< Isaiah 61 >

1 The Spirit of Yahweh [our] Lord is on me; he has appointed [MTY] me to bring good news to those who are oppressed, to comfort those who are discouraged, to free [all] those who are [as though they are chained/tied] [DOU] [by the wrong things that they continually do].
El Espíritu de ʼAdonay Yavé está sobre Mí, porque Yavé me ungió. Me envió a predicar buenas noticias a los afligidos, a vendar los corazones quebrantados, a proclamar libertad a los cautivos y libertad a los presos,
2 He has sent me to tell those who mourn [about the members of their families who died] (OR, [who are still in Babylonia)] that now is the time when Yahweh will act kindly [toward his people]; now is the time when our God will (get revenge on/punish) [their enemies].
a promulgar el año de la buena voluntad de Yavé y el día de venganza de nuestro ʼElohim y a consolar a todos los que lloran.
3 To [all] those in Jerusalem who mourn, he will give flower necklaces [to wear]; instead of ashes [that they put on their heads to show that they are sad]; he will cause them to rejoice [MTY] instead of being sad; he will enable them to be [MET] happy instead of being discouraged. They will be called “people who continually do what is right, people who are [like tall/strong] oak [trees] that Yahweh has planted” to show others that he is very great.
[Me envió] a ordenar que a los enlutados de Sion se les dé diadema de hermosura en lugar de ceniza, aceite de gozo en lugar de lamento, y el manto de alabanza en lugar de desaliento para que sean llamados árboles de justicia, plantados por Yavé para gloria suya.
4 [Those who return from Babylon] will rebuild the cities that [the soldiers from Babylon] tore down. [Even though] those cities have been destroyed and abandoned for many years, they will be restored/rebuilt.
Reconstruirán las ruinas antiguas. Levantarán los viejos escombros. Restaurarán las ciudades destruidas, los escombros de muchas generaciones.
5 Foreigners will be the ones who will take care of your flocks [of sheep and goats], and plow your fields and take care of your grapevines.
Se presentarán extranjeros y pastorearán sus rebaños. Sus labradores y viñadores serán forasteros.
6 But you [are the ones who] will be like the priests to serve Yahweh, to work for God. You will enjoy valuable goods [that are brought] from other nations, and you will be happy that those things have become yours.
Pero ustedes serán llamados sacerdotes de Yavé. Dirán de ustedes: Ministros de nuestro ʼElohim. Comerán la riqueza de las naciones y se ufanarán en las riquezas de ellas.
7 Previously you were shamed and disgraced, but now you will have great blessings; previously [your enemies] humbled you, but now you will have many good things; you will be happy because of being in your land again, and you will rejoice forever.
En lugar de su vergüenza tendrán doble honra y en vez de su humillación gritarán de júbilo por su herencia. Por tanto, poseerán el doble en su tierra y tendrán gozo eterno.
8 “I, Yahweh, am very pleased with those/judges who decide matters fairly; I hate [those who illegally] take things from other people. I will surely repay my people (for/because of) all that they have suffered [in the past]. And I will make an everlasting agreement with them.
Porque Yo, Yavé, amo la justicia. Aborrezco la rapiña para el holocausto. Pero a ellos les daré fielmente su recompensa y haré con ellos un Pacto perpetuo.
9 Their descendants will be honored by people of other nations [DOU]. Everyone who sees them will know that they are a nation that [I], Yahweh, have blessed.”
Su descendencia será conocida entre las naciones y sus retoños entre los pueblos. Todos los que los vean reconocerán que ellos son el linaje que Yavé bendijo.
10 I greatly rejoice because of what Yahweh [has done]! I am happy, because he has saved me and declared that I am righteous; [those blessings are like] [MET] a robe that he has put on me. I am [as happy as] [SIM] a bridegroom in his wedding suit, or a bride wearing jewels.
Me regocijaré en Yavé en gran manera. Mi alma se alegrará en mi ʼElohim, porque me cubrió con ropas de salvación. Me envolvió en su manto de justicia. Como a un novio me atavió con una diadema, como una novia se adorna con sus joyas.
11 Just as [seeds sown in] a garden sprout from the soil and grow [DOU], Yahweh [our] God will cause [people of] all nations to act righteously, with the result that they will praise him for doing that.
La tierra produce su retoño y el huerto permite que brote la semilla. Así ʼAdonay Yavé producirá justicia y la alabanza delante de todas las naciones.

< Isaiah 61 >