< James 1 >

1 [I], James, am a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. [I am writing this letter] to [all] the Jewish people [who trust in Christ] (OR, to all God’s people) who are scattered throughout the world. [I send my] greetings to [you all].
Kepada Saudara-saudari seiman saya, yaitu kedua belas suku umat Allah yang tersebar ke berbagai penjuru dunia karena pengungsian. Salam sejahtera dari saya Yakobus, hamba Allah dan Kristus Yesus, Penguasa kita.
2 My fellow believers, rejoice greatly, [even] when you experience various kinds of difficulties/troubles.
Saudara-saudari, setiap kali keyakinan kalian masing-masing diuji lewat berbagai kesusahan, anggaplah semua itu sebagai berkat dan bersukacitalah karenanya,
3 [God sometimes allows you to experience difficulties in order to] test whether or not you will continue to trust [him. Whenever that happens, you need to] realize more and more that [if you continue to trust him], you will be able to bravely/patiently endure difficulties.
sebab kamu tahu bahwa setiap ujian membuat kita semakin kuat untuk bertahan dalam keyakinan kita.
4 Keep on enduring difficulties [bravely/patiently by trusting God more and more firmly] [PRS], in order that you may become all that he intends you to be [DOU] (OR, [spiritually] mature and complete), not lacking (any [good quality/anything you need to conduct your lives as God wants you to]).
Jadi, bertahanlah terus sampai akhir supaya kamu tumbuh dewasa dan semakin diperlengkapi sehingga tidak kekurangan apa pun secara rohani.
5 If anyone of you does not know how to act wisely [in order to endure difficulties/trials well], he should ask God [to show him what he should do, because] God wholeheartedly/gladly helps all people [who ask] and does not scold [anyone for asking. Those who ask], God will give them wisdom to know [what they should do].
Namun, kalau kamu merasa kekurangan hikmat saat mengalami ujian, mintalah kepada Allah. Dia sangat murah hati kepada semua orang dan tidak pernah marah kalau kita meminta hikmat kepada-Nya. Karena itu mintalah, maka hikmat yang kamu perlukan akan diberikan kepadamu,
6 But [when you] ask [God], you should firmly trust him. You should not doubt [that he wants to help you always], because people who keep doubting God are [unstable/changeable] [SIM] like a wave of the sea that is blown back and forth by the wind {that goes back and forth when the wind blows} [DOU, SIM].
asalkan kamu memintanya dengan percaya penuh. Jangan ragu bahwa Allah bersedia memberikannya. Sebab orang yang ragu-ragu sama seperti ombak yang terombang-ambing ke sana kemari oleh angin.
7 Indeed, people [who doubt] should not think that the Lord [God] will do anything [that they request him to do],
Orang seperti itu belum memutuskan dalam hatinya apakah dia akan percaya penuh dan mengandalkan TUHAN atau tidak. Pikirannya selalu berubah-ubah sehingga dia tidak bisa maju. Jadi, bila kamu ragu-ragu, jangan harap doamu dijawab TUHAN!
8 [because they are] people who cannot decide [whether they will commit themselves to God, and they are] unstable/undecided in everything that they do.
9 Believers who are poor should be happy [that God] considers them very valuable (OR, has exalted them [spiritually]) [MTY].
Saudara-saudari, kalau kamu miskin atau mempunyai kedudukan rendah, bersukacitalah! Sesungguhnya Allah sudah memberikan kedudukan yang tinggi kepadamu sebagai warga kerajaan-Nya.
10 And [believers] who are rich should be happy [that] they have humbled themselves [in order to trust in Jesus Christ] (OR, but rich people [can only] take pride [in the fact that God] will humble them [when he judges everyone] [IRO]), because they [and their riches] [MTY] will pass away, just like wild flowers [wither] [SIM].
Sebaliknya, kalau kamu kaya atau mempunyai kedudukan tinggi, jangan sombong, tetapi sadarilah bahwa semua itu hanya sementara. Karena orang kaya ibarat bunga rumput yang cepat layu dan rontok.
11 When the sun rises, the scorching hot wind dries plants, and their flowers fall and are no longer beautiful. Similarly, rich people will die [MET] while they are busy working, [leaving behind their riches].
Ketika matahari meninggi dan angin panas berhembus, rumput pun mengering dan bunganya gugur, lalu lenyaplah keindahannya. Demikianlah yang akan terjadi pada setiap orang kaya. Mereka mati pada waktu usahanya sedang mekar berkembang.
12 [God] is pleased with people who bravely/patiently endure difficulties. And when, [by bravely enduring difficulties], they have proved [that they truly trust him], he will give them [eternal] life. That is the reward [MET] that he has promised to give to those who love him.
Bersukacitalah saat kamu bergumul melewati ujian atas keyakinanmu, karena sesudah kamu lulus dari semua ujian di dunia ini, kamu akan diberi mahkota kemenangan sesuai dengan janji TUHAN kepada kita semua yang mengasihi-Nya.
13 If people are tempted to do something that is evil, they should not think that it is God who is tempting them, because [God is totally/completely good]. He never tempts anyone [to do what is evil], nor can he ever be tempted to [do anything] evil.
Saat kamu merasa tergoda untuk berbuat dosa, jangan pernah berpikir bahwa Allah yang memberi godaan itu kepadamu. Karena Allah tidak mungkin tergoda untuk berbuat kejahatan, dan Dia tidak pernah memberi godaan kepada siapa pun.
14 But people strongly desire to do evil [PRS] things, [and as a result] they are tempted by those desires {those desires stimulate them} to do something evil [PRS, DOU].
Sesungguhnya keinginanmu sendirilah yang membuat kamu tergoda, karena kamu membiarkan dirimu terseret sampai terjerat pada hawa nafsu itu.
15 Then, [because] they have desired [MET] to do evil [PRS] things, they begin to [MET] do [PRS] them. And when they have become ones who [habitually] do what is evil [MET], [if they do not turn away from their sinful behavior], they will be separated from God forever.
Keinginan jahat yang kamu pelihara di dalam hatimu akan berkembang dan terus membesar hingga kamu tidak mampu menahannya lagi. Lalu kamu melakukannya dan dengan demikian melahirkan dosa. Seiring waktu, dosa itu pun pada akhirnya menghasilkan kebinasaan.
16 My fellow believers whom I love, stop deceiving yourselves, [thinking that God does evil things].
Saudara-saudari yang saya kasihi, jangan keliru tentang hal ini:
17 [The truth is that God], our heavenly Father [MTY], does only good [DOU] things [for us, in order to help us become] all that he intends us to be. He is not like all the things [in the sky] that he created to give light, [because they] change; [that is, they do not shine the same all the time]. But God never changes. [He is always good].
Allah Bapa, yang menciptakan semua benda penerang di langit, bukanlah seperti bulan yang cahayanya tidak tetap dan sering berubah-ubah. Dia adalah sumber segala berkat. Semua pemberian yang baik dan yang sempurna turun dari-Nya.
18 [And because] he wanted [to help us], he gave us [spiritual] life as a result of our [trusting in his] true message. So now we have become the first ones of [all the people] [MET] that he created [to] ([be totally dedicated to/completely belong to]) [him].
Salah satu pemberian-Nya yang sempurna itu ialah ketika Allah berkenan memilih kita untuk dilahirkan kembali secara rohani melalui berita keselamatan yang benar, supaya kita yang percaya pada berita itu menjadi umat kepunyaan Allah yang istimewa.
19 My fellow believers whom I love, you know (OR, I want you to now) that every one of you should be eager to pay attention to [God’s true message]. Don’t speak [without thinking], nor get angry easily,
Karena itu, Saudara-saudari yang saya kasihi, hendaklah kamu semua membiasakan diri untuk menjadi pendengar yang baik. Jangan buru-buru bicara, dan jangan cepat marah.
20 because when any one [of you gets] angry, you will not be doing the righteous things that God [wants] you [to do].
Jika kamu bertindak dalam keadaan marah, tindakanmu pasti tidak sesuai dengan kehendak Allah.
21 So stop doing all kinds of evil [DOU] things, and humbly obey (OR, submit to) the message that [God] put in your (inner beings/hearts), [because] he is able to save you [SYN] [if you accept his message].
Oleh sebab itu, buanglah segala sesuatu yang kotor, najis, atau jahat, yang masih ada pada dirimu. Dan dengan rendah hati terimalah ajaran benar yang ditaburkan Allah di dalam hatimu, yaitu Firman-Nya yang berkuasa untuk menyelamatkan kita.
22 Do [what God commands in] his message. Do not only listen [to it, because people who only listen to it and do not obey it] are wrong when they think [that God will save them].
Tetapi Firman itu harus kamu lakukan, bukan hanya didengar. Janganlah menipu diri sendiri dengan berpikir, “Bagi saya, mendengar Firman-Nya saja sudah cukup!”
23 Some people hear God’s message but do not do [what it says] [MET]. They are like someone who looks at his face in a mirror [SIM].
Karena orang yang mendengar ajaran Allah tanpa melakukannya ibarat orang yang memandang mukanya sendiri pada cermin.
24 Although he looks at himself, he goes away [from the mirror] and immediately forgets what he looks like.
Dia hanya tahu bentuk wajahnya selama berada di depan cermin. Tetapi begitu pergi, dia tidak dapat melihatnya lagi dan segera lupa bentuk wajahnya itu.
25 But other people look closely at [God’s] message, which is perfect and which sets people free [to voluntarily do what God wants them to do]. And if they continue [to examine God’s message] and do not just hear it and then forget it, but do [what God tells them to do], God will bless them because of what they do.
Demikian jugalah hukum TUHAN yang sempurna dan memberi kebebasan. Janganlah kamu hanya mendengar lalu melupakannya, tetapi lakukanlah itu, maka Allah akan memberkatimu dalam segala yang kamu perbuat.
26 Some people think that they worship God in the right way, but they habitually say evil things [MTY]. Those people are wrong in thinking [SYN] [that they worship God rightly]. The fact is [that they] worship God (in vain/uselessly).
Contohnya begini: Bila kamu merasa sudah hidup dengan baik sesuai peraturan agama, tetapi kamu tidak berhati-hati dengan ucapanmu, berarti kamu munafik dan sudah menipu diri sendiri. Percuma saja cara beragama yang seperti itu.
27 [One of the things that God has told us to do] is to take care of orphans and widows who suffer hardship. [Those who do that and] who do not think or act immorally like those who do not obey God [MTY] truly [DOU] worship God, [who is our] Father, and God approves of them.
Cara beragama yang sempurna dan yang tidak bercela di mata Allah Bapa kita diwujudkan dengan memperhatikan kesusahan anak yatim piatu dan janda serta menolong mereka, juga dengan menjaga diri kita agar tidak ternoda oleh keinginan-keinginan duniawi.

< James 1 >