< Isaiah 66 >

1 Yahweh [also] said this: “[All of] heaven is [like] my throne, and the whole earth is [like] my footstool. So you could certainly not [RHQ] build a house [that would be adequate] for me to live in and rest!
Så siger HERREN: Himlen er og Jorden mine Fødders Skammel Hvad for et Hus vil I bygge mig, og hvad for et Sted er min Bolig?
2 I [MTY] have created everything; all things exist because I made them. [That is true because I], Yahweh, have said it. The people I am [most] pleased with are those who are humble, who [patiently endure it when they] (suffer/are afflicted), and who tremble when they hear me [rebuking them].
Alt dette skabte min Hånd, så det fremkom, lyder det fra HERREN. Jeg ser hen til den arme, til den, som har en sønderknust Ånd, og den, som bæver for mit Ord.
3 You have enjoyed [continually] doing the things that you want to do: [Some of] you slaughter oxen [to sacrifice them to me], but you also bring human sacrifices [to your idols]! You sacrifice lambs [to me], but you kill dogs [to offer them to your gods]. You offer grain to me, but you also bring pigs’ blood [to your idols]. You burn incense [to me], but you also praise your idols. You enjoy doing those disgusting things.
Den, som slagter Okse, er en Manddraber, den, som ofrer Lam, er en Hundemorder, den, som ofrer Afgrøde, frembærer Svineblod, den, som brænder Røgelse, hylder en Afgud. Som de valgte deres egne Veje og ynder deres væmmelige Guder,
4 When I called [out to you], you did not answer. When I spoke, you did not pay attention. You did [many] things that I say are evil; you chose [to do] things that I did not like. So [now] I will punish you by causing you to experience the things that you are [very] afraid of.”
så vælger og jeg deres Smerte, bringer over dem, hvad de frygter, fordi de ej svared, da jeg kaldte, ej hørte, endskønt jeg taled, men gjorde, hvad der vakte mit Mishag, valgte, hvad ej var min Vilje.
5 But you people who tremble when you hear what Yahweh says, listen to what he says [now]: “Some of your people hate you and reject you because you belong to me. They make fun of you, and they say, ‘Yahweh should show his glorious power! We want to see him [do something to cause] you to be truly happy.’ But [some day] those people will be [very] disgraced.”
Hør HERRENs Ord, I, som bæver for hans Ord: Således siger eders Brødre, der hader eder og støder eder bort for mit Navns Skyld: "Lad HERREN vise sig i sin Herlighed, så vi kan se eders Glæde!" Men de skal blive til Skamme!
6 [At that time], you will listen to the noise in the city. You will hear the shouting in the temple. It will be the sound of Yahweh shouting while he is punishing his enemies!
Hør, hvor det drøner fra Byen, drøner fra Templet, hør, hvor HERREN øver Gengæld imod sine Fjender!
7 No one [RHQ] ever heard that a woman gave birth to a baby when she was just starting to have birth pains.
Før hun er i Barnsnød, føder hun, før end Veer kommer over hende, har hun en Dreng.
8 Certainly no one [RHQ] ever heard about such a thing happening, and no one has ever seen it happen. [Similarly], no one ever [RHQ] heard that a nation was created in one instant, not even in one day. But Jerusalem is like [MET] [a woman who] gives birth to children as soon as she starts to have birth pains.
Hvo hørte vel Mage dertil, hvo så vel sligt? Kommer et Land til Verden på en eneste Dag, fødes et Folk på et Øjeblik? Thi Zion kom i Barnsnød og fødte med det samme sine Børn.
9 Women certainly do not [RHQ] bring infants to the time when they are ready to be born and then do not allow them to be born. [Similarly, he will do for Jerusalem] [MET] [what he has promised to do]: [He will cause Jerusalem to be full of people again]. [That will happen because] Yahweh has said it.
Åbner jeg et Moderliv og hindrer det i Fødsel? siger HERREN. Bringer jeg Fødsel og standser den? siger din Gud.
10 You people in [APO] Jerusalem, rejoice! And all you people who love Jerusalem should also be happy. You people who were sad because of [what happened to Jerusalem], you should now be glad.
Glæd dig, Jerusalem! Der juble enhver, som har det kær, tag Del i dets Glæde, alle, som sørger over det,
11 [You people in Jerusalem] will [have everything that you need] like [MET] a baby that gets all it needs from its mother’s breasts. You will enjoy all the abundant and glorious things [MET] in the city.
for at I må die dets husvalende Barm og mættes, for at I må drikke af dets fulde Bryst og kvæges.
12 Yahweh has promised, “I will cause Jerusalem to be full of valuable things that come from other nations; those things will pour into Jerusalem; it will be like [SIM] a big flood. I will take care of the people of Jerusalem like women care for the babies that they nurse.
Thi så siger HERREN: Se, jeg leder til hende Fred som en svulmende Flod og Folkenes Rigdom som en Strøm; hendes spæde skal bæres på Hofte, og Kærtegn får de på Skød;
13 I will comfort you people in Jerusalem like [MET] mothers comfort their children.”
som en Moder trøster sin Søn, således trøster jeg eder, i Jerusalem finder I Trøst.
14 When you see [those things happen], you [SYN] will rejoice. Your [old] bones will become strong [again] like [SIM] grass [that grows quickly/well in the springtime]. [When that happens, everyone] will know that Yahweh has power [MTY] to help those who worship and obey him, but that he is angry with his enemies.
I skal se det med Hjertens Glæde, eders Ledemod skal spire som Græs. Hos HERRENs Tjenere kendes hans Hånd, men hos hans Fjender Vrede.
15 Yahweh will come down with flames of fire, and his chariots [will come down] like [SIM] a whirlwind; he will be extremely angry, and he will punish [his enemies] by burning them in a fire.
Thi se, som Ild kommer HERREN, og hans Vogne er som et Stormvejr, han vil vise sin Harme i Gløder, sin Trussel i flammende Luer;
16 [It is as though] [MET] Yahweh has a [big] sword, and he will judge and execute many people.
thi med Ild og med sit Sværd skal HERREN dømme alt Kød, og mange er HERRENs slagne.
17 Yahweh says, “Some of you people purify/bathe yourselves and [then] go to a garden to worship your gods. You eat the meat of pigs and lizards and mice, [and other things that I have forbidden you to eat]. So I will get rid of you [for doing that].
De, som helliger og vier sig for Lundene, følgende en i deres Midte, de, som æder Svinekød og Kød af Kryb og Mus, deres Gerninger og deres Tanker skal forgå til Hobe, lyder det fra HERREN.
18 I know [all] the [evil] things that you think and do. [It is now time] for me to gather together the people who live in all nations and who speak all languages, and to show them that I am very great.
Jeg kommer for at samle alle Folk og Tungemål, og de skal komme og se min Herlighed.
19 I will put a mark on them, and those whom I have spared will go to various [distant] countries: to Tarshish, Put, Lud, Meshech, Tubal, Javan, and to distant islands. I will send them to proclaim to nations that have never heard about me that I am very great and glorious.
Jeg fuldbyrder et Under i blandt dem og sender undslupne af dem til Folkene, Tarsis, Pul, Lud, Mesjek, Rosj, Tujal, Javan, de fjerne Strande, som ikke har hørt mit Ry eller set min Herlighed; og de skal forkynde min Herlighed blandt Folkene.
20 Then they will bring back here your relatives [who have been (exiled/forced to go to other countries)], to be like [SIM] an offering to me. They will come on horses, in chariots, on mules, and on camels. They will come to [Zion, ] my sacred hill in Jerusalem. That will be like [SIM] the offerings that [my] Israeli people used to bring in the correct manner to the temple.
Og de skal bringe alle eders Brødre fra alle Folk som Gave til HERREN, til Hest, til Vogns, i Bærestol, på Muldyr og Kameler til mit hellige Bjerg Jerusalem, siger HERREN, som når Israelitterne bringer Offergaver i rene Kar til HERRENs Hus.
21 [I solemnly promise that] I will appoint some of them to be priests, and others to do other work in my temple. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.
Også af dem vil jeg udtage Levitpræster, siger HERREN.
22 I [also] promise that just like the new heaven and the new earth will last forever, you will always have descendants, and you [MTY] will always be honored.
Thi ligesom de nye Himle og den ny Jord, som jeg skaber, skal bestå for mit Åsyn, lyder det fra HERREN, således skal eders Afkom og Navn bestå.
23 At every festival to celebrate the Sabbath [each week] and the new moon [each month], everyone will [come and] worship me. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.
Hver Måned på Nymånedagen og hver Uge på Sabbatten skal alt Kød komme og tilbede for mit Åsyn, siger HERREN,
24 Then they will go out [of Jerusalem] and look at the corpses of those who rebelled against me. The maggots in those corpses will never die, the fire will never stop burning them, and everyone [who sees their corpses] will detest them.”
og man går ud for at se på Ligene af de Mænd, der faldt fra mig; thi deres Orm dør ikke, og deres Ild slukkes ikke; de er alt Kød en Gru.

< Isaiah 66 >