< Jeremiah 20 >

1 Pashhur, the son of Immer, was a priest who supervised the temple guards. He heard those things that I had prophesied.
Men då Pashur, Immers son, Prestens, den för en öfversta i Herrans hus satt var, hörde Jeremia prophetera dessa orden,
2 [So he arrested me]. Then he [commanded guards to] whip me and fasten my feet in (stocks/a wooden frame) at the Benjamin Gate of Yahweh’s temple.
Slog han Propheten Jeremia, och kastade honom i fängelse, i den öfra portenom BenJamins, hvilken på Herrans huse är.
3 The next day, when Pashhur released me, I said to him, “Pashhur, Yahweh is giving you a new name. From now on, your name will be ‘Surrounded by Terror’,
Och då morgonen kom, tog Pashur Jeremia åter utu fängelset. Då sade Jeremia till honom: Herren kallar dig icke Pashur, utan Magor allt omkring.
4 because Yahweh says this [to you]: ‘I will cause you and your friends to be terrified. You will watch them being killed by your enemies’ swords. I will enable the [army of the] king of Babylon to capture the people of Judah. Those soldiers will take some of the people to Babylon, and they will kill others with their swords.
Ty så säger Herren: Si, jag skall gifva dig, samt med alla dina vänner, uti en fruktan, och de skola falla genom dina fiendars svärd; det skall du se med din ögon; och jag skall öfvergifva hela Juda uti Konungens hand af Babel; han skall föra dem bort till Babel, och dräpa dem med svärd.
5 And I will enable their soldiers to take away [other things in] Jerusalem. They will take to Babylon all the very valuable things that belonged to your kings.
Och jag skall gifva allt godset i denna staden, samt med allt hans arbete och alla klenodier, alla Juda Konungars håfvor, uti deras fiendars hand, så att de skola dem skinna, borttaga och till Babel föra.
6 And [as for] you, Pashhur, they will take you and all your family to Babylon. You and your family and all your friends who have prophesied things that are lies will die there and be buried there.’”
Och du, Pashur, skall med allt ditt husfolk gå fången, och till Babel komma; der skall du dö, och begrafven varda, samt med alla dina vänner, hvilkom du lögn predikar.
7 [One day I said this to Yahweh]: “Yahweh, [when you chose me to be a prophet, ] deceived me, and I allowed you to deceive me. You insisted that I [become a prophet] and you are stronger than I am. And now everyone [HYP] ridicules me. They make fun of me all the day.
Herre, du hafver dragit mig, och jag hafver mig draga låtit; du hafver varit mig för stark, och hafver vunnit; men jag är deröfver kommen till spott dagliga, och hvar man gör gäck af mig.
8 When I tell [people your messages], I shout saying, ‘[Yahweh is going to cause you to experience] violence and destruction!’ So because I tell them those messages from you, they insult me and scoff at me all day long.
Ty sedan jag talat, ropat och predikat hafver om den plågan och förderfvet, är mig Herrans ord vordet till hån och spott dagliga.
9 But if I would say, ‘I will never mention Yahweh or say anything about him, [MTY]’ [it would be as though] your message would burn in my inner being like [SIM] a fire; it would be like a fire in my bones. Sometimes I try to remain silent and not proclaim your messages, but I am not able to do that.
Då föll mig i sinnet: Jag vill intet mer tänka uppå honom, och intet mer predika i hans Namn; men i mino hjerta och minom benom vardt lika som en brinnande eld insluten, så att jag icke förmådde det lida, och var hardt när förgången.
10 I hear many people whispering [about me], saying ‘[He is the man who proclaims that there will be things that cause us to] be terrified everywhere. We must tell [the authorities what he is saying]! We must denounce him!’ [Even] my best friends are waiting for me to say something that is wrong. [They are saying], ‘Perhaps we can cause him to say something wrong, and if he does, we will be able to discredit him.’
Ty jag hörer, huru månge banna mig, och jag måste allestäds vara rädder. Anklager, vi vilje anklaga honom, säga alle mine vänner och stallbröder; om vi kunne blifva honom öfvermägtige, och komma åt honom, och hämnas öfver honom.
11 But [you], Yahweh, are helping me like [SIM] a strong warrior, so [it is as though] you will cause those who persecute me to stumble, and they will not defeat me. They will be completely disgraced because of being unable to defeat me; and other people will never forget that they were disgraced.
Men Herren är med mig, såsom en stark hjelte; derföre skola mine förföljare falla, och icke vinna, utan skola på stor skam komma, derföre att de så dårliga handla; evig skall den skammen vara, och skall icke förgäten varda.
12 Commander of the armies of angels, you examine [all] those who are righteous; you know [all that is in] their inner beings and what they think. Allow me to see you getting revenge on those [who want to harm me], because I trust that you will do for me what is right.”
Och nu, Herre Zebaoth, du som pröfvar de rättfärdiga, och ser njurar och hjerta, låt mig se dina hämnd öfver dem; ty jag hafver befallt dig min sak.
13 Sing to Yahweh! Praise Yahweh! He rescues [poor and] needy people, from those [SYN] who are wicked.
Sjunger Herranom, lofver Herran, som hjelper dens fattigas lif utu de ondas händer.
14 But I hope/desire that the day that I was born will be cursed. I do not want [anyone to] celebrate that day.
Förbannad vare den dag, der jag uti född var; den dagen vare osignad, på hvilkom min moder mig födt hafver.
15 And [as for] that man who brought to my father the news, and caused him to be very happy, by saying “[You wife] has given birth to a son for you”, I hope/desire that he [also] will be cursed.
Förbannad vare den som minom fader god tidende bar, och sade: Du hafver fått en ungan son, på det han skulle glädja honom.
16 Allow him to be destroyed like the cities that Yahweh destroyed [long ago], without acting mercifully [toward them]. Cause that man to hear the people wailing in the morning, and [to hear the enemy soldiers shout their] battle cries at noon.
Den mannen vare såsom de städer som Herren omvände, och honom det intet ångrade; han höre ett skriande om morgonen, och om middagen ett jämrande.
17 [I want that to happen to him] because he did not kill me before I was born. I wish that I had died in my mother’s womb, and that my mother’s body would have been [like] [MET] my grave.
Att du dock icke hafver dräpit mig i moderlifvena; att min moder måtte varit min graf, och hennes lif måtte evinnerliga hafvandes varit!
18 I have continually experienced much trouble and sorrow, and I am disgraced now when I am about to die; why was it necessary [RHQ] for me to me born?
Hvi är jag dock utu moderlifvena framkommen, att jag sådana jämmer och hjertans sorg se måste, och slita mina dagar med skam?

< Jeremiah 20 >