< Jeremiah 15 >
1 Then Yahweh said [this] to me: “Even if Moses and Samuel could [come back from their graves and] and stand in front of me [and plead with me for these Israeli people], I would not act mercifully [IDM] toward these people. [I would tell you], ‘Send them away from me. Cause them to leave me!’
Disse-me, porém, o Senhor: Ainda que Moisés e Samuel se pusessem diante de mim, não seria a minha alma com este povo: lança-os de diante da minha face, e saiam.
2 And if they ask you, ‘Where shall we go?’, tell them, ‘This is what Yahweh says: The ones that I say must die, will die: The ones that I say must die in wars [MTY], will die in wars. The ones that I say must die from hunger, will die from hunger. The ones that I say must be captured [and taken to other countries], will be captured [and taken to other countries].
E será que, quando te disserem: Para onde sairemos? dir-lhes-ás: Assim diz o Senhor: O que para a morte, para a morte; e o que para a espada, para a espada; e o que para a fome, para a fome; e o que para o cativeiro, para o cativeiro.
3 I will send four things that will get rid of them: I will send [enemy soldiers using] swords to kill them. I will send wild dogs to drag away [their corpses]. I will send vultures to eat [their corpses]. And I will send [other] wild animals to eat what remains [of their corpses].
Porque visita-los-ei com quatro gêneros de males, diz o Senhor: com espada para matar, e com cães, para os arrastarem, e com as aves dos céus, e com os animais da terra, para os devorarem e destruírem.
4 Because of [the wicked things that] King Manasseh did in Jerusalem, I will cause [people in] all the kingdoms of the earth to be horrified about [what will happen in Judah to] my people.
Entrega-los-ei ao desterro em todos os reinos da terra; por causa de Manassés, filho d'Ezequias, rei de Judá, pelo que fez em Jerusalém.
5 You [people of], no one will [RHQ] feel sorry for you. No one will [RHQ] weep/cry for you. No one will [RHQ] ask (how you are/if you are well).
Porque quem se compadeceria de ti, ó Jerusalém? ou quem se entristeceria por ti? ou quem se desviaria a perguntar pela tua paz?
6 You people have abandoned me; you have continued to walk away [from me] [DOU]. So, I will lift up my fist to smash you; I will not act mercifully toward you any longer.
Tu me deixaste, diz o Senhor, e tornaste-te para traz; por isso estenderei a minha mão contra ti, e te destruirei; já estou cançado de me arrepender.
7 At the gates of your cities, I will [scatter you like a farmer scatters the chaff from his grain by] (winnowing it/throwing it up to allow the wind to blow the chaff away) [MET]. You, my people, have refused to turn away from your evil behavior. [So], I will get rid of you, and I will even cause your children to be killed.
E padeja-los-ei com a pá nas portas da terra: já desfilhei, e destruí o meu povo; não se tornaram dos seus caminhos.
8 I will cause there to be more widows [in Judah] than [there are grains of] sand on the seashore [HYP]. At noontime, [when people will not be expecting it to happen], I will cause [an enemy army] to attack you, an army that will destroy your young men and cause their mothers to weep. I will cause you to suddenly experience great suffering/pain and become very terrified.
As suas viúvas mais se me multiplicaram do que as areias dos mares; trouxe ao meio dia um destruidor sobre a mãe dos mancebos: fiz que caísse de repente sobre ela, e enchesse a cidade de terrores.
9 A woman who has seven children will become faint and (gasp for breath/be hardly able to breathe); [it will be as though] daylight will become darkness for her, [because most of] her children will be dead, and she will be disgraced and humiliated [DOU]. And her children who are still alive, I will enable your enemies to kill them. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.’”
A que paria sete se enfraqueceu; expirou a sua alma; pôs-se o seu sol sendo ainda de dia, confundiu-se, e envergonhou-se: e os que ficarem dela entregarei à espada, diante dos seus inimigos, diz o Senhor.
10 [I said to] my mother, “I am very sad; I wish that you had not given birth to me; everyone in this land opposes me and quarrels with me. I am not a person who lends [money to people and threatens to sue/harm them if they do not pay me back when they should], and I am not a person who borrows [money from others and then refuses to pay it back], but everyone [HYP] curses me.”
Ai de mim, mãe minha, porque me pariste homem de rixa e homem de contendas para toda a terra? nunca lhes dei à usura, nem eles me deram a mim à usura, todavia cada um deles me amaldiçoa.
11 But Yahweh replied to me, “[Jeremiah], I will take care of you. And at times when your enemies have troubles and disasters, they will [come to you and] plead for you [to help them].”
Disse o Senhor: Decerto que os teus resíduos serão para bem, que intercederei por ti, no tempo da calamidade e no tempo da angústia, com o inimigo.
12 [Yahweh also told me to say to the people] of Judah, “Your enemies, who are [as strong as] iron or bronze, [will attack you] from the north; no one will be able to stop them.
Porventura quebrará algum ferro, o ferro do norte, ou o aço?
13 I will give all the valuable possessions [of the people of Judah] to their enemies, without them paying for it. Their valuable possessions will be the payment/reward [that I will give them] because of all the sins that you have committed throughout your country.
A tua fazenda e os teus tesouros darei sem preço ao saque; e isso por todos os teus pecados, como também em todos os teus limites.
14 I will tell your enemies to force you to become their prisoners, and to take you to other lands that you do not [even] know about, and force you to become their slaves. [That will happen] because I am extremely angry [with you]; my being angry is [like] [SIM] a fire that will burn forever.”
E levar-te-ei com os teus inimigos para a terra que não conheces; porque o fogo se acendeu em minha ira, e sobre vós arderá.
15 [Then I said], “Yahweh, you know [what is happening to me]. [Please] come and (help me/take care of me). Punish those who are (persecuting me/causing me to suffer). [Please] do not continue to be patient with them and do not allow me to die now. It is (for your sake/because I serve you) that I am suffering.
Tu, ó Senhor, o sabes; lembra-te de mim, e visita-me, e vinga-me dos meus perseguidores: não me arrebates enquanto diferes o teu furor: sabe que por amor de ti tenho sofrido afronta.
16 Yahweh my God, you are the Commander of the armies of angels; and when you spoke to me, I was delighted with your message; it caused me to be joyful, and I eagerly accepted [MET] what you said because I belong to you. [IDM, MTY]
Achando-se as tuas palavras, logo as comi, e a tua palavra foi para mim o gozo e alegria do meu coração; porque pelo teu nome me chamo, ó Senhor, Deus dos exércitos.
17 When the people were carousing together, I never joined them; I sat alone, because you [MTY] are the one who controls what I do. I was very angry [with those people because of their sins].
Nunca me assentei no congresso dos zombadores, nem saltei de prazer: por causa da tua mão me assentei solitário; porque me encheste de indignação.
18 So, (why do you [allow] me to continue to suffer?/I do not understand why you allow me to continue to suffer.) [RHQ] It seems that [RHQ] my wounds cannot be healed. [Sometimes you help me, sometimes you do not help me]. It seems that you are as undependable as a brook that has water in it only during certain seasons; you are like a spring that has dried up.”
Porque dura a minha dor continuamente, e a minha ferida me doe, e já não admite cura? Porventura ser-me-ias tu como um mentiroso e como águas inconstantes?
19 Then Yahweh [replied], “If you begin again to [trust in] me, I will restore you, in order that you can continue to serve me. If you proclaim good/valuable messages and not worthless ones, you will continue to be the one who speaks what I tell you to say. You must cause the people to pay attention to what you say; you must not pay attention to what they say.
Portanto assim diz o Senhor: Se tu te tornares, então te farei tornar, e estarás diante da minha face; e se apartares o precioso do vil, serás como a minha boca: tornem-se eles para ti, porém tu não te tornes para eles.
20 They will fight against you, but I will protect you, like [SIM] people are protected from their enemies by a bronze wall. They will not defeat you, because I will be with you, and I will protect and rescue [DOU] you.
Portanto puz-te contra este povo por um muro forte de bronze; e pelejarão contra ti, porém não prevalecerão contra ti; porque eu estou contigo para te guardar, para te arrebatar deles, diz o Senhor.
21 [Truly], I will keep you safe from those wicked people, I will rescue you when you are seized by cruel people. [That will happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
E arrebatar-te-ei da mão dos malignos, e livrar-te-ei da palma dos fortes.