< Isaiah 62 >

1 Because I am very concerned about [the people of] Jerusalem [DOU], I will do something to help them. I will not stop praying for them until they are rescued/freed [from their oppressors], until that becomes as apparent to everyone as the dawn [every morning], until people can see it as clearly as [SIM] they see a torch shining brightly [at night].
Pro Sion nebudu mlčeti, a pro Jeruzalém neupokojím se, dokudž nevyjde jako blesk spravedlnost jeho, a spasení jeho jako pochodně hořeti nebude.
2 [Some day] the [people of many] nations will know that Yahweh has rescued you, [his people]. Their kings will see that your city is [very] great/glorious. And Yahweh [MTY] will give your [city] a new name.
I uzří národové spravedlnost tvou, a všickni králové slávu tvou, a nazovou tě jménem novým, kteréž ústa Hospodinova vyřknou.
3 [It will be as though] Yahweh will hold you up in his hands in order that everyone can see you. Under his authority [MTY], you will be [like] a glorious headband/turban worn by a king.
Nadto budeš korunou ozdobnou v ruce Hospodinově, a korunou královskou v ruce Boha svého.
4 Your [city] will never again be called “the deserted/abandoned city” and your country will never again be called “the desolate land”; it will be called “the land that Yahweh delights in”, and [it will also be called] “married to Yahweh”. It will be called that because Yahweh will be delighted with you, [and it will be as though] you are his bride [MET].
Nebudeš více slouti opuštěná, a země tvá nebude více slouti pustinou, ale ty nazývána budeš rozkoší, a země tvá vdanou; nebo rozkoš míti bude Hospodin v tobě, a země tvá bude vdaná.
5 You people will live in all the country of Judah like [SIM] a young man lives with his bride. And our God will be happy that you [belong to] him like [SIM] a bridegroom is happy that his bride [belongs to him].
Nebo jakož pojímá mládenec pannu, tak tě sobě pojmou synové tvoji, a jakou má radost ženich z nevěsty, tak radovati se bude z tebe Bůh tvůj.
6 [You people of] Jerusalem, I have placed watchmen on your walls; they will [LIT] earnestly pray to Yahweh day and night. You watchmen, you must not stop [praying] [and] reminding Yahweh [about what he has promised to do]!
Na zdech tvých, Jeruzaléme, postavím strážné, kteříž přes celý den i přes celou noc nikdy nebudou mlčeti. Kteříž tedy připomínáte Hospodina, nemlčtež,
7 And tell Yahweh that he should not rest until he causes Jerusalem to be [a city that is] famous throughout the world.
A nedávejte jemu pokoje, dokudž neutvrdí, a dokudž nezpůsobí, aby Jeruzalém byl slavný na zemi.
8 Yahweh has raised his right hand to solemnly promise [to the people of Jerusalem], “I will use my power [MTY] and never again allow your enemies to defeat you; [soldiers from other nations will never come again] to take away your grain and the wine that you worked hard [to produce].
Přisáhltě Hospodin skrze pravici svou, a skrze rámě síly své, řka: Nikoli nedám obilí tvého více za pokrm nepřátelům tvým, aniž píti budou cizozemci vína tvého, o němž jsi pracoval.
9 You yourselves grew the grain, and you will be the ones who will praise [me], Yahweh, while you eat [the bread made from] that grain. Inside the courtyards of my temple you yourselves will drink the wine made from the grapes [that you harvested].”
Ale ti, kteříž je shromažďují, budou je jísti, a chváliti Hospodina, a kteříž je zbírají, budou je píti v síňcích svatosti mé.
10 Go out through the [city] gates! Prepare the highway on which people [will return from other countries]! Cause the road to become smooth; clear off [all] the stones; set up signal flags to help the people-groups to see [where the road to Jerusalem is].
Vejdětež, vejdětež branami, spravte cestu lidu, vyrovnejte, vyrovnejte silnici, vybeřte kamení, vyzdvihněte korouhev k národům.
11 This is the message that Yahweh has sent to [the people of] every nation: “Tell the people of Israel, ‘The one who will rescue/save you is coming! Look! He will be bringing to you (your reward/what you deserve [for the good things that you have done]); those whom he is setting free will be going ahead of him.’”
Aj, Hospodin rozkáže provolati až do končin země: Rcetež dceři Sionské: Aj, Spasitel tvůj béře se, aj, mzda jeho s ním, a dílo jeho před ním.
12 They will be called “Yahweh’s own people, the ones whom he rescued”. And Jerusalem will be known as the city that [Yahweh] loves, the city that is no [longer] abandoned.
I nazovou syny tvé lidem svatým, vykoupenými Hospodinovými, ty pak slouti budeš městem vzácným a neopuštěným.

< Isaiah 62 >