< Jeremiah 16 >

1 Yahweh gave me another message. [He said to me],
Entonces vino a mí la palabra de Yahvé, diciendo:
2 “Do not get married and have children in this land,
“No tomarás mujer, ni tendrás hijos ni hijas, en este lugar.”
3 because this is what [I], Yahweh, say about the children who are born in this city, and about their mothers and fathers:
Porque Yahvé dice acerca de los hijos y de las hijas que nazcan en este lugar, y acerca de sus madres que los hayan dado a luz, y acerca de sus padres que se hayan convertido en su padre en esta tierra
4 [Many of] them will die from terrible diseases. And no one will mourn for them. No one will even bury their corpses; the corpses will lie on the ground, [scattered] like manure. [Others] will die in wars or from hunger, and [then] their corpses will become food for vultures and wild animals.”
“Morirán de forma dolorosa. No serán lamentados, ni serán enterrados. Serán como estiércol en la superficie de la tierra. Serán consumidos por la espada y el hambre. Sus cadáveres serán alimento para las aves del cielo y para los animales de la tierra”.
5 This is [also] what Yahweh said to me: “Do not go to funerals to mourn or to show [those whose relatives have died] that you feel sorry for them, because I have stopped protecting them, and I have caused that things will not go well for them. I have stopped faithfully loving them and acting mercifully toward them.
Porque Yahvé dice: “No entres en la casa del luto. No vayas a lamentarte. No se lamenten, porque he quitado mi paz a este pueblo — dice el Señor —, la bondad y la misericordia.
6 [Very many people] will die in this land, [including] those who are important and those who are not important. And no one will mourn for them, or [even] bury [their corpses]. No one will cut himself or shave his head [to show that he is very sad].
Tanto los grandes como los pequeños morirán en esta tierra. No serán enterrados. Los hombres no se lamentarán por ellos, ni se cortarán, ni se quedarán calvos por ellos.
7 No one will bring food to comfort those who are mourning, not even if it is their father or their mother [who has died]. No one will give them a cup [of wine] to cheer them up.
Los hombres no partirán el pan por ellos en el luto, para consolarlos por los muertos. Los hombres no les darán a beber la copa del consuelo por su padre o por su madre.
8 And do not go into the houses where people are feasting. Do not eat or drink anything with them.
“No entrarás en la casa de la fiesta para sentarte con ellos, para comer y beber”.
9 [I want you to do this] because this is what [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, say: ‘While you are still alive and seeing it happen, I will cause there to be no more singing and laughing in this land. There will be no more joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides.’
Porque Yahvé de los Ejércitos, el Dios de Israel, dice: “He aquí que yo haré cesar de este lugar, ante tus ojos y en tus días, la voz del júbilo y la voz de la alegría, la voz del novio y la voz de la novia.
10 When you tell these things to the people, they will ask, ‘Why has Yahweh declared that these terrible things will happen to us? What have we done [for which we deserve to be punished like this]? What sin have we committed against Yahweh our God?’
Sucederá que cuando cuentes a este pueblo todas estas palabras, y te pregunten: “¿Por qué ha pronunciado Yahvé todo este gran mal contra nosotros?” o “¿Cuál es nuestra iniquidad?” o “¿Cuál es nuestro pecado que hemos cometido contra Yahvé nuestro Dios?”
11 Then this is what you must tell them [that I am replying to them]: ‘It is because your ancestors turned away from me, Yahweh. They worshiped other gods and served them. They abandoned me and did not obey my commands.
entonces les dirás: “Porque vuestros padres me han abandonado — dice Yahvé — y han caminado en pos de otros dioses, los han servido, los han adorado, me han abandonado y no han guardado mi ley.
12 But you [who are living now] have done more wicked things than your ancestors did! Each of you stubbornly does the evil things that he desires and refuses to pay attention to what I say.
Habéis hecho más mal que vuestros padres, pues he aquí que cada uno de vosotros camina según la obstinación de su malvado corazón, de modo que no me escucháis.
13 So, I will throw you out of this land, and I will send you to a land that you and your ancestors have never known about. There you will worship other gods day and night. And I will not act mercifully toward you.’
Por eso os echaré de esta tierra a la tierra que no habéis conocido, ni vosotros ni vuestros padres. Allí serviréis a otros dioses de día y de noche, porque no os mostraré ningún favor’.
14 But there will be a time when people [who are solemnly promising to do something] will no longer say, ‘[I will do this], [just as surely] as Yahweh lives—the one who brought the Israeli people here from Egypt.’
“Por lo tanto, he aquí que vienen días — dice el Señor — en que ya no se dirá más: “Vive el Señor, que hizo subir a los hijos de Israel de la tierra de Egipto”;
15 Instead, they will say ‘[I will do this, just as surely] as Yahweh lives—the one who brought [us] Israeli people back to our own land, from the lands to the north and from all the other lands to which he had (exiled us/forced us to go).’ [They will be able to say that] because [some day] I will bring your descendants back to this land that I gave to your ancestors.
sino: “Vive el Señor, que hizo subir a los hijos de Israel de la tierra del norte y de todas las tierras adonde los había expulsado”. Yo los haré volver a su tierra que les di a sus padres.
16 But now I am summoning [your enemies who will seize the people of Judah like] [MET] fishermen [catch fish]. I am summoning those who will search for them on every mountain and hill, and in every cave, [like] [MET] hunters [search for animals to kill].
“He aquí que yo envío a llamar a muchos pescadores — dice el Señor — y ellos los pescarán. Después mandaré llamar a muchos cazadores, y los cazarán de todos los montes, de todas las colinas y de las hendiduras de las rocas.
17 I am watching them carefully. I see every sin [that they commit]. They will not [be able to] hide from me [MTY].
Porque mis ojos están en todos sus caminos. No se ocultan de mi rostro. Su iniquidad no se oculta a mis ojos.
18 Because of all the wicked things that they have done [DOU], I will punish them twice as much [as I would punish other people. I will do that] because they have caused my land to become unacceptable to me because of their [worshiping] lifeless statues of detestable gods, and [also because they] have done many other evil things throughout my land.”
Primero pagaré doblemente su iniquidad y su pecado, porque han contaminado mi tierra con los cadáveres de sus cosas detestables, y han llenado mi heredad con sus abominaciones.”
19 [Then I prayed, saying], “Yahweh, you are the one who strengthens me and protects me [MET]; you are the one to whom I go when I have [troubles]. [Some day people from] nations all over the world will come to you and say, ‘Our ancestors left/gave us only something that was false; [they worshiped idols] that are completely worthless [DOU].
Yahvé, mi fuerza, mi fortaleza, y mi refugio en el día de la aflicción, las naciones vendrán a ti desde los confines de la tierra, y dirá, “Nuestros padres no han heredado más que mentiras, vanidad y cosas en las que no hay beneficio.
20 No one can [RHQ] make their own gods; the gods that they make are [only idols]; they are not real gods.’”
¿Debe un hombre hacer para sí mismo dioses que aún no son dioses?”
21 [Then Yahweh said], “Now I will show my power to [the people of Judah]; I will show them that I am truly very powerful [DOU]. Then, finally, they will know that I, Yahweh, [am the true God].”
“Por lo tanto, he aquí que les haré saber, esta vez haré que conozcan mi mano y mi poder. Entonces sabrán que mi nombre es Yahvé”.

< Jeremiah 16 >