< Jeremiah 2 >

1 Yahweh gave me another message
Og Herrens Ord kom til mig, idet han sagde:
2 [to proclaim to everyone in Jerusalem. He said that I should tell them this] [MET]: “I, Yahweh, remember that you very much wanted to please me [long ago]. [You tried to please me like] a bride [tries to please her husband]; You loved me, and you followed me through the desert [DOU].
Gak hen, og raab for Jerusalems Øren og sig: Saa siger Herren: Jeg ihukommer dig din Ungdoms Hengivenhed og din Trolovelsesstands Kærlighed, at du gik efter mig i Ørken, i Landet, som ikke var besaaet.
3 [At that time you] Israelis (were set apart/belonged only) to me; [you belonged to me like] the first part of the harvests belong to me [MET]. I promised to punish all those who harmed you, my people, and truly I did send disasters on them. [That happened because I], Yahweh, said [that it would happen].”
Israel var Herrens Helligdom, hans Førstegrøde; alle, som vilde fortære ham, bleve skyldige, Ulykke kom over dem, siger Herren.
4 So, you [descendants of] [MTY] Jacob, all you people of [MTY] Israel,
Hører Herrens Ord, Jakobs Hus og alle Israels Huses Slægter!
5 listen to what Yahweh says: “(What sin did I commit [RHQ] that caused your ancestors to turn far away from me?/Though your ancestors found no fault in me, they turned far away from me.) They worshiped worthless idols, and they themselves became worthless.
Saa siger Herren: Hvad Uret have eders Fædre fundet hos mig, at de have holdt sig langt fra mig? og at de vandrede efter Forfængelighed og bleve til Forfængelighed?
6 They did not say, ‘Yahweh brought us [safely] out of Egypt, and he led us through a desert where there were a lot of pits; he led us where there was no water and where it was very dangerous, through a land where no one lives, and no one even travels. (So where is Yahweh now?/So he should be helping us now!) [RHQ]’
Og de sagde ikke: Hvor er Herren, han, som førte os op af Ægyptens Land, han, som ledede os i Ørken, i et Land, som var øde og fuldt af Huller, i Tørheds og Dødens Skygges Land, i et Land, som ingen havde vandret igennem, og hvor intet Menneske havde boet?
7 And when I brought you into a very fertile land, in order that you could enjoy [all] the fruit and [other] good things that you would harvest, you caused the land that I promised to give to you to be unfit for me and to become disgusting/detestable to me.
Og jeg førte eder ind udi et frugtbart Land, at I skulde æde dets Frugt og dets Gode; men der I kom derind, da besmittede I mit Land og gjorde min Arv til en Vederstyggelighed.
8 [Your] priests also did not say, ‘(Where is Yahweh now?/Yahweh should be helping us now!)’ [RHQ] Those who teach/explain my laws do not [want to] know me, and [your] leaders have rebelled against me. [Your] prophets gave you messages from [their god] Baal, and they worship worthless idols.”
Præsterne sagde ikke: Hvor er Herren? og de, som omgikkes med Loven, kendte mig ikke, og Hyrderne gjorde Overtrædelse imod mig; og Profeterne spaaede ved Baal og vandrede efter dem, der ikke kunde gavne.
9 “So, I will accuse you in court. [In future years], I will say what your children and your grandchildren have done that is wrong. [That will happen because I], Yahweh, have said [that it will happen].
Derfor maa jeg endnu trætte med eder, siger Herren, og med eders Børnebørn maa jeg trætte.
10 If you go [west] to the island of Cyprus, or if you go [east] to Kedar [land, ] and if you ask people in those places, they will tell you that no people [from their countries] have ever done the wicked things that you people have done!
Thi drager over til Kithims Øer, og ser til og sender Bud til Kedar, og lægger nøje Mærke og ser, om noget saadant er sket.
11 The people of no other nation have ever [RHQ] abandoned their gods that they thought were glorious and started to worship gods that are not really gods, but you people have abandoned me, your glorious God, and are worshiping gods that are useless.
Mon et Hedningefolk har skiftet Guder, som dog ikke vare Guder? men mit Folk har omskiftet sin Herlighed med det, som ikke kan gavne.
12 [It is as though everything in] the sky is surprised and dismayed/appalled [about what you have done]; [it is as though] they tremble because they are very horrified.
Gyser over det, I Himle! og vorder forfærdede, ja vorder saare forskrækkede, siger Herren.
13 [You], my people, have done two evil things: You have rejected me, the one who is [like] [MET] a fountain [where you can obtain] fresh water, and you [are worshiping gods that are like] [MET] pits in the ground that are cracked and which are not able to hold any water.
Thi tvende onde Ting har mit Folk gjort: Mig, den levende Vandkilde, have de forladt for at hugge sig Brønde, revnede Brønde, som ikke kunde holde Vand.
14 You Israeli people, you were certainly not [RHQ] slaves when you were born; you were captured [by your enemies].
Er Israel en købt Træl, eller er han en hjemfødt Træl? hvorfor er han bleven til Bytte?
15 [Your enemies] [MET] roared [like] lions, and they destroyed your land. [Now] your towns have been burned, and no one lives in them.
Unge Løver brølede imod ham, de lode deres Røst høre, og de gjorde hans Land til en Ødelæggelse, hans Stæder ere opbrændte, at ingen bor deri.
16 Soldiers from Memphis and Tahpenes, [cities in Egypt], have [defeated you] [and] shaved your heads [to show that you are their slaves].
Ogsaa Nofs og Takfanes Børn gjorde din Hovedisse skaldet.
17 But it is [RHQ] because you abandoned [me], Yahweh, that these disasters have happened to you.
Hvad der volder dig saadant, er det ikke dette, at du har forladt Herren, din Gud, den Tid, han ledede dig paa Vejen?
18 So (why are you trying to make an alliance with [MET] the rulers of Egypt?/it certainly will not help you to make an alliance with the rulers of Egypt) [RHQ]. Why are you trying to make an alliance with [MET] the rulers of Assyria who live near the [Euphrates] River?
Og nu, hvad har du at gøre med Vejen til Ægypten for at drikke Sihors Vand? og hvad har du at gøre med Vejen til Assur for at drikke Flodens Vand?
19 [It is because] you have been [very] wicked that I [PRS] will punish you. It is because you have turned away from me that I [PRS] will condemn you. [When I do that], you will realize that painful and evil [DOU] things will happen to you because you have forsaken [me], Yahweh, your God, and you no [longer] revere me. [That will certainly happen because] I, Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of angels in heaven, have said it.
Din Ondskab skal tugte dig og dine Afvigelser straffe dig; vid da og se, at det er ondt og besk, at du har forladt Herren din Gud, og at Frygt for mig ikke er hos dig, siger Herren, den Herre Zebaoth.
20 Long ago, you stopped obeying [me] [MET], and you would not allow [me] to lead you [MET]; you refused to worship [me]. Instead, you worship idols that are under trees on the top of every hill, and your young women have sex with [EUP] [men at those places].
Thi jeg har fra fordums Tid sønderbrudt dit Aag, sønderrevet dine Baand, men du sagde: Jeg vil ikke tjene; thi du gav dig hen paa alle ophøjede Høje og under hvert grønt Træ som en Skøge.
21 [It is as though] [MET] you were a grapevine that I planted when it was a cutting from a very good vine. So now it is disgusting that [RHQ] you have become [like] a rotten worthless vine.
Og jeg har plantet dig som ædle Vinkviste, ægte Planter til Hobe; hvorledes har du da forvendt dig for mig til Ranker af et fremmed Vintræ?
22 Your guilt from your sins is like [MET] very bad stains on a cloth, and you cannot get rid of those stains even by using very strong soap. [This is true because I], Yahweh, have said it.
Thi om du end vilde to dig med Lud og tage dig megen Sæbe, saa pletter din Misgerning dig dog for mit Ansigt, siger den Herre, Herre.
23 You say that you have not sinned. You say ‘We have not become unacceptable to God; we have not worshiped Baal.’ But think about [the disgusting things that you do very eagerly] in [Hinnom] Valley [outside Jerusalem]. You are like desperate female camels, running here and there [to find male camels to have sex with].
Hvorledes kan du sige: Jeg er ikke uren, jeg vandrer ikke efter Baalerne? se hen til din Gang i Dalen, kend, hvad du har gjort, du lette Kamelhoppe! der løber hid og did paa egne Veje,
24 You are [like] wild female donkeys in the desert. They sniff the air to find where the male donkeys are, and no one can [RHQ] restrain them. The male donkeys that want them do not become tired searching for them, because at mating time they find them [easily].
som Vildæselinden, der er vant til Ørken og i sin Sjæls Begæring snapper efter Vejret; naar hun er i Brynde, hvo kan holde hende tilbage? alle de, som søge hende, behøve ikke at trætte sig, de ville finde hende i hendes Maaned.
25 You constantly run here and there [to find idols to worship], with the result that your sandals are worn out, and your throats have become dry. [I told you to stop doing that], but you said, ‘We cannot stop, because we love foreign gods, and we must worship them.’”
„Hold din Fod tilbage fra at blive barfodet og din Strube fra at blive tørstig”; men du siger: Det er forgæves! Nej! thi jeg elsker fremmede, og efter dem vil jeg gaa.
26 [Yahweh says this]: “A robber is disgraced when he is caught. And all of you, including your kings and priests and prophets, are similarly disgraced.
Ligesom en Tyv bliver til Skamme, naar han gribes, saa ere de af Israels Hus blevne til Skamme, de, deres Konger, deres Fyrster og deres Præster og deres Profeter,
27 You say to [a piece of] wood [that is carved to become a sacred idol], ‘You are our father!’ And you say to a stone [that you have set up], ‘You are our mother!’ You have rejected [IDM] me, but when you experience troubles, you cry out to me to rescue you.
som sige til Træ: Du er min Fader, og til Sten: Du fødte mig; thi de have vendt Ryg til mig og ikke Ansigt; men i deres Ulykkes Tid sige de: Staa op og frels os!
28 Why do you not [RHQ] cry out to the gods that you made? You have as many gods as you have cities [and towns] in Judah. So why do you not plead with them to rescue you when you experience disasters?
Hvor ere dine Guder, som du har gjort dig? lad dem staa op, om de kunne frelse dig i din Ulykkes Tid; thi saa mange som dine Stæder ere, vare dine Guder, Juda!
29 You complain that it was wrong for me [not to have rescued you], but you have all rebelled against me.
Hvorfor ville I trætte med mig? I have alle gjort Overtrædelse imod mig, siger Herren.
30 I punished some of you, but you did not learn anything from my doing that. You have killed many of the prophets that I [sent to you], like [SIM] fierce lions kill [other animals].
Jeg slog eders Børn forgæves, de annammede ikke Tugt; eders Sværd fortærede eders Profeter ligesom en ødelæggende Løve.
31 You people of Israel, pay attention to what I say. I have certainly [RHQ] never [abandoned you] in a desert; I have never [left you] in a land full of darkness. So, why do you, my people, say ‘We are free from God’s control; we will not return to [worship] God any more’?
O Slægt, som I ere, ser hen til Herrens Ord! Er jeg bleven Israel til en Ørk eller til et Mørkheds Land? hvorfor sagde da mit Folk: Vi have gjort os frie, vi ville ikke mere komme til dig.
32 A young woman would certainly never [RHQ] forget [to wear] her jewelry, and a bride would never [RHQ] forget to wear her wedding dress, but you my people have forgotten me for many years.
Mon en Jomfru glemmer sin Prydelse, en Brud sine Hovedbaand? men mit Folk har glemt mig utallige Dage.
33 You know how to easily find [gods from other countries] whom you can love. You can find them as easily as a prostitute [can find men to sleep with].
Hvor godt ved du dog at vælge din Vej for at søge Kærlighed, derfor har du ogsaa lært dine Veje at kende det onde.
34 Although you have on your clothes the blood of poor people whom you have murdered, people who (were innocent/had not done things that are wrong),
Tilmed findes paa dine Flige de arme uskyldige Sjæles Blod; du har ikke grebet dem, der de brøde ind, men det var for alle disse Tings Skyld.
35 you say ‘We have not done anything that is wrong; so surely [Yahweh] is not angry with us.’ But I will punish [MTY] you [severely] for saying ‘We have not sinned.’
Og dog sagde du: Jeg er uskyldig, hans Vrede har vendt sig fra mig; se, jeg vil gaa i Rette med dig, fordi du siger: Jeg har ikke syndet.
36 Previously you requested [the army of] Assyria to help you, but they were not able to help you. Now you have requested [the army of] Egypt to help you, but they will not be able to help you, either.
Hvorfor løber du saa ivrigt bort for at omskifte din Vej? ogsaa ved Ægypten skal du blive til Skamme, ligesom du blev til Skamme ved Assyrien.
37 They will capture you, and you will be [their prisoners] [MTY], led to Egypt, [very ashamed] with your hands on your heads. That will happen because I, Yahweh, have rejected those [nations] that you are relying on, and they will not be able to help you at all.”
Ogsaa derfra skal du gaa ud, med Hænderne over dit Hoved; thi Herren forkaster dem, til hvilke du satte Lid, og du skal ikke faa Lykke ved dem.

< Jeremiah 2 >