< Isaiah 1 >
1 [I am] Isaiah, the son of Amoz. [Yahweh showed me] visions about Jerusalem and [all the other places in] Judah. He showed me these visions during the years that Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah.
Visión de Isaías hijo de Amoz, la cual vio sobre Judá y Jerusalén, en días de Uzías, Jotam, Acaz y Ezequías, reyes de Judá.
2 This is what Yahweh says: “All you [angels in] [APO] heaven and [all you people on] [APO] earth, listen to me! The people that I caused to exist and took care of [DOU] have rebelled against me.
Oíd, cielos, y escucha tú, tierra; porque habla el SEÑOR: Crié hijos, y los engrandecí, y ellos se rebelaron contra mí.
3 Oxen know their owners, and donkeys know who provides food for them, but my Israeli people do not know [me]; they do not realize [that I am the one who takes care of them].”
El buey conoce a su dueño, y el asno el pesebre de sus señores; Israel no conoce, mi pueblo no tiene entendimiento.
4 Terrible things will happen to that sinful nation, to those people who are guilty of sinning greatly. They are a group of very evil people, who act very unjustly. They have abandoned Yahweh, the holy one of Israel; they have (abandoned/turned away from) him.
¡Oh gente pecadora, pueblo cargado de maldad, generación de malignos, hijos corruptos! Dejaron al SEÑOR, provocaron a ira al Santo de Israel; se tornaron atrás.
5 Why do you [RHQ] continue to [do things for which] you should be punished? Why do you continue to rebel against Yahweh? [You are like] [MET] someone whose head is badly injured and whose mind is sick/corrupt.
¿Para qué os castigaré aún? Todavía os rebelaréis. Toda cabeza está enferma, y todo corazón doliente.
6 [It is as though] [MET] from the soles/bottoms of your feet to the [tops of your] heads nothing is healthy; there are only open wounds and cuts and sores that have not been cleaned or bandaged, and no [olive] oil has been put on them [to heal them].
Desde la planta del pie hasta la cabeza no hay en él cosa entera, sino herida, hinchazón y podrida llaga; no son curadas, ni vendadas, ni suavizadas con aceite.
7 [It is as though] your country is ruined/desolate; your towns have been burned. Foreigners plunder/steal the crops in your fields while you watch; they destroy everything [that they see].
Vuestra tierra está destruida, vuestras ciudades puestas a fuego, vuestra tierra delante de vosotros comida de extranjeros, y asolada como asolamiento de extraños.
8 The city of Jerusalem has [already] been abandoned, it is like [SIM] a shelter in a vineyard that has been abandoned by the watchmen; it is like [SIM] a watchman’s hut in a field of melons that has been deserted. It is a city surrounded by its enemies who are waiting to attack it.
Y queda la hija de Sion como choza en viña, y como cabaña en melonar, como ciudad asolada.
9 If the Commander of the armies of angels had not allowed a few of us [his people] to (survive/remain alive), we would have [all] been [destroyed], like [the cities of] Sodom and Gomorrah [were destroyed].
Si el SEÑOR de los ejércitos no hubiera hecho que nos quedase un remanente pequeño, como Sodoma fuéramos, y semejantes a Gomorra.
10 You [leaders of Judah are as wicked as] the rulers of Sodom were, and you [other people in Jerusalem areas are as wicked as] the people in Gomorrah [were]. Listen to this message from Yahweh, [all of you]!
Príncipes de Sodoma, oíd la palabra del SEÑOR; escuchad la ley de nuestro Dios, pueblo de Gomorra.
11 He says, “You continue to bring many sacrifices to me, but I do not [RHQ] want them [because you do not worship me sincerely]! You bring me many offerings to be completely burned [on the altar], [but] I (am tired/do not want any more) of your burning all those offerings, the burning rams and the fat from fat cattle. I am not pleased with the blood of bulls and lambs and goats that [the priest] pours [against the altar].
¿Para qué me sirve la multitud de vuestros sacrificios? dirá el SEÑOR. Hastiado estoy de holocaustos de carneros, y de sebo de animales gordos; no quiero sangre de bueyes, ni de ovejas, ni de machos cabríos.
12 When you come to my temple to worship me, no one [RHQ] told you to trample on my courtyard while you perform all those rituals.
¿Quién demandó esto de vuestras manos, cuando vinieseis a ver mi rostro, a hollar mis atrios?
13 Stop bringing to me those offerings, because they are useless [to me]; I am disgusted with the incense that [the priests burn]. And [your feasts to celebrate] the new moon [each month] and your (Sabbath [days]/days of rest) and your [other] festivals— I detest them because of the wicked things [that you do].
No me traigáis más presente vano; el perfume me es abominación; luna nueva y sábado, el convocar asambleas, no las puedo sufrir; iniquidad y solemnidad.
14 I [SYN] hate [all] your celebrations of each new moon and the [other] festivals that you celebrate each year. They are [like] [MET] a heavy burden that I am tired of carrying.
Vuestras lunas nuevas y vuestras fiestas solemnes las tiene aborrecidas mi alma: me han sido carga; cansado estoy de llevarlas.
15 [So], when you lift up your hands when you pray [to me], I will not [even] look at you. Even if you pray [to me very] frequently, I will not listen [to you], [because it is as though] your hands are covered with the blood [of people whom you have killed].
Cuando extendiereis vuestras manos, yo esconderé de vosotros mis ojos; asimismo cuando multiplicáreis la oración, yo no oiré; llenas están de sangre vuestras manos.
16 Cleanse your inner beings, and become [spiritually] clean! Stop your evil behavior! Stop doing things that are wrong!
Lavaos, y limpiaos; quitad la iniquidad de vuestras obras de delante de mis ojos; dejad de hacer lo malo;
17 Learn to do [things that are] good! [Try to] cause people to do what is just. Help people who are (oppressed/treated cruelly). Defend orphans and widows [when people take them to court].”
aprended a hacer el bien. Buscad juicio. Restituid al agraviado. Oíd en derecho al huérfano. Amparad a la viuda.
18 Yahweh says, “You need to think about the results of what you do. Even though [the guilt of] your sins be [as evident and as difficult to get rid of] as [SIM] red [stains on a white garment] [DOU], [I will get rid of them completely] [like someone who can make that stained garment] become as white as snow or wool [DOU].
Venid luego, dirá el SEÑOR, y estemos a cuenta: si vuestros pecados fueren como la grana, como la nieve serán emblanquecidos; si fueren rojos como el carmesí, serán tornados como la lana.
19 If you are willing to obey [me], [I will enable] you to have plenty to eat.
Si quisiereis, y oyereis, comeréis el bien de la tierra;
20 But, if you turn away [from me and] rebel against me, you will be killed [by your enemies’] swords. [That will surely happen, because I, ] Yahweh, have said it.”
si no quisiereis, y fuereis rebeldes, seréis consumidos a espada, porque la boca del SEÑOR lo ha dicho.
21 “[You people of Jerusalem previously] faithfully [worshiped only] me, but now you have become like [MET] prostitutes [who are not faithful to any husband]. Previously, people there always acted justly/fairly and righteously, but now your city [is full of] murderers.
¿Cómo te has tornado ramera, oh ciudad fiel? Llena estuvo de juicio, en ella habitó la equidad; mas ahora, los homicidas.
22 Previously, you were [like] [MET] pure silver, but now you have become [like] [MET] the scum that is left [when silver is purified]. Previously you were [like pure] wine, but you have become [like] [MET] wine that has [a lot of] water mixed with it.
Tu plata se ha tornado en escorias, tu vino está mezclado con agua.
23 Your leaders are rebels; they spend time with thieves. They all want to get bribes and force others to give them gifts [in order that they do good things for them]. They do not defend orphans [in court], and they do not do all they can to enable widows to get what they should receive.
Tus príncipes, prevaricadores y compañeros de ladrones; todos aman las dádivas, y van tras las recompensas; no oyen en juicio al huérfano, ni llega a ellos la causa de la viuda.
24 Therefore [I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, the mighty God of Israel, say to my enemies, ‘will get revenge on you; you will not cause me any more trouble. And I will pay you back for the evil things that you did.
Por tanto, dice el Señor DIOS de los ejércitos, el Fuerte de Israel: Ea, tomaré satisfacción de mis enemigos, me vengaré de mis adversarios;
25 I will raise my fist to strike you. I will [punish you severely] [MET], as though [MET] you were silver [and I needed to heat you very greatly to] melt you and get rid of the impurities.
y volveré mi mano sobre ti, y limpiaré hasta lo más puro tus escorias, y quitaré todo tu estaño;
26 [After that happens, ] I will give you good judges like you had previously; you will have [wise] counselors like you had long ago. Then people will call your city “a city where people [act] righteously, a city where people are loyal to me.”'”
y restituiré tus jueces como al principio, y tus consejeros como de primero; entonces te llamarán Ciudad de justicia, Ciudad fiel.
27 Because the people of Jerusalem will do what is fair/just, their city will be restored; those who repent [will be saved] because of [their acting] righteously.
Sion con juicio será rescatada, y los convertidos de ella con justicia.
28 But rebels and sinners will be crushed by Yahweh, and those who forsake him will disappear.
Mas los rebeldes y pecadores a una serán quebrantados; y los que dejaron al SEÑOR serán consumidos.
29 You will be ashamed because [you worshiped] idols under the oak trees [that you considered to be] sacred; you will be disgraced because [you worshiped idols] in the gardens where you chose [to worship them].
Entonces os avergonzarán los árboles que amasteis, y os afrentarán los bosques que escogisteis.
30 You will be like [SIM] a very large tree which has withered leaves, like [SIM] a garden that [is dried up because] it has no water.
Porque seréis como el olmo que se le cae la hoja, y como huerto al que le faltan las aguas.
31 Those among you who are [very] strong will become [like] [MET] dry wood, and the work they do will be [like] [MET] a spark; both they and the evil things that they do will burn up completely, and no one will be able to put out the fire.
Y el ídolo fuerte será como estopa, y el que lo hizo como centella; y ambos serán encendidos juntamente, y no habrá quien apague.