< Jeremiah 12 >

1 Yahweh, whenever I tell you that I am unhappy [about what is happening to me], you [always] act justly/fairly. So now allow me to ask about one more thing [that I do not understand]: Why are wicked people [often] very prosperous? Why do things go very well for dishonest/wicked people?
Señor, cuando me quejo ante ti, siempre demuestras tener la razón. Aun así, quiero presentarte mi caso. ¿Por qué les va tan bien a los malvados? ¿Por qué viven tan cómodamente los que te son infieles?
2 You allow them to prosper like [MET] trees that grow tall and bear [a lot of] fruit. They [always] say [MTY] good things about you, but their hearts are [really] far from you.
Tú los plantaste, y han echado raíces, han crecido y han dado fruto. Siempre hablan de ti, pero no piensan en ti, ni siquiera por un momento.
3 But Yahweh, as for me, you know what is in my inner being. You see what I [do] and you are able to know what I am thinking. So drag away those [wicked] people, like [people drag away] sheep that they are going to butcher. Set them aside like sheep that are about to be slaughtered!
Pero tú me conoces, Señor, me ves, y examinas lo que pienso de ti. Arrastra a esta gente como si fueran ovejas para ser sacrificadas; apártalas para el momento de su muerte.
4 This land is [RHQ] becoming very dry and even the grass is withering. The wild animals and the birds have [all] died because the people are [very] wicked. [All that has happened] because the people have said, “Yahweh does not know what we are doing (OR, what will happen to us)!”
¿Hasta cuándo tendrá que lamentarse la tierra y secarse la hierba de todos los campos a causa de la maldad de la gente que la habita? Los animales y las aves se han extinguido porque la gente ha dicho: “El no sabe lo que nos va a pasar”.
5 [Then to show me that I needed to be prepared to endure even greater difficulties, Yahweh said to me], [“It is as though] you have become exhausted from racing against men; so how will you be able to race against horses? If you [stumble and] fall when you are running on open/bare/smooth ground, what will happen to you when you are running through the thornbushes near the Jordan [River]?
El Señor dice, Si te desgastas en una carrera a pie contra los hombres, ¿cómo ganarías una carrera contra los caballos? Si tropiezas en terreno abierto, ¿cómo lo harías en la enmarañada maleza junto al Jordán?
6 [Already] your brothers and [other members of] your own family oppose you. They (plot against/plan to do evil things to) you and they say bad things about you. So even if they say nice things about you, do not trust them!
Incluso tus propios hermanos y la familia de tu padre te han traicionado; te han criticado públicamente. No te fíes de ellos cuando te hablen bien.
7 I have abandoned my [Israeli] people, the people whom I chose to belong to me. I have allowed their enemies to conquer the Israeli people, whom I love.
He renunciado a mi pueblo; he abandonado la nación que elegí. He entregado a sus enemigos a los que verdaderamente amo.
8 My people have become to me like [SIM] a lion in the forest. [It is as though] they roar at me like a lion, so now I hate them.
Se han convertido en un león salvaje que ruge contra mí; por eso los odio.
9 My chosen people have [RHQ] become like speckled hawks that are surrounded by vultures [waiting to eat their flesh after they are dead]. Tell all the wild animals to come and eat [the flesh of their corpses].
Mi pueblo es como un ave de rapiña manchada a mí con otras aves de rapiña dando vueltas para atacarlo. Ve y trae a todos los animales salvajes para que se coman el cadáver.
10 Many rulers [from other countries have come with their armies and] devastated/destroyed my people [whom I care for like a farmer takes care of his] vineyard. They have caused my beautiful land to become a barren desert where no one lives.
Muchos pastores han venido y han destruido mi viña; han pisoteado las cosechas de mi campo. Han convertido mi tierra agradable en un páramo vacío.
11 They have caused it to become completely empty; [it is as though] I hear the land crying sadly/mournfully. The whole land is desolate, and no one (worries about/pays any attention to) it.
La han convertido en un desierto; está de luto ante mí, desolada. Todo el país es un páramo, pero a nadie le importa.
12 The soldiers [of our enemies] have marched across all the barren hilltops. But [I], Yahweh, am using those armies [MTY] to punish your land from one end to the other, and no one will escape.
Los ejércitos destructores han atravesado todas las colinas desnudas del desierto, porque la espada del Señor destruye de un extremo a otro del país. Nadie tiene paz.
13 [It is as though] my people planted wheat, but now they are harvesting thorns. They have become very tired [because of much hard work], but they have gained nothing [from all that work]. They will be very disappointed because their harvests [will be very small], [and that will happen] because [I], Yahweh, am extremely angry [with them].”
Mi pueblo sembró trigo pero cosechó espinas. Se desgastaron, pero no obtuvieron ningún beneficio. Deberían avergonzarse de una cosecha tan pobre, causada por la furia del Señor.
14 This is [also] what Yahweh said to me: “[I will punish] the evil nearby nations that have been trying to take away the land that I gave to my Israeli people, and I will force them to leave their own land. But I will throw the people of Judah out of their land, also.
Esto es lo que dice el Señor: Cuando vengan esas naciones malvadas cercanas que atacan el país que le di a mi pueblo Israel, voy a desarraigarlos de su tierra. También voy a desarraigar al pueblo de Judá de entre ellos.
15 But later I will act mercifully toward those nations again, and I will bring them back to their own lands again. Each [clan] will come back to its own land.
Sin embargo, una vez que los haya desarraigado, volveré a tener misericordia de ellos y haré que cada uno vuelva a su propiedad y a su tierra.
16 And if the people [of the other nations whose armies have invaded Israel] learn the [religious] customs of my people, and if they learn that I [am listening] when they solemnly promise that they will do something good, like they taught my people to believe that [their god] Baal [was listening] when they made solemn promises, I will cause them to become prosperous, and they also will be my people.
Si aprenden honestamente los caminos de mi pueblo y me respetan, haciendo sus votos por mí, tal como una vez enseñaron a mi pueblo a jurar por Baal, entonces les irá bien entre mi pueblo.
17 But I will expel any nation whose people refuse to obey me, and I will destroy that nation and its people. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
Pero si se niegan a obedecer, entonces no sólo desarraigaré a esa nación, sino que la destruiré por completo, declara el Señor.

< Jeremiah 12 >