< Isaiah 64 >

1 “[Yahweh], I wish that you would tear open the sky and come down, and cause the mountains to shake in your presence.
Utinam dirumperes caelos, et descenderes: a facie tua montes defluerent.
2 [Be] like a fire that burns twigs and causes water to boil! [Come down] in order that your enemies will know who you are, and the [people of other] nations will tremble in your presence.
Sicut exustio ignis tabescerent, aquae arderent igni, ut notum fieret nomen tuum inimicis tuis: a facie tua gentes turbarentur.
3 You have done awesome things which we were not expecting you to do; the mountains shook when you came down [at Horeb Mountain].
Cum feceris mirabilia, non sustinebimus: descendisti, et a facie tua montes defluxerunt.
4 Since (long ago/the world began), no one [SYN] has [ever] seen or heard about a God like you; you help those who (depend on/trust in) you.
A saeculo non audierunt, neque auribus perceperunt: oculus non vidit, Deus absque te, quae praeparasti expectantibus te.
5 You help those who joyfully do what is right, those who conduct their lives as you want them to. But [we did not do that]; we continued to sin, and so you became angry with us. We have been sinning for a long time, so only if we continually do what you want us to do will we be saved.
Occurristi laetanti, et facienti iustitiam: in viis tuis recordabuntur tui: ecce tu iratus es, et peccavimus: in ipsis fuimus semper, et salvabimur.
6 We have all become people who are not fit to worship you; all of the good things that we have done are only like [SIM] filthy/blood-stained rags. Because of our sins, we are like [SIM] leaves that dry up and are blown away by the wind.
Et facti sumus ut immundi omnes nos, et quasi pannus menstruatae universae iustitiae nostrae: et cecidimus quasi folium universi, et iniquitates nostrae quasi ventus abstulerunt nos.
7 None [of our people] worships you, and no one is completely dedicated to [IDM] you. You have turned away from us. [It is as though] you have caused us to be forced to continue our sinful behavior.
Non est qui invocet nomen tuum: qui consurgat, et teneat te: abscondisti faciem tuam a nobis, et allisisti nos in manu iniquitatis nostrae.
8 Yahweh, you are our father. We are [like] [MET] clay, and you created us, [like] [MET] a potter [creates pottery].
Et nunc Domine, pater noster es tu, nos vero lutum: et fictor noster tu, et opera manuum tuarum omnes nos.
9 Yahweh, do not continue to be angry [with us]; do not keep thinking about [our] sins forever. Do not forget that we are all your people.
Ne irascaris Domine satis, et ne ultra memineris iniquitatis nostrae: ecce respice, populus tuus omnes nos.
10 [All of] your towns [in Judah] have become like [MET] deserts; [even] Jerusalem has been destroyed.
Civitas sancti tui facta est deserta, Sion deserta facta est, Ierusalem desolata est.
11 Your glorious temple on Zion Hill, where our ancestors worshiped you, has been destroyed by fire. And all our [other] beautiful things have been ruined.
Domus sanctificationis nostrae, et gloriae nostrae, ubi laudaverunt te patres nostri, facta est in exustionem ignis, et omnia desiderabilia nostra versa sunt in ruinas.
12 Yahweh, you see all those things, so we worry that you will refrain [from helping us], and that you will cause us to suffer much more.
Numquid super his continebis te Domine, tacebis, et affliges nos vehementer?

< Isaiah 64 >