libanon og bygger Rede i Cedrene, hvor vil du finde Medynk, naar Smerter komme paa dig, Pine som hendes, der føder?
24 Yahweh says this: “Jehoiachin, son of King Jehoiakim of Judah, as surely as I am alive, [I will punish you]. Even if you were the ring on my finger that shows that I am the king, I would pull you off.
Saa sandt jeg lever, siger Herren, var end Konias, Jojakims, Judas Konges Søn, en Signetring paa min højre Haand, saa vilde jeg dog rive dig bort derfra.
25 You are afraid of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and his huge army, [because] they are wanting to kill you. I will enable them to capture you.
Og jeg vil give dig i deres Haand, som tragte efter dit Liv, og i deres Haand, for hvis Ansigt du gruer, og i Nebukadnezar, Kongen af Babels Haand og i Kaldæernes Haand.
26 I will expel you and your mother [from this land], and you will be taken to another country. Neither of you was born there, but you will both die there.
Og jeg vil kaste dig og din Moder, som dig fødte, ud i et andet Land, hvor I ikke ere fødte, og der skulle I dø.
27 You will never return to this land that you will very much desire to return to.”
Men til det Land, hvorhen deres Sjæl længes efter at komme tilbage, derhen skulle de ikke komme tilbage.
28 [Someone said, ] “Jehoiachin will be [RHQ] like a broken pot that is despised and which no one wants. He and his children will be (exiled/forced to go) to a foreign land.
Mon denne Mand, Konias, er et foragtet, sønderslaaet Billede? mon han er et Kar, som ingen har Lyst til? hvorfor ere de bortkastede, han og hans Sæd, ja, henkastede i et Land, som de ikke kende?
29 [I want] the people in this land to listen carefully to this message from Yahweh.”
Land! Land! Land! hør Herrens Ord!
30 This is what Yahweh says: “[In the record about the kings of Judah, ] write down that [it will be as though] this man [Jehoiachin] had no children, and that he has not been successful during his life, because none of his children/descendants will [ever] become king to rule over [the people of] Judah.”
Saa siger Herren: Indtegner denne Mand som barnløs som en Mand, der ikke skal have Lykke i sine Dage; thi ingen af hans Sæd skal have Lykke ved at sidde paa Davids Trone og herske fremdeles i Juda.

< Jeremiah 22 >