< Isaiah 63 >

1 [I ask], “Who is this who is coming from Bozrah [city] in Edom, whose clothes are stained red [from blood]? Who is this who is wearing beautiful robes?” [He replies], “It is I, [Yahweh], declaring that I have defeated [your enemies], and I am able to rescue you!”
מי זה בא מאדום חמוץ בגדים מבצרה זה הדור בלבושו צעה ברב כחו אני מדבר בצדקה רב להושיע׃
2 [I ask him], “What are those red spots on your clothes? It appears that [SIM] you have been treading/tramping on grapes [to make wine].”
מדוע אדם ללבושך ובגדיך כדרך בגת׃
3 [He replies], “I have been treading on [my enemies, not] on grapes. I did it myself; no one helped me. I punished them because I was very angry with them, and my clothes became stained with their blood.
פורה דרכתי לבדי ומעמים אין איש אתי ואדרכם באפי וארמסם בחמתי ויז נצחם על בגדי וכל מלבושי אגאלתי׃
4 I did that because it was time for me [SYN] to get revenge; it was time to rescue [my people from those who had oppressed them].
כי יום נקם בלבי ושנת גאולי באה׃
5 I searched for someone who would enable me to help [my people], but I was amazed/shocked that there was no one to help me. So I defeated [their enemies] with my own power/strength [MTY]; I was able [PRS] to do that because of my being very angry.
ואביט ואין עזר ואשתומם ואין סומך ותושע לי זרעי וחמתי היא סמכתני׃
6 Because I was extremely angry, I punished the nations; I caused them [to stagger like] [MET] drunk men, and I caused their blood to pour out on the ground.”
ואבוס עמים באפי ואשכרם בחמתי ואוריד לארץ נצחם׃
7 I will tell about Yahweh faithfully loving his people, and I will praise him for all that he has done. Yahweh has done good things for [us] people [MTY] of Israel; he has acted mercifully toward us, and he has steadfastly and faithfully loved us.
חסדי יהוה אזכיר תהלת יהוה כעל כל אשר גמלנו יהוה ורב טוב לבית ישראל אשר גמלם כרחמיו וכרב חסדיו׃
8 Yahweh said, “These are my people; they will not deceive me;” so he rescued us.
ויאמר אך עמי המה בנים לא ישקרו ויהי להם למושיע׃
9 When we had many troubles, he was sad [also]. He sent his angel to rescue us. Because he loved us and was merciful to us, he saved us; [it was as though] he picked our ancestors up and carried them all those years [during which they were oppressed in Egypt].
בכל צרתם לא צר ומלאך פניו הושיעם באהבתו ובחמלתו הוא גאלם וינטלם וינשאם כל ימי עולם׃
10 But we rebelled against him, and we caused his Holy Spirit to be sad. So he became [like] [MET] an enemy who fought against us.
והמה מרו ועצבו את רוח קדשו ויהפך להם לאויב הוא נלחם בם׃
11 Then we thought about [what happened] long ago, during the time when Moses led [our ancestors out of Egypt]. We cried out, “Where is the one who brought our ancestors through the [Red] Sea while Moses led them? Where is the one who sent his Holy Spirit to be among our ancestors?
ויזכר ימי עולם משה עמו איה המעלם מים את רעי צאנו איה השם בקרבו את רוח קדשו׃
12 Where is the one who showed his glorious power [MTY], and caused the water to separate when Moses lifted his arm above it, with the result that he will be honored/praised forever?
מוליך לימין משה זרוע תפארתו בוקע מים מפניהם לעשות לו שם עולם׃
13 Where is the one who led our ancestors while they walked through the sea bed? They were like [SIM] horses that were racing along and never stumbled.
מוליכם בתהמות כסוס במדבר לא יכשלו׃
14 They were like [SIM] cattle that walk down into a valley [to rest], and the Spirit of Yahweh enabled them to go to a place where they could rest. Yahweh, you led your people, and you caused yourself [MTY] to (get a wonderful reputation/be greatly honored).”
כבהמה בבקעה תרד רוח יהוה תניחנו כן נהגת עמך לעשות לך שם תפארת׃
15 [Yahweh], look down from heaven; look down on us from your holy and glorious home. You were [RHQ] previously very concerned [about us], and you acted powerfully [to help us]. But it seems that you do not act mercifully and zealously for us any more.
הבט משמים וראה מזבל קדשך ותפארתך איה קנאתך וגבורתך המון מעיך ורחמיך אלי התאפקו׃
16 You are our father. Abraham does not know [what is happening to] us, and Jacob is not concerned about us, [either], but Yahweh, you are our father; you rescued us long ago.
כי אתה אבינו כי אברהם לא ידענו וישראל לא יכירנו אתה יהוה אבינו גאלנו מעולם שמך׃
17 Yahweh, why did you cause us to wander away from your road [RHQ]? Why did you cause us to be stubborn, with the result that we no [longer] revere you [RHQ]? Help us like you did previously, because we are the people who serve you and belong to you.
למה תתענו יהוה מדרכיך תקשיח לבנו מיראתך שוב למען עבדיך שבטי נחלתך׃
18 We, your holy people, possessed your sacred temple for only a short time, [and now] our enemies have destroyed it.
למצער ירשו עם קדשך צרינו בוססו מקדשך׃
19 Now it seems as though we never were ruled by you, as though we were never part of your family [MTY].
היינו מעולם לא משלת בם לא נקרא שמך עליהם׃

< Isaiah 63 >