< James 3 >

1 My fellow believers, not many of you should [desire to] become teachers [of God’s truth, because] you know [that God] will judge us [(exc)], who teach others, more severely [than he will judge other people].
Musava vadzidzisi vazhinji, hama dzangu, muchiziva kuti tichagamuchira kutongwa kukuru.
2 It is true that we all in many ways do things that are wrong [MET]. But those who always [LIT] control what they say will be all that God intends/wants them to be. They will be able to control all their actions [MTY].
Nokuti tese tinogumburwa pazvinhu zvizhinji. Kana umwe asingagumburwi pashoko, ndiye murume wakaperedzerwa, anogona kudzorawo muviri wese.
3 [To illustrate], if we put [a small metal] bit into the mouth of a horse in order to cause the horse to obey us, we can cause the horse to turn [and go where we want it to] [MET].
Tarira, tinoisa matomu mumiromo yemabhiza kuti atiteerere, ndokutenderedza muviri wawo wese.
4 Think also about ships. [Although] a ship may be very large and [although] it can be moved by strong winds {strong winds can move it}, by [turning] a very small (rudder/steering paddle) people can direct the ship wherever they want [it to go].
Tarirai, nezvikepe, kunyange zviri zvikuru zvakadai, uye zvichitinhwa nemhepo dzine simba, zvinonangiswa nechidzoreso chidiki diki, chero kupi kunodikanwa nechishuwo chemufambisi.
5 Similarly, [although] our tongues are very small, [if we do not control them], we can [harm] many people by what we proudly say [MTY]. Think [also] about how [just] a small [flame of] fire can cause a large forest (OR, a large area of brushwood) to burn.
Rwakadarowo rurimi rwuri mutezo mudiki, uye rwunozvirumbidza zvikuru. Tarirai, moto mudiki unotungidza matanda akakura sei!
6 [Just like a fire damages a forest] [MET], when we say things that are evil, [we harm many people]. What we say [MTY] reveals that we are very evil. What we say contaminates/defiles everything that we think and do [PRS, MET]. [Just like a flame of fire easily] causes [the whole surrounding area] [MET] to burn, what we say [MTY] can cause [others] to want to do evil. It is the devil himself [MTY] who causes us to say evil things. (Geenna g1067)
Nerurimi moto, nyika yeuipi; ndizvo zvakaita rurimi rwakaiswa pakati pemitezo yedu, rwunosvibisa muviri wese, nekutungidza nzira yeupenyu, uye rwunotungidzwa negehena. (Geenna g1067)
7 Indeed, although people are able to tame/control all kinds of wild animals, birds, reptiles and creatures that live in the water, and people have actually tamed/controlled them,
Nokuti marudzi ese emhuka neeshiriwo, neezvesewo zvinokambaira neezvisikwa zvegungwa anopingudzwa uye akapingudzwa nechisikirwo chevanhu;
8 no person ([on his own/by himself]) is able to control what he says [MTY]. And when people say evil things, [it shows that] they are unstable/uncontrolled and wicked [MTY]. [As] the poison [of a snake kills people] [MTY], [we harm others] [MET] by what we say.
asi hakuna munhu anogona kupingudza rurimi; uipi husingadzoreki, rwuzere nechepfu inouraya.
9 We use our tongue to praise God, who is our Lord and Father, but we also use our same tongue to ask God to say evil things to people. [That is very wrong]! God made people like himself, [so we should speak as respectfully to others as we speak to God].
Narwo tinorumbidza Mwari uye Baba, narwowo tinotuka vanhu vakaitwa nemufananidzo waMwari;
10 We praise [God], but with our same mouth we also ask for evil [things to happen to others]. My fellow believers, this should not be!
mumuromo umwewo munobva kurumbidza nekutuka. Hazvina kufanira, hama dzangu, izvi zvive saizvozvo.
11 Surely bitter water and good water do not come out of the same spring! [RHQ]
Chitubu chingadzutura pamuromo umwe chinonaka nechinovava here?
12 My fellow believers, a fig tree cannot [RHQ] produce olives. Nor can [RHQ] a grapevine produce figs. Neither can a salty spring produce good [water]. [Similarly, we should say only good things, and we should not say evil things] [MET].
Hama dzangu, muonde unogona kubereka maorivhi here, kana muzambiringa maonde? Saizvozvo hakuna chitubu chinobudisa mvura inovava neinonaka.
13 If any of you thinks [RHQ] that [you are] wise and know a lot, you should always act in a good way to show people that your good actions are the result of your [being truly] wise. Being wise [helps us to act] gently [toward others].
Ndiani wakachenjera neanonzwisisa pakati penyu? Ngaaratidze nemufambiro wakanaka mabasa ake neunyoro hweuchenjeri.
14 But if you are very [MET] jealous/unhappy when you see that someone else is succeeding, and always want to have what you want, regardless of what others want, you should not say [that you are wise, for by boasting like that], you are saying that ([God’s message/what God says about you]) is not true.
Asi kana mune godo rinovava nerukave mumoyo wenyu, musazvirumbidza nekurevera chokwadi nhema.
15 Those who have such [attitudes are] not wise [MTY] in the way that God [wants them to be]. Instead, they are only thinking and acting like ([ungodly people/people who do not please God]). They think and act according to their own [evil] desires. They do what the demons [want them to do] (OR, they think and act as demons [do]).
Uhu hausi uchenjeri hunoburuka kubva kumusoro, asi hwenyika, hwechisikirwo, hweudhimoni.
16 [Keep in mind that] people who have such attitudes (are unruly/do not submit to authority) and [do] all kinds of evil things.
Nokuti pane godo nerukave, ndipo pane nyongano nekuita kwese kwakaipa.
17 But [when people] are wise [PRS] in the way that God [MTY] [wants them to be], they are pure in every way, which God considers to be very important. They also act peaceably towards [others], they (are considerate of/think about the rights and feelings of) others, they are willing to yield to [the wishes of] others, they act compassionately [toward others], and they do all kinds of good things [for others] [MET]. [How they treat others does] not depend on (others’ status/whether others are important or not), and they are sincere [in all they do].
Asi uchenjeri hunobva kumusoro pakutanga hwakachena, kozouya kuva nerugare, kunyorova, kuteerera, kuzara netsitsi nezvibereko zvakanaka, husina kutsaura, uye husina kunyengera.
18 Those who [act] peaceably [toward others] cause [others to also] act peaceably, with the result that they all live together [acting toward each other] in a righteous way [MET].
Uye chibereko chekururama chinodzvarwa murugare kune vanoita rugare.

< James 3 >